Published at 14th of June 2024 05:26:16 AM

Chapter 19: Boys Hands are Indeed Much Bigger

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Chapter 19: Boys Hands are Indeed Much Bigger

There was a reason why Du Zihan accepted Mei Fangs challenge so readily and arrogantly.

He had been skating in this cultural square for several months and was quite familiar with the kids who played rollerblades nearby. This was the first time he had seen Mei Fang and his friends.

Lin Youxis skill level was self-evident, and Xia Yuans equipment indicated that she had just started skating.

Mei Fang might be more skilled, although he was a bit effeminate. After all, he was a boy, and his skill level couldnt compare to the two girls.

Moreover, today he was wearing new rollerblades that he had just bought at home. He felt so powerful and confident while skating!

Du Zihan used to be bullied by Mei Fang when they were in kindergarten. Although it had been a long time since he had sought revenge, as the saying goes, Its not too late for a gentleman to take his revenge within ten years. Today was the time for Mei Fang, who played with girls, to pay the price!

The rules of the competition are very simple. We skate from one end of the square to the other end and then return, which counts as one round. We will skate two rounds in total, and the first one to finish will be the winner.

Are there any restrictions on equipment?

No, you can do whatever tricks you want.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

No problem.

So Mei Fang called Xia Yuan and pointed at her rollerblades, Let me borrow your rollerblades.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yuan blushed and said, Mei Fang, mine are inline skates, not as stable as quad skates[1]. If you havent used them before, it might be easy to lose balance

I know, its okay but Im more used to inline skates.


After hesitating for a while, Xia Yuan said, I can lend them to you, but you have to turn around and wait for me to change shoes.


Xia Yuan turned Mei Fang around, making sure that Lin Youxi was watching and not letting him peek. Then she quickly took off her shoes, revealing pink anime socks with Cardcaptor Sakura-themed wings, and swiftly put on white sneakers to let Mei Fang change equipment.

Mei Fang, I know you want to stand up for me, but do you really need to compete with Du Zihan and get angry?

Lin Youxi squatted down and advised Mei Fang, who was putting on his shoes, This is so childish.

Are you saying this because youre afraid Ill lose?

I didnt mean that But even if you win against Du Zihan, wont you still lose face?

Mei Fang thought for a moment, then nodded, That makes sense.

Hey, are you guys going to compete or not? Du Zihan, who was impatient, angrily said, Stop wasting time. If youre afraid of losing, just admit it!

Im here, Im here!

With the support of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, Mei Fang stood up and said, Ive changed my shoes.

Du Zihan looked disdainfully at Mei Fangs pink inline skates, You really are a sissy, wearing girls shoes, and inline skates at that. Theres hardly any difference in speed between inline skates and quad skates, and inline skates are easier to fall with. Can you handle it?

Well, lets see then?

Mei Fang smiled slightly, his casual gaze making Du Zihan even more annoyed.

This guy hes been like this since forever acting all grown-up! Lets see how I can crush his arrogance this time!

Du Zihan and Mei Fang stood on the starting line, both crouching down, but Du Zihan crouched even lower.

Seeing someone preparing to race, some children playing nearby voluntarily made way and stopped on both sides to watch.

Get ready Three, two, one!

Faced with Lin Youxis teasing, Xia Yuan didnt respond directly but turned her head away.

I have homework I should go home and do it. Can I come to your house to do homework today? Will Lin Youxi come too?

I dont need to. You guys can do your homework.

Lin Youxi waved her hand and smiled, I finished my holiday homework at school.

Mei Fang returned home and found that no one was there, except for a note left by his mother, saying that the family of three had gone out to eat and would bring food back for him later.

Feeling a sense of no longer being important, Mei Fang took a shower. After a while, Xia Yuan, who had also finished showering, came to his house with her school bag. The two of them sat in the living room and did their homework together.

After writing for a while, Xia Yuan stopped and thought, looking at Mei Fangs hand holding the pen. Then, she nudged Mei Fang with her elbow.

Mei Fang, can you stretch out your hand for a moment?

Whats wrong?

Like this, spread out your fingers.

Xia Yuan stretched out her other hand and pressed her palm against Mei Fangs. I I just want to see how big the difference is between our palms.

Although girls enter puberty earlier than boys, compared to Mei Fang, Xia Yuans hand was still small and soft when pressed against his.

Because they were so close, Mei Fang could still smell the fruity scent of her body wash.

Hmm boys hands are indeed much bigger.

Xia Yuan.


Mei Fang smiled and said, Are you trying to avoid looking too close with me in public? Were usually so casual at home

Just a while ago, they were pinching each others faces, so it shouldnt be embarrassing to touch fingers.

What are you talking about? Im not embarrassed

Xia Yuan blushed and said, My hands were sweaty at that time, so I didnt want to touch you. How could it be embarrassing! We grew up together since we were young, what is there to be embarrassed about?

Thats true.

Xia Yuan has always had the burden of being an idol, and she didnt want to show herself in a negative side

However, if Mei Fang were to really believe that, then she had grown up in vain.

Mumbling to herself, Xia Yuan let go of Mei Fangs hand, leaned down, and with a lazy and slightly resentful tone, she said:

And if were talking about having a good relationship, Lin Youxi is much closer to you than she is to me now.

Why would you say that? Clearly, you two have a good relationship. Ive never seen you two argue, you always scold me together.


Xia Yuan frowned, She only wants to come to your house and doesnt want to come to mine. Doesnt that say something?

Thats because I have a computer at home, right? We play ah, we always watch anime together. Shes already too old to play house with you. Besides, she also likes to play with my younger sister, little Ya

Mei Fang, Mei Fang Im only telling you this, please dont tell her, okay?

Xia Yuan whispered, Actually, I feel like she doesnt really like my parents, thats why she doesnt want to come to my house.

Translators Notes:

Difference between inline skates and quad skates: https://www. -vs-quad- skates/

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