Published at 14th of June 2024 05:21:11 AM

Chapter 165: Eating Chicken Soup

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Chapter 165: Eating Chicken Soup

The rehearsal of the program and the arrangement of the song accompaniment were almost happening simultaneously.

Since Mei Fang had also made significant progress in his guitar fingerstyle technique, for the melody of I Know, for which guitar tabs were readily available, he only needed a couple of hours of practice to play it smoothly.

During the weekend, he practiced the guitar accompaniment for I Know with Lin Youxi at home, while Xia Yuan brought her laptop to school to work on the arrangement with Liu Xiaoyu. After two weeks of joint effort, the arrangement and rehearsal work were finally nearing completion.

Liang Meijuan knew that the children wanted to showcase themselves on stage. Unlike most parents who would worry about it affecting their studies, she silently supported and encouraged Mei Fang and the others.

Come here Ah Fang, Youxi, I made chicken soup for you. Take a break from what youre doing and come have it while its hot.

Okay, Aunt Liang.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi obediently went to the dining table to eat the chicken soup. Lin Youxi ladled it into Mei Fangs bowl one scoop after another and also added plenty of chicken gizzards.

I dont eat chicken gizzards. Dont scoop so much, please

You shouldnt be picky about food.

Lin Youxi emphasized this point as always, then she scooped up a spoonful of soup as if she were about to feed Mei Fang.

If you dont eat the chicken soup properly, Ill have to feed you.

Currently, Liang Meijuan was in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks. Lin Youxis action startled Mei Fang, so he quickly took the spoon from Lin Youxi and obediently ate it.

Lin Youxi knew that Mei Fang was afraid of being seen as being too intimate by others, so she always teased him about it.

Of course, it was just teasing, and she had no ulterior motive.

Ah Fang, be careful, its hot.

Ahh! Hot, hot!

Thats why I said

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were happily eating the soup when Liang Meijuan approached Mei Fang with a stainless steel thermos full of chicken soup.

Ah Fang, Yuan Yuan is still busy at school, right? After you finish the soup, could you please take it to her? Chicken soup is best consumed hot.

Okay, Aunt Liang. Ill bring it to her in a moment.

Mei Fang thought for a moment and then said to Liang Meijuan, Aunt Liang, could you prepare an extra? Xia Yuans friend is also helping her.

Oh, I see Then I should prepare an extra portion for her friend too.

Lin Youxi didnt go with Mei Fang. She just patted his shoulder and said, Yuan Yuan has been working so hard lately. After you go there, spend some time with her. Bring her back together later. Im afraid shell forget to come home for dinner again.

Alright got it.

The Ximilu Studios club room was only as big as a six-person dormitory. Before entering the room, Mei Fang saw Xia Yuan sleeping on her desk due to exhaustion, while Liu Xiaoyu was still wearing headphones, testing the soundtracks.

At the same time, Liu Xiaoyu was slowly chewing on a pineapple bun, seemingly not wanting to disturb Xia Yuan.

When Mei Fang knocked on the door and entered, Liu Xiaoyu saw him and immediately put down the bun. She smiled and waved at him, softly asking, Did you come to visit Xia Yuan?

Mhm shes working so hard.

Mei Fang gently closed the door and sat down next to Xia Yuan. It was now officially autumn, the weather was a little cool, but Xia Yuan had Liu Xiaoyus jacket draped over her, showing that Liu Xiaoyu took good care of her.

The accompaniment arrangements for all three songs are now completed. Xia Yuan asked me to wake her up again around 5 oclock. Would you like to listen and see if any adjustments need to be made?

Liu Xiaoyu handed Mei Fang the headphones, but Mei Fang shook his head and smiled, No need. If you and Yuan Yuan have decided its good, then its fine.


In this life, she is someone I know because shes Yuan Yuans good friend and a fellow from Baimei County.

Remembering this point will help me maintain a sense of propriety

Mei Fang took a moment to forget about Liu Xiaoyus matter and then leaned in close to Xia Yuan.

Before long, Xia Yuan was awakened by his warm body, which felt like a blazing furnace.

Ah, it smells so good, like Ah Fangs scent, Xia Yuan said, still half-awake.

It really is Ah Fang

She wiped the drool from her mouth and then groggily rubbed her reddened cheek against Mei Fangs cheek.

Ah Fang what time is it now?

In fact, Mei Fang almost fell asleep too. He rubbed his eyes and checked the time. Its 5:15. Oh yeahAunt Liang brought some chicken soup for you. Have it while its hot.

Theres chicken soup! Yay!

Xia Yuan excitedly asked Mei Fang to bring the chicken soup.

Serve it for me.

Why are you acting like a spoiled princess today?

Mei Fang grumbled, but he still served it to Xia Yuan attentively, carefully scooping the chicken soup for her and blowing on it before placing it near her mouth.

Humph of course, its because both Xiaoyu and I have finished arranging the accompaniments! Oh, by the way wheres Xiaoyu? Let her taste the chicken soup too.

I already let her have some. She already went back to the dormitory to rest while you were still sleeping.

Oh I see.

Xia Yuan stretched her neck and ate a few mouthfuls of the chicken soup that Mei Fang fed her.

It feels a bit strange to eat it like this

Xia Yuan still seemed a bit drowsy. She patted the chair next to her, looking happy as if she had drunk some alcohol. Ah Fang! Let me sit on your lap, and you can feed me the soup.

Okay, okay

Mei Fang let Xia Yuan sit on his lap like he was feeding a child.

The weather is gradually getting colder.


Ah Fang is still warm.

Xia Yuan shifted her body closer to Mei Fang, snuggling up to him.

After only drinking a few mouthfuls of the chicken soup, Xia Yuan suddenly turned her head and looked at Mei Fang.

Ah Fang, it seems like it is standing up?

You used to always suspect that Im not normal, right? Let me show you a perfectly normal side of myself.

Um Xia Yuan blushed and turned her head, then asked Mei Fang, Do you want me to help with

Hurry up and finish your soup and lets go home.


It was clear that Xia Yuan had expended a lot of energy on arranging the accompaniment. In no time, she obediently finished all the chicken soup.

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