Published at 14th of June 2024 05:22:04 AM

Chapter 131: CoRenting Plan

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Chapter 131: Co-Renting Plan

The matter of whether the three of them would live together in a rented house came to a conclusion with the decision of the Lin family.

Seeing that both sides couldnt reach an agreement, Lin Youxis stepmother, Liang Meijuan, proposed a new plan.

She planned to quit her job at Baimei No.1 High School and rent a house in Jiangcheng together with the three of them.

Liang Meijuans original job didnt pay well, and she was also a contract worker, so quitting her job wouldnt be a burden. By taking care of the three children, she could save the salary that would have been paid to a cook.

In addition, although she wasnt Lin Youxis biological mother, everyone could see that Liang Meijuan had been taking care of Youxi, and everyone trusted her to take good care of the three children.

After discussing among the three families, they decided that the Mei and Xia families would share the rent, and an additional 4,000 yuan would be given to Liang Meijuan every month as a salary.

This salary would cover laundry, cooking, cleaning, and daily emergency expenses. The childrens tuition and living expenses would be paid separately by each family.

Essentially, it was a plan where Xia and Mei families would contribute money, and Lins family would contribute with manpower.

When Xia Yuan found out about the plan, she couldnt sleep well with excitement.

As the Jiangcheng NOHSs summer camp was about to start, the three of them came to Jiangcheng with their respective parents. The parents went to look for houses nearby, while the children rode in Xia Xuns car and toured around Jiangcheng.

Wow! Jiangcheng looks much more fun than Baizhou City!

Mei Ya, who had just turned 8 and was in the third grade of elementary school, was experiencing the scenery of a big city for the first time.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, who had already been to Jiangcheng, took this opportunity to take Mei Ya to various tourist attractions. After all, they would be separated from this little sister in the future.

Xiaoya, youre going to move to Baizhou City to study soon. Arent you sad?

Of course, Ill be sad Ill miss my friends.

Mei Ya lowered her head and thought for a moment. But Dad promised to buy me a telescope, and Ill have my own room, so I can still accept it.

A telescope?

Xia Yuan was a bit surprised. Do you like studying stars?

Yes! Mei Ya stood with her hands on her hips. Ive already decided to become a taikonaut[1] in the future, and exploring the stars is an essential part of it.

Mei Ya chuckled, and with a hint of show-off, said, Do you know, the stars we see now actually emitted their light a long, long time ago, thousands or tens of thousands of years ago!

Wow, youre amazingFollow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Xia Yuan rubbed Mei Yas head and listened to her talk with a smile, while Lin Youxi was telling Mei Fang about the recent situation of C Site.

After Yue Xinyi learned about the C Site from Mei Fang and Lin Youxi, she was assigned to handle the websites operation, similar to how Mei Fang previously impersonated Lin Youxi to interact with others on the sites forum.

However, Mei Fang had Yue Xinyi register a new administrator account, and she gave herself the username Boss of Yuexi Group. She has already bonded with the forum members.

In fact, Lin Youxi had some concerns about this matter. She said, Cant we let our forum friends handle this? Yue Xinyi is still a student, and assigning her this task might affect her studies. Ive noticed shes been quite passionate about it lately.

Besides online friends, we also need some trustworthy friends in real life to help with simple but important tasks. Mei Fang replied.

As for her studies Yue Xinyi should be aware of it herself. We can set a key performance indicator (KPI) for her, and if her grades drop too much, we wont let her continue to help.

The children bid farewell to their parents one by one. Xia Yuan and Teacher Yu embraced each other, Mei Fang and her mother, Xiang Xiaoxia, also hugged.

Ah My good son, our Mei familys little man, youre almost taller than your father now.

Xiang Xiaoxia pinched Mei Fangs shoulder a few times. As they were chatting, Lin Youxi suddenly approached and hugged Xiang Xiaoxia.

Oh Whats wrong, Youxi?

Lin Youxi shook her head. I just wanted to hug Aunt Mei a little more.

You, child

With Yuan Yuan, Aunt Liang, and all of us taking care of Mei Fang, you can rest assured.

With all of you here, how could I not be reassured?

Xiang Xiaoxia caressed Lin Youxis head. At that moment, Xia Yuan suddenly ran over and also hugged Xiang Xiaoxia, making Teacher Yu feel a bit awkward.

Oh You two really like me Is it because youre craving Aunties cooking again?

Xia Yuan vigorously nodded her head. Yes, yes! But itll probably be hard to eat Aunt Meis dishes in the future Its so sad.

Then, youre always welcome to come and visit us in Baizhou City when you have the chance!

While hugging the two girls in her left and right arms, Xiang Xiaoxia spoke with a smile, but she was actually worried inside

Im caught between a rock and a hard place. As a mother, how do I choose?

I also dont know how far the relationship has developed between my son and these two girls now

Translator's Notes:

A Chinese astronaut.

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