Published at 14th of June 2024 05:20:12 AM

Chapter 182: The Little Water Balancing Master

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Chapter 182: The Little Water Balancing Master

Mei Fang’s journey back home was smooth. When they stopped at a service station, Mei Lijun went to the restroom, and Mei Ya approached Mei Fang to talk.

“Brother, do you like Sister Yuan Yuan more, or Sister Youxi more?”

“Why are you asking this?” Mei Fang raised an eyebrow.

“Just curious...” Mei Ya whispered, “Because I see that you have good relationships with both of them.”

“Don’t ask me who I like more. You probably like Yuan Yuan more, since you want to be the Xia family’s daughter.

“Don’t assume that just because I’m closer to Sister Yuan Yuan means I like her more. In fact, I love both my big sisters equally. If I had to, I don’t like it when Sister Youxi nags me to do my homework.”

“Equally? I don’t believe it. Then, what do you like about your sister Youxi?”

Mei Ya raised her head and pondered, “Sister Youxi cooks delicious food for me and plays games with me. She’s much better at gaming than Sister Yuan Yuan, and we can easily clear any game together... And Sister Youxi is cool and elegant. I also want to become a girl with a personality like her in the future.”

“So, you’re a little water balancing master, huh?”Reead latest chapters on no/vel(b)in(.)com

Mei Ya happily put her hands on her waist. “Of course! Oh, brother, I asked my classmates before, and they said excellent boys can have two wives at the same time as long as they don’t get married and register. That way, it’s not considered breaking the law, and they won’t be thrown into jail.”

“You little brat... you think about so many random things.”

Mei Fang pinched Mei Ya’s cheeks. “The three of us have a very pure childhood sweetheart relationship right now. Don’t think too much.”

Mei Ya disregarded her brother’s words and sighed: “Haa... it’s such a pity that I can only have one sister-in-law! Brother, you have to think carefully and not leave any regrets for yourself.”

“Just earlier when everyone was around, weren’t you still a little girl clinging to Uncle Xia? Now you’re talking like a little adult.”

Mei Ya hardly concealed anything in front of Mei Fang. “That’s because whenever I make Uncle Xia happy, he gives me a big red envelope. Of course, I have to seize the opportunity!”

“You stinky little girl... you’re so young, but you already know so many things.”

“Hehe... it’s all thanks to your good teaching, brother! By the way, now that you’re in high school, you’re like a young adult. Will you give me a red envelope this year?”

“We’re in the same generation, why would I give you a red envelope?”

“But Sister Yue Yue started giving me red envelopes last year! She’s our cousin, so we’re the same generation, right?”

“Your sister Yue Yue has started working. She gave you a red envelope because she’s a generous person with extra money. As for me, your brother is still a poor student. Where would I get the money...”

Mei Ya took advantage of Mei Fang’s inattention and swiftly took his phone from his pocket and held it in her hand.

“Brother, brother, your phone is so pretty! Is it the same brand as the one Mom gave you before? It seems different, though.”

“Just tell me which model aircraft you want to buy. But don’t be too greedy, my love for you has its limits.”

“But my affection for my brother is limitless!”

Mei Ya patted her chest and assured, “I’m definitely better in this aspect than Sister Youxi and Sister Yuan Yuan. Our sibling bond runs deep, those two can’t compare to me!”

“You only show loyalty at times like this.”

Mei Fang shook his head helplessly.

From a very young age, his little sister was incredibly quirky and mischievous but also possessed an intellect far beyond her peers. Even the reborn Mei Fang, sometimes found her difficult to handle.

At the same time, she had a great dream of becoming a taikonaut.

She was extraordinary as a child, and she would definitely be an extraordinary troublemaker when she grew up.

But... that’s not a bad thing.

After all, she is the little sister of Mei Fang, the chosen one, and that is how it should be.

Mei Fang looked forward to his little sister growing up. He would provide enough support for Mei Ya’s growth, to see how far she could go.

The group returned to their new home in Baizhou City, a three-story house with a large courtyard.

This courtyard area was almost twice the size of the house itself, complete with a pond, a pavilion, and a small nursery garden planted with cherry tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, and other seasonal vegetables—all set up by Mei Lijun and Xiang Xiaoxia themselves, showing the harmony in their married life.

After bringing Mei Fang back, Mei Lijun kept showing off the results of his work, and Mei Fang also took a tour around the courtyard.

Even though Dad is balding, he has also improved.

His lifestyle has clearly improved a lot compared to before.

If there’s an opportunity, I should bring Yuan Yuan and Youxi here for a visit.

After all, Mei Fang would be living in a big mansion in the future, so maybe he could ask his dad to help him take care of it.

While Mei Fang was enjoying the scenery in the courtyard, someone suddenly covered his eyes from behind.

It was a pair of slender and beautiful hands, slightly cold.

“Xiaofangzi, guess who I am?”

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