Published at 14th of June 2024 05:21:26 AM

Chapter 155: Afternoon Nap

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Chapter 155: Afternoon Nap

Today was the fourth day of the National Day holiday.

There were four more days until school resumed.

There were two more days until Liang Meijuan would return.

Even though they had been living together for some time, it was only now that the Mei You Yuan trio truly felt like they were living together.

Early in the morning, Mei Fang was awakened by Lin Youxi, so he obediently got up, washed up, and had breakfast.

Lin Youxis family had a strict routine of going to bed and waking up early. She would wake up early regardless of how late she went to bed and would always urge others to have breakfast.

Mei Fang had understood this when the three of them were studying together in middle school. Lin Youxi was enthusiastic about waking up early, which was also a common habit among people from Hubei province.

Did Yue Xinyi and Peng Xue go back already?


Phew Finally, they went back.

Mei Fang stretched lazily, These next few days, we can finally rest properly.

Lin Youxi propped her chin and looked at Mei Fang for a while. Did you completely forget about the National Day homework?

Oh, right! I completely forgot about that!

Although Jiangcheng NOHS didnt have much academic pressure, they still had strict homework requirements.

To what extent, you ask?

If you didnt complete your homework three times in a row, they would call your parents.

After finishing breakfast, Mei Fang was urged by Lin Youxi to do his homework.

Although he was now a millionaire, and the assets of C Site and the Ximilu Studio had unlimited potential, Mei Fang still enjoyed the comfortable life he had now.

Being an ordinary high school student is quite nice

Lin Youxi had strict expectations for Mei Fangs studies. Whenever she saw him getting distracted, she would urge him to focus on his homework.

Why are you only concerned about me? Yuan Yuan is still sleeping, why dont you bother her?

She slept late last night and got up early this morning to prepare breakfast with me. Its fine to let her rest more.

Lin Youxi stared at Mei Fang and said, Besides, Yuan Yuan is disciplined when it comes to doing homework, unlike you, who need repeated reminders before starting.

Oh Im not as hopeless as you make me out to be. Look, Ive already finished it.

Let me check.

Lin Youxi bent down to check Mei Fangs homework, and her leaning over caused the collar of her short-sleeved shirt to slide down, revealing a glimpse of beauty inside.

Because it was a day spent at home, Youxi wasnt even wearing a bra.

Of course, our Mei Fang is a gentleman. After unintentionally catching a glimpse, he immediately averted his gaze and looked elsewhere.

Seeing his reaction, Lin Youxi glanced at her own collar and immediately understood. She smirked, then stood up and sat beside Mei Fang, going through the homework with him.

Xia Yuan slept until almost 11 oclock today. When she rubbed her eyes and came out of her bedroom, she immediately smelled a delicious aroma and rushed excitedly to the living room.

It smells so good Are we having braised pork ribs for lunch today?

What does a kiss feel like?

I really want to know

Xia Yuan extended her finger to touch Mei Fangs lips, and her gaze gradually became blurred.

If I launch a direct attack now, Im sure Ah Fang would hate it.

I cant do something like that.

Just playing around a little is enough, but doing more than that would be inappropriate

Xia Yuan was touching Mei Fangs lips with her fingers for a while when Mei Fang suddenly opened his mouth and sucked on her finger.

Although she was slightly surprised at first, Xia Yuan didnt hurriedly retract her hand. She found Mei Fangs actions amusing.

He always acts tough, but when he sleeps, he acts like a little baby

In fact, when they were younger, the three of them used to take naps together. However, back then, it was usually Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi sleeping together, while Mei Fang would be on the other side of the bed. So this experience was quite novel for Xia Yuan.

Sounds of Lin Youxi turning over came from the adjacent bed, making Xia Yuan a little nervous. She retracted her hand and lay on her side for a while, afraid of being caught by Lin Youxi. Then she got up again and continued doing her homework.

In just a few minutes, she fell asleep again, her head resting on the desk.

After a while, Lin Youxi woke up from her nap and went to the bathroom. When she came back, she saw Mei Fang about to roll off the mat, so she squatted down and helped him back onto the mat. At that moment, she also noticed Xia Yuan, who was fast asleep on the desk.

Yuan Yuan is also asleep

Lin Youxi covered Xia Yuan with a blanket and saw that she was sleeping deeply, so she didnt disturb her.

Turning around, Lin Youxi lay down on Mei Fangs mat, taking the position where Xia Yuan had just been lying.

She rubbed her hands together to warm them up, then hugged Mei Fangs waist and leaned forward, as if she were sleeping in his embrace.

Perhaps because Lin Youxis hands were cold, Mei Fang suddenly turned over and hugged her too, with his legs pressing against her. He held her like a pillow.

Lin Youxi blushed slightly, and she reached out her other hand to rest on Mei Fangs chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. She moved her body closer to Mei Fang and closed her eyes again, falling back into a peaceful sleep.

Mei Fang, because he had a mouthful of hair, was the first of the three to wake up from their nap. When he woke up, he found himself tightly hugging Lin Youxi and felt a sudden panic.

Yuan Yuan Is Yuan Yuan also asleep?

Phew Thats good.

This girl She usually behaves well during nap time, right? Why is she causing trouble today?

Mei Fang struggled to sit up, being careful not to wake Lin Youxi. He picked her up in a princess carry and gently placed her back on the bed.

Is Yuan Yuan not tired from sleeping in this position?

So Mei Fang lightly tapped Xia Yuans cheek, trying to wake her up and get her to sleep on the bed. But she was sound asleep and wouldnt wake up no matter how much he tapped her.

So Mei Fang lifted Xia Yuan up, planning to put her on the bed.

But after Mei Fang lifted Xia Yuan, she kept holding onto his neck and even leaned in to nibble on it while still half-asleep.

Helpless, Mei Fang scratched her ticklish spot a few times, finally making her reluctantly let go. However, Xia Yuan couldnt stay still either. After lying on the bed, she immediately turned to the side and hugged the still-sleeping Lin Youxi.

Mei Fang glanced at the clock in the room and realized it was already 2:30.

Since both of them are sleeping now, its the perfect opportunity to do something productive!

So Mei Fang returned to his room, took out his beloved guitar, and grabbed the sheet music. He ran to the pavilion downstairs, preparing to practice the song he would perform at the Autumn Art Festival.

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