Published at 14th of June 2024 05:22:11 AM

Chapter 127: Time in Hometown

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Chapter 127: Time in Hometown

The house Mei Fangs family bought in Baizhou City had already been renovated, which meant that this could very well be Mei Fangs last summer vacation spent in Baimei County as a student.

However, Mei Fang didnt even have much time to bid farewell to his hometown properly because Jiangcheng NOHS required students from the county to attend a summer camp and report to school at the end of July.

In addition to that, their parents were discussing the matter of whether their children should be day students or live in the dormitory.

The two mothers, Xiang Xiaoxia and Teacher Yu believed that the children should obediently stay in the dormitory, but the other two fathers disagreed. Xia Xun thought that being a day student would be more convenient, and they could hire someone to help with cleaning, laundry, and cooking. Mei Lijun also agreed with him and said that Mei Fang could definitely help protect the two girls.

The Lin family currently belonged to the neutral side, and Lin Guochuan and Liang Meijuan would only make a decision after reaching a deadlock.

Xia Yuan hardly expressed her opinion in this matter because she and Lin Youxi were specifically instructed by Mei Fang not to show too much excitement towards their fathers words about renting a house. Otherwise, their parents would suspect their true motives, and Xia Yuan agreed to this.

From the current situation, the momentum was favoring their fathers.

In the limited time they had, the trio also bid farewell to their respective friends.

Mei Fang also took advantage of this rare opportunity to act like a child and invited Zhang Ming to go to an internet cafe to play games.

I never thought that you, the top student, would come to this place

Why wouldnt I? You, the student of the science experimental class, also come here often. Youre already a platinum member of this internet cafe.

Zhang Ming scratched his head. I often come here because I dont have a computer at home.

Mei Fang sighed after hearing that. Why didnt you say so earlier? I have a computer at home.

I wouldnt dare to go to your house Isnt our Class Monitor always there?

You should have said so earlier. Are you afraid of our Class Monitor?

Not really Oh, watch me drift! First, first, first, firstyes! Im amazing!

Zhang Ming shouted happily.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Caught up in the excitement, Mei Fang couldnt help but ask Zhang Ming, By the way, how are you doing in the science experimental class now?

Its just alright Im doing my best every day, and the class is full of geniuses.

I was quite surprised that you were able to get into that class. After all, when I was in the advanced class, your usual ranking and scores were a bit below the required level for the science experimental class.

Mei Fang nudged Zhang Mings arm. Is it because of someones influence?

Yeah it is because of someone.

I cant believe you admitted it so quickly! Mei Fang was a bit surprised. Based on his understanding of Zhang Ming as a friend in his previous life, Zhang Ming was not someone who was open about these things. What happened to your tsundere attitude?

What tsundere attitude? Get lost.

Zhang Ming couldnt help but complain, That person is you.

Huh? Me? Isnt it Lu Xueqing?

Why are we talking about Lu Xueqing now? Zhang Ming rolled his eyes at Mei Fang and said, I thought that since its impossible to surpass our Class Monitor, I always thought that someday I would surpass you, but you left the advanced class before giving me that chance, saying you wanted to attend Jiangcheng NOHS.

Zhang Ming continued, Then I thought, since you would definitely pass the entrance exam, I would never be able to surpass you too. But at least I could make some breakthroughs in the science experimental class What the heck with that expression on your face?

Sorry I didnt know you were working so hard just to catch up with me. Mei Fang let out a long sigh. This kid really still had no interest in girls after all.

Teacher Li Shibing always praised the two of us together, but I never achieved better grades than you. Finally being able to enter the science experimental class was a kind of relief.

While Zhang Ming continued preparing for another game, he suddenly sighed. After moving to Baizhou City, will you still come back to Baimei County for the Lunar New Year?

Now, he helped Zhang Ming achieve his youthful dream like a hero, but in his previous life, such a heroic friend never made an entrance for him.

Ah, I was so pitiful

While Mei Fang was lost in his thoughts, someone pulled his ear from behind. Xia Yuan and Peng Xue, the two beautiful girls made an entrance.

Ah Fang! You naughty boy! What are you doing playing at the internet cafe?! And youve influenced Zhang Ming too?

What the heckIt wasnt me who brought him, right?

No, you invited me here Zhang Ming, feeling guilty, looked at the computer screen with his Black Knight 7Z and muttered.

You traitor! Youre already backstabbing your teammate.

Alright, Zhang Ming, stop playing and log off.

Peng Xue urged him by patting his head. Zhang Ming had actually interacted with Peng Xue before in the advanced class, but they werent very close. He felt pressure in front of the outgoing Peng Xue, so he obediently quit the game and settled the bill.

After Mei Fang and Zhang Ming were called out, they saw Yue Xinyi, Lin Youxi, and Guo Yun waiting outside the internet cafe. As soon as Mei Fang and Zhang Ming came out, they were met with Yue Xinyis disgust.

You boys smell like cigarettes, its so unpleasant. This internet cafe is so polluted.

Theres nothing we can do. There are smokers everywhere here Zhang Ming scratched his head. So where are we going now?

To Wuzu Temple[4]. Didnt Mei Fang tell you?

What? He only invited me out to play games.

We played games, and now were going to Wuzu Temple. Isnt that great? After gaming, we can take a walk. Its nice, isnt it?

Alright thenMei Fang, youre really a good guy.

He then sighed helplessly. You know, I only have a short amount of time to come play

Translator's Notes:

A car from Crazyracing Kartrider. Tiancity is a Chinese game publisher of Crazyracing Kartrider. Gameplay:

Translator's Notes:

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