Published at 14th of June 2024 05:25:43 AM

Chapter 33: The Little Lottery

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Chapter 33: The Little Lottery

Mei Fang was sent back home, and when he opened the door, only his younger sister Mei Ya welcomed his return. Their parents were still discussing something while watching TV.

Little Mei Ya hugged Mei Fang tightly and acted spoiled in his arms.

Brother, where did you go today Our whole family was so worried. I thought you didnt want me as your sister anymore.

I never expected that my sister would care about me the most

Although Mei Fang was already past the age where he needed his parents love, their lack of concern for him was something that had never happened in his past life. He couldnt help but complain a bit:

Whats wrong with you guys? Your son went missing for a whole day without a word Arent you worried about my safety at all?

I find it funny when you say that. Since kindergarten, when have we ever worried about you

Mei Lijun yawned and stretched, Alright, enough joking. We were actually looking for you with Xia Yuans parents. We were worried for a while, but then we heard that you and Xia Yuan were at her grandmothers house, so we didnt need to worry anymore.

You can at least give me a call, you know?

Mei Fang felt childish after saying that.

Was this sense of inexplicable grievance due to his young age?

Alright, alright Mei Fang, stop complaining. Are you hungry? If you are, there are dumplings in the fridge. If you want, you can cook them yourself Oh, let me cook them for you.

You definitely wanted me to cook them myself just now!

By the way, Mei Fang, lets not talk about that for now Xiang Xiaoxia asked, Whats going on with Xia Yuans family? Tell Mom and Dad quickly.

Yes, thats right! Mei Lijun, who was originally drowsy, suddenly became energetic when he heard this, We stayed up so late just to wait for you.

Yes! Brother! What happened to sister Yuan Yuan? Tell us quickly.

Little Mei Yas eyes sparkled with excitement. It was obvious that this whole family was eager to hear the gossip.

Although Mei Fangs parents were generally optimistic and positive in their past lives, he had never noticed that they had such a mischievous side.

It must be because they were too poor in their past lives, so they couldnt afford to be mischievous.

Mei Fang briefly explained to his family about Xia Yuans initial intention to run away from home, excluding the part where he instigated her. The whole process seemed reasonable.

I heard before that the Xia familys hotel & restaurant business has been losing a lot of money in the past two years, and it turns out to be true.

Mei Lijun pondered, If he really sells the hotel, will he be able to pay off his debts? Their family used to be so rich, I dont know how they are now But they should still be richer than our family.

The birth of Mei Fangs younger sister inevitably led to his moms job resignation, while in his previous life, his mom worked until he went to high school.

Due to the unlimited love of Mei Lijun and his wife for their daughter, coupled with the decrease in income sources, the few hundred thousand that Mei Fang earned before might not be enough to spend?

Dont worry, my dear mother, next year will be 2006!

As long as I can endure until the World Cup again, I can sell my Fantasy Westward Journey account and buy hundreds of lottery tickets to contribute my mighty strength to our small family!

Oh, by the way, who won the 2006 World Cup?

First, lets exclude my favorite Argentina! In 2018, it was France, in 2014, it was Germany, in 2010, it was the Netherlands No, it was Spain!

Oh, it seems like in 2006 it was Italy

By the way, Mei Fang is actually a fake football fan. He only watches matches related to the world superstar Mei Dong2, whose name sounds similar to his own.

Finally, Saturday has finally arrived. According to his mothers request, Mei Fang is going to the hospital to visit his grandmother.

Mei Fangs grandmother fell and broke her bones while selling vegetables on the street some time ago. Now his grandfather is taking care of her.

In his past life, Mei Fang always felt that his grandparents only loved their other grandson, so he never liked these relatives and always refused to visit his mothers side of the family during holidays.

But not long after his grandfather passed away, his grandmother had a stroke and became immobile. His mother took care of her for a while.

During that time, Mei Fang heard his grandmother talk about many things from his childhood, which made him realize that his grandmother actually cared about him all along. Most of those impressions from his childhood were just his own childish imagination.

Unfortunately, he didnt have a chance to spend time with his grandmother in his past life. By the time Mei Fang was ready to go to college, his grandmothers health had deteriorated.

Mei Fang only remembers that before he left for college, his grandmother made a promise with him on her sickbed to bring a girlfriend to meet her next time.

But the Mei Fang from his past life never had the opportunity to fulfill that promise.

However, he still has a chance in this lifetime.

Or does he?

In this life, Mei Fang personally experiences his grandmothers love for him. His grandparents know that his parents love Mei Ya very much, so they often give Mei Fang some pocket money.

His grandparents grow vegetables at home and sell them at the market in the morning. Although their lives are simple and they cant give much, it shows their care.

Mei Fang asked his mother for money and bought some bananas and oranges. While waiting for the bus at the entrance of the community, he happened to meet Lin Youxi, who was heading out from their house.

Translators Notes:

The Legend of Nezha opening and ending songs: https://www. / watch?v=rqF mipjW-r0 & https://www. /watch?v= XS_0Snh voAkApparently, Messis nickname (meme) in China is Mei Dong. You can read it here but its in Chinese: https://www. danmuxiu. cn/1676. html

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!