Published at 14th of June 2024 05:26:18 AM

Chapter 18: I Will Disrespect You

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Chapter 18: I Will Disrespect You

Xia Yuan had been practicing at home for some time since her father bought her the equipment. She could easily control her inline skates and glide smoothly with just a few steps.

On the other hand, Lin Youxi appeared much clumsier.

Because it was her first time playing today, she had to rely on Mei Fangs support every two steps. She almost stumbled and fell at the end, but luckily she held onto Mei Fangs shoulder and didnt let go.

You didnt even buy roller skates, and its your first time, right? How can you skate so steadily?

Lin Youxi complained, No wonder you never came to play with us when we asked you to. Did you secretly learn on your own?

Mei Fang smiled slightly, This is really my first time playing.

It wasnt technically a lie either.

After Xia Yuan skated a few laps in the square and saw Mei Fang still supporting Lin Youxi step by step, she couldnt help but step forward and say:

Mei Fang, let me take Lin Youxi for a skate too. You can go play by yourself!

Lin Youxi was concerned about Xia Yuan, No need, Im afraid Ill fall and you wont be able to hold me It wouldnt be good if you fell too.

Mei Fang frowned, Then what about me?

Mei Fang has thick skin, even if he falls, he wont get hurt.

I, Im fine. Look at all the protective gear I have. Even if I fall, I wont get hurt.

Xia Yuan leaned over and held one of Lin Youxis hands, Can you skate with me? Let Mei Fang play by himself.


Seeing Xia Yuans insistence, Lin Youxi nodded and held Xia Yuans hand tighter.

I really dont know how to skate, so be careful.

Its okay, Im watching Oops Oops!

Lin Youxi stumbled and almost tripped Xia Yuan, but Mei Fang, who was nearby, didnt go far. He followed along and held onto Lin Youxis arm to prevent any accidents.

See, I told you its very dangerous.nove(l)bi(n.)com

You dont need to come, I just need Xia Yuan. Ill definitely learn quickly!

Xia Yuan supported Lin Youxi step by step, and the two of them skated back and forth on the south side of the square. Mei Fang didnt follow them all the way, but watched them from a distance as they tried their best.

It would have been so much fun even without me joining them. Why did they have to call me

Mei Fang then thought that if he hadnt gotten closer to Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi in this life, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan might still be very close best friends.

As for Lin Youxi eventually becoming a cold and aloof top student who always stood alone, it was probably because she lost her only friend, Xia Yuan, in that tragic incident, and her heart closed off again.

Mei Fang had also thought about finding a way to directly or indirectly intervene and understand Xia Yuans fathers business in order to deal with the upcoming crisis. However, the actual operation was too difficult.

Du Zihan? Youre Du Zihan, right Why do you still talk so annoyingly.

Xia Yuan skated over to check the situation. She was very good at recognizing people and immediately called out Du Zihans name.

You still say youre not Mei Fang, but youre still hanging out with Xia Yuan. Are you a boy? Youre always with girls, its really shameless.

Even if I am Mei Fang

Mei Fang raised his head, You almost bumped into Lin Youxi just now, you should apologize to her.

Huh? This girl is Lin Youxi?

Du Zihan looked at Lin Youxi in disbelief, looking left and right, Oh my, that filthy little brat from kindergarten, I didnt expect her to look like this now. People really change a lot when they grow up

Du Zihans sarcastic tone made everyones blood boil. Lin Youxi was about to retaliate, but Mei Fang didnt give her the chance and stood in front of her.

Du Zihan, if you continue to be disrespectful to Lin Youxi, I will disrespect you too.

Du Zihans face turned red, looking furious and wanting to hit Mei Fang, but he noticed that Mei Fang was half a head taller than him and suddenly remembered the fear he had when Mei Fang used to dominate him.

You love hanging out with girls, you have no masculinity at all. I wont argue with a sissy like you.

Du Zihan continued, In the end, losers like you shouldnt skate in the square. Cant you practice on the side?

If you want to speed skate, go skate at the ice rink. The cultural square is a place for everyone to have fun together. Why cant we practice here?

Xia Yuan supported the argument, Du Zihan, youre already in fourth grade, cant you stop being so bossy like in kindergarten? The square is not your familys property.

Who told you Im in fourth grade! Du Zihan proudly said, I repeated a grade, so now Im only in third grade. Didnt expect that, did you? Stupid girl.


Xia Yuan was speechless and couldnt hold back her tears. She had become strong, but this time she couldnt help but cry, Why do you always insult people

Mei Fang was not originally a brave and aggressive person, but this brat was asking for it, and Xia Yuan was about to cry from being insulted. He really couldnt let it go without teaching him a lesson.

Hey, Du Zihan, since you think youre so good, lets have a competition.

Mei Fang said seriously, If I win, you have to admit that youre a loser and apologize to Lin Youxi.

Id love to! If I win, you have to call me dad from now on, how about that?

What should I call you? I didnt hear clearly. Mom or


Okay, good boy!

Mei Fang successfully made Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan laugh, while Du Zihans face turned pale and then red. His blood was boiling.

Mei Fang, youll die today!

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