Published at 14th of June 2024 05:21:42 AM

Chapter 143: Youxi, Stop for a Moment

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Chapter 143: Youxi, Stop for a Moment

After the last incident on the playground, which ended up with the three of them hugging, Mei Fang had been worried that his inappropriate behavior would lead to his social death someday. So, he took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of keeping promises to the two.

We agreed that only one person would replenish energy at a time. The other person shouldnt secretly join in. It looks really bad if someone sees it.

Those who know us know were childhood sweethearts. But those who dont know might think its something else! If we want to have a comfortable high school life, we still need to be cautious outside. Do you two understand?

I understand Huhu


Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi both assured Mei Fang that they wouldnt secretly join in when the other person was replenishing energy.

However, Mei Fang already felt that this approach would only give him a brief moment of peace. It had only been a little over a month since they started living together, but Mei Fang felt that they were being more affectionate during this time than they had been throughout the entire third year of middle school.

They were constantly hugging whenever they had free time.

In Xia Yuans case, it was still fine since she had always been like this before. Although she liked Ah Fangs super energy, she was still a relatively reserved girl at heart.

But why did even the enthusiastic Xia Yuan only receive the label of being reserved? This inevitably had to do with Lin Youxi, who had been extremely aggressive recently.

She had transformed from a girl who used to only watch Xia Yuan hug Mei Fang from the sideline to becoming a girl who needed energy replenishment herself.

The key point was that, in their usual interactions, Lin Youxis actions were particularly bold. Without a referee to give penalties, Lin Youxis boundaries became more unrestrained.

She loved touching Mei Fang all over while hugging, and she even made daring attempts that seemed like attacking the penalty areas. But Mei Fang would blow the whistle and stop her in time.

Now, besides the weakness around Mei Fangs waist, Lin Youxi had found several other sensitive areas, the kind that would elicit a strong reaction with just a touch. She even took pleasure in it and never seemed to tire of it.

But when Mei Fang tried to knock Lin Youxis head, he couldnt do it as easily and carefree as when he knocked Xia Yuans head. He always felt a psychological burden.

After all, Youxis personality is a bit peculiar, and its definitely not as easy to coax her as the innocent Yuan Yuan.

But just because shes not easy to coax, should I not try to coax her at all? After all, Youxi was just a messy, snotty girl back then, needing help even to tie her shoelaces.

It was me, Mei Fang, who wiped her snot one tissue at a time and reminded her to maintain hygiene, raising her to be the person she is today.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Now that shes grown up, why am I suddenly afraid to educate her?!

After thinking it through, Mei Fang decided to have a good talk with Lin Youxi about this matter.

It would be best if Yuan Yuan wasnt around

As her life at Jiangcheng NOHS gradually returned to normal, Xia Yuan, as a student with exceptional musical talent, also took on her work tasks

She was a member of the school choir and had to go to the art center for choir practice during the last period around 4 to 5pm every day.

Xia Yuan had ultimately chose vocal music as her major when she signed up for the special training class, as recommended by the judging teacher.

Everyone highly valued Xia Yuans sweet voice and profound singing skills.

For other students, if this hour was a self-study period, they could participate in club activities.

Of course, this was a privilege for first and second year students.

Recently, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi had been considering club activities. They were looking for a quiet environment suitable for office work. Because creating a new club would give them their own small room.

Our school already has two game development clubs now. If we want to successfully pass the application, we probably have to showcase the games weve made.

Thats easy, I can prepare the application materials.

Lin Youxi was very satisfied with this plan. If it goes smoothly, we can have a more private activity room at school.


Mei Fang coughed softly a few times and then began talking about their recent situation.

Recently do you think that its been a bit too much?

Lin Youxi turned her head to look at Mei Fang. What too much?

When were replenishing energy um

Mei Fang thought for a moment. I think some physical contact is not something we can do as childhood sweethearts, right? For example

Uh, I get it.

Lin Youxi interrupted Mei Fang before he finished speaking. Im sorry I thought you liked it.


Lin Youxi couldnt help but laugh at Mei Fangs words.

Ah Fang, youre really narcissist.

Uh really? If I am, then I am! I already said it would be narcissistic, so its no big deal

As Mei Fang was grumbling, Lin Youxi suddenly pulled her hand out and before Mei Fang could react, she put her hand inside Mei Fangs clothes.

Never learning anything despite repeated waning, huh! This girl

At that moment, Lin Youxi leaned towards Mei Fangs shoulder and whispered in his ear:

I like hugging you like this because of something that happened when we were in kindergarten.

That day, it rained heavily, and everyone was picked up by their parents. In the end, only you and I were left.

Actually, I was really scared of thunder that time, but when Yuan Yuan was around, I could distract myself.

Afterward, Yuan Yuan was also picked up by Teacher Yu, and Uncle Mei came to pick you up.

I was thinking about how to deal with thunder when Im alone.

But you invited me to your house and waited for my dad to pick me up.

That time I remember. It was the first time you came to my house as a guest. Mei Fang didnt know why Lin Youxi suddenly brought this up. What does that have to do with hugging?

And then we both rode on Uncle Meis motorcycle. Remember Uncle Meis raincoat? It couldnt stop the rain from the backseat at all, and we both got drenched.

Haha, I remember, I remember.

As Lin Youxi spoke, her hand unconsciously made contact with Mei Fangs.

It was at that time, even though it was cold, the rain was heavy, and the thunder was loud.

But I felt very, very at ease.

Extremely, extremely at ease.

Lin Youxi became even more unrestrained.

When Im like this, with my forehead against your back, tightly embracing you.

Im really very at ease.

So its like that.

So, it has nothing to do with Yuan Yuan.

Lin Youxi tightly embraced Mei Fang. Since that time, this has been my most comforting embrace. Of course its an effect that only you, Ah Fang, can produce.

I didnt expect that such a small thing you would remember for so long

There are many other things I remember well.

Lin Youxi grumbled, But if we cant be more intimate, I wont be able to remember

Even though we didnt mind each other much when we were little, why did we become awkward as we grew up?

You did say it was when we were little

Although Mei Fang was still a little reluctant, seeing Lin Youxi acting so spoiled, he softened his attitude and felt that there was no need to restrict her too much.

Then lets go with the cuddling you like. If it feels like its crossing a boundary, Ill stop or call it off.

Then I wont hold back.

Mei Fang exclaimed: Hey Hold on, Youxi, stop for a moment

Mei Fangs attitude suddenly softened: Please, slow down a little

Found another weak spot.

Lin Youxi smiled happily, feeling even more at ease +10.

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