Published at 14th of June 2024 05:22:09 AM

Chapter 128: The Best Graduation Gift

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Chapter 128: The Best Graduation Gift

Although Baimei County was a small and poor county town, it was not unknown in the field of culture. It was more accurate to say that it was a jack-of-all-trades.

It had its own intangible cultural heritage, such as Baimei embroidery and Yue Family Boxing[1]. One is a traditional handicraft, and the other is a unique martial art.

According to the legend, descendants of Yue Fei[2] settled in Baimei County, and it was the reason why there were many people surnamed Yue around. For example, Yue Xinyi and the homeroom teacher of Class 10, were also surnamed Yue.

However, the most famous cultural aspect of Baimei County actually falls into two categories.

One was Baimei Opera[3]. It was based on the folk Tea-Picking Song[4] of Baimei County and had been greatly developed in the Anqing City of the Anhui Province. It was one of the three major opera genres in China.

Although it sounded very impressive, the specific manifestation in Baimei County was that the hometown people had the custom of singing operas on the streets.

Whether it was the stage in the cultural square or a corner of the roadside park, one could always hear the voices of the middle-aged and elderly people of Baimei County singing their hearts out.

However, the younger generation mostly did not like this unfashionable opera, so Mei Fang felt that Baimei opera would be very difficult to truly inherit in Baimei County, and would slowly die out over time.

The other category was Zen culture. The Fourth and Fifth Ancestors of Chinas Zen Buddhism sect had established their own temples near Baimei County.

As time went by, the original sites of these two temples gradually developed into relatively famous tourist attractions.

Since the local people held a high regard for Buddhist culture, the incense here was still flourishing. The temple of the Fifth Ancestor was closer to the city center and slightly larger in scale compared to the temple of the Fourth Ancestor.

Mei Fang and his friends just graduated from middle school, and most of the children in the county had not seen much of the world. They didnt have much money and were afraid to go to faraway places, so the temple of the Fifth Ancestor was a good choice.

Xia Yuan was the main initiator of this trip to the temple. She really didnt want to part with the friends she made in middle school, especially Peng Xue, who had stood up for her in the past.

So Xia Yuan thought that if they could create unforgettable memories together, it would be a delightful thing.

Although Zhang Ming really wanted to fully experience his Black Knight Z7, everyone was waiting for him here after all. Mei Fang had been so generous to him too, so it would be impolite not to go. In the end, Zhang Ming decided to join them.

The group arrived at the bus station. After confirming the ticket price with the station attendant, then they boarded the bus.

Yue Xinyi sat together with Lin Youxi, Peng Xue with Xia Yuan, Mei Fang with Zhang Ming, and Guo Yun sat alone.

She was initially very surprised when she received Xia Yuans invitation and was reluctant to come. However, she couldnt resist Xia Yuans sincere invitation and ended up coming along.

During the bus ride, Mei Fang also made an effort to strike up a conversation with Guo Yun to prevent her deskmate from being too embarrassed.New novel chapters are published on

By the way, Guo Yun Ive noticed that youve lost quite a bit of weight this year. Have you been trying to lose fat?

Guo Yun nodded, Mainly due to the academic pressure this year. On the other hand, Ive been preparing artwork to convince my parents to let me study art at Jiangcheng Art School

Xia Yuan also felt very happy upon hearing this. She never saw Guo Yun as any sort of threat. She was only thinking that her Ah Fang wanted to make games, and Guo Yun would be a great art assistant in the future.

Thats great! If you can get into a school in Jiangcheng in the future, you can come and visit us!

Well because my uncle actually lives in Jiangcheng, Ill stay at his place if I get accepted.

Mei Fang chimed in, Speaking of which, you could have kept that drawing tablet you borrowed from me. Theres no need to return it to me.

Oh, I cant do that

The last road led to a temple up the mountain was indeed a bumpy ride, making some of them uncomfortable.

So Mei Fang asked the driver for a plastic bag. When they arrived at Wuzu Temple, Mei Fang, and Yue Xinyi supported Lin Youxi as they got off the bus, and then Mei Fang handed the plastic bag to Xia Yuan, asking her to hold it as Lin Youxi leaned over the roadside and relieved herself for a while to feel better.

Mhm this road is indeed quite bumpy Peng Xue stretched and yawned. When we have money in the future, lets come up here and play together.

Why would we come here to play when we have money?

Yue Xinyi put her hands on her hips. If I have money, Ill stay in my mansion for the rest of my life and never go out.

Your dream is a bit quite funny

Yue Xinyi pouted at Peng Xue. Then, if you have money, will you just drive around recklessly?

Probably. If I have money, Ill take my guitar, drive my jeep, and wander around deserted places.

I didnt expect you to have such an aspiration!

Why not?

Yue Xinyi and Peng Xue were bantering with each other when Peng Xue noticed something on the side and suddenly exclaimed.

Whats wrong?

Peng Xue signaled Mei Fang and Xia Yuan to look in the direction she was pointing. Quick, look over there!

Thats him, right? Its him! Weve run into him again today!

Translator's Notes: Was a Chinese military general and considered a national hero of China.

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