Published at 14th of June 2024 05:20:24 AM

Chapter 175: Preparing for the Exam

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Chapter 175: Preparing for the Exam

For the next two weeks, the trio were busy preparing for their midterm exams. During this time, Jiangcheng NOHS finally showed its academic pressure as the top high school in Jiangcheng and Hubei Province.

Almost everyone could be seen diligently studying and practicing questions at their desks, even during the usually relaxed evening self-study sessions.

There were no geniuses here who could achieve satisfactory results just by studying casually, at least not in the parallel class where Mei Fang was attending. Even the top performers who consistently scored in the top 100 of their grade were now immersed in intense problem-solving.

Currently, Mei Fang’s exam results in the class were only around the top ten level. This score would undoubtedly be sufficient to guarantee admission to a prestigious university based on previous years’ standards. However, compared to the scores he achieved during the special county student exam, it’s a step backward.

On one hand, he was not fully focused on his studies. Mei Fang had to juggle between music, games, and even website management, leaving him with minimal additional study time outside of completing homework. On the other hand, his academic aptitude had gradually fallen behind.

Jiangcheng NOHS was a place where top performers gathered. Even if he concentrated on solving problems diligently in class, without putting in more effort, he could only achieve this level.

But his current situation was still within his controllable range. After all, he didn’t plan to solely rely on grades to get into a prestigious university. He was also looking forward to the National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) in July of next year. He was just making preparations for both options.

Based on his current understanding, winning a gold medal in the NOI would directly qualify him for admission to a prestigious university. The programming languages allowed in this competition were C, C++, or Pascal.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi had already mastered the C language before learning C# and Java, so transitioning to C++ would be highly efficient, so there was no need to worry too much.

Setting aside this topic of future planning, everyone had been busy studying and preparing for the exam lately.

As the weather gradually cooled down, the precious time for cuddling and replenishing energy during the evening self-study session became even more precious.

Whenever the bell rang for the 30-minutes evening self-study break, Mei Fang could see Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi knocking on his window if he got up even a minute or two late. During this time, Mei Fang happened to be sitting by the window, making it very convenient to greet them.

He walked with Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan through the campus of Jiangcheng NOHS during the late autumn season. Late autumn was a golden season, with fallen leaves covering the roads, and the fragrance of countless osmanthus flowers filling the air along the way.

Recently, the school had been strict in cracking down on puppy love, and it seemed that there were dedicated staff members supervising the playground. So the trio couldn’t engage in any conspicuous displays of affection in such noticeable places.

Fortunately, Jiangcheng NOHS was large enough, and there were plenty of places where they could be alone together.

“There’s no one near this pavilion. Let’s stay here. Yuan Yuan, do you want to go first today, or should I?”

“You can go first, Youxi... I’ll give you some privacy.”

Xia Yuan had always been eager to be the first who cuddle with Mei Fang before, and after she was done, Lin Youxi would step in directly, making her feel like she was just a bed warmer.

Realizing this, she began to change her approach, occasionally switching who cuddled first to keep her intentions veiled.

Realizing this, she began to change her approach, occasionally switching the order of cuddles to avoid making her intentions too obvious.

Lin Youxi had always accommodated Xia Yuan in this matter, and she didn’t mind. She only cared about managing their time well.

Recently, Lin Youxi had been hugging Mei Fang face-to-face, making it convenient for her to hold him for warmth.

“Recharging energy doesn’t feel like much in the cold weather.”

“We haven’t even put on our winter jackets yet, but you’re already complaining about not feeling it. Once we put on our winter jackets, then that’s when we’ll really not feel anything at all.”


Mei Fang enjoyed the process of recharging energy with Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan, but he also understood that this comfortable life couldn’t last forever. After all, balancing the water was just a means, not his ultimate goal.

Currently, the people around him seemed to expect him to make a choice between Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, including the two of them themselves.

But he couldn’t let this idea continue to deepen and solidify. He needed to find a way to slightly progress their thoughts on maintaining a three-person relationship. Otherwise, by the end of high school, he wouldn’t be able to explain anything.

That’s why the song I’m Willing was so important, important enough to be chosen as a performance piece for the art festival, and important enough to be sung for both of them together.

While Mei Fang contemplated these matters, Lin Youxi suddenly tiptoed and leaned towards Mei Fang’s ear.

“My hands are a little cold. Can I warm them up inside?”

“Ah... Well, just don’t go too far like last time.”


Lin Youxi had done this before, but Mei Fang still felt a shiver from her ice-cold touch, which gradually subsided.

At this moment, Lin Youxi was leaning against his chest, caressing his back while softly humming a melody.

“What song is that? It sounds somewhat familiar...”

“This is the melody Yuan Yuan composed based on the sheet music you wrote for Bare Face[1]. She just finished playing it for me last night, and I quite liked it.”

Lin Youxi raised her head and looked at Mei Fang. “Speaking of which, how could you write lyrics like this? It’s completely different from your previous style.”

“It’s none other than you...”

Xia Yuan snuggled against Mei Fang’s chest and suddenly spoke in a dramatic tone, “Oh, Ah Fang’s hug is so warm, it must be Youxi warming it up for me.”


“Why are you laughing at me?”

“Using the same joke again makes it very funny.”

“R-Really!” Xia Yuan blushed and muttered, “I don’t think so at all...”

“But Youxi’s body is very cold, my hands just got chilled by her, and they’re still cold now.”

“Really? Let me hold them.”

Xia Yuan held Mei Fang’s hands and closed her eyes, savoring the sensation.

“Mmm... They don’t feel very cold, I think...”

“You won’t feel it that way when we’re holding hands like this. You have to do it like this...”

Mei Fang could sense Xia Yuan’s shyness, and there were many things she couldn’t bring herself to say.

If he wanted balance the water, he could just standstill and have Lin Youxi do it for him, but when it came to Xia Yuan, he had to take charge himself.

Mei Fang took the initiative to interlace his fingers with Xia Yuan’s. Xia Yuan didn’t resist. Sensing his intentions, she quickly clasped his hand in return.

“I-It does feel a little cold... but it’s fine!”

Xia Yuan held one of Mei Fang’s hands with their ten fingers interlocked, while her other hand embraced him.

It’s like we’re dancing. It’s so much fun.

Feeling the emotions expressed by Mei Fang, Xia Yuan naturally increased the pace of her advances.

“By the way, Ah Fang... I want to discuss something with you. It might be a bit early to mention it now, but... during the New Year’s Eve Gala——”

“On that day, we’ll perform together on stage, right? Sure, let’s sing Bare Face.”

“Ah, I actually wanted you to sing that song with Youxi.”

“Don’t you want to sing it with me?”

“It’s not that... I think Youxi’s voice is also beautiful, and she might——”

“Let’s sing together. Youxi and I talked about it, and she also hopes l’ll join you on stage.”

“R-Really? Then I guess... I guess that’s settled...”

Feeling very happy, Xia Yuan participated in the midterm exam of the first semester of her freshman year at Jiangcheng No. 1 High School and performed very well.

Translator's Notes:

Bare Face/Face Without Makeup –↩︎

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