Published at 14th of June 2024 05:25:41 AM

Chapter 34: Dispute

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Chapter 34: Dispute

Mei Fang, where are you going?

Lin Youxi looked curious.

Are you coming to play with me? I have to go to the hospital to visit my grandmother, Im afraid I cant today

Then Ill go with you.

Lin Youxi smiled, Anyway, Ive finished my homework and dont have anything else to do.

Shouldnt you be going to play with Xia Yuan at this time?

Xia Yuan has been grounded recently, how could you not know

Lin Youxi patted Mei Fangs shoulder and said, Listen to me, theres a new game center on Mingying Street that uses some kind of stick or something. Ive seen it a few time from outside but I havent seen any of the games before. Lets go play there together!

Youre talking about an arcade, right Those games can also be played on my computer at home without spending money.

But I think the atmosphere there is more lively, I want to experience it. Lin Youxi pulled Mei Fangs arm, You always let me play on your computer, I can use my pocket money to treat you.

The normal trend of a childs gaming experience should be from Famicom console to the arcade and then to online computer games, and wealthy families might also have a handheld console.

But in the small county of Bai Mei, development was relatively slow. Even in 2005, cartridge-based consoles and arcade game centers still had a significant market. The online gaming industry was just beginning to rise, and Lin Youxi was one of the first to be exposed to online games, knowing nothing about the Famicom console or arcade games.

However, this didnt seem to affect her enthusiasm for arcade game centers. Seeing Lin Youxi constantly talking about the arcade, Mei Fang sighed and said, You want me to take you to play after we visit my grandmother today, right?

Yes, yes! Lin Youxi was very frank and didnt deny it, Can we?

Since youve secretly seen it, you should know that there arent many girls there.

What does that have to do with boys and girls? Mei Fang, youre a boy, but you still like to play with me and Xia Yuan.

Mei Fang was speechless against Lin Youxis decisive argument.

Alright, I can take you, but you cant go there alone.

I know! I just want to see what its like! I dont have much pocket money And if my classmates see me and tell the teacher, Ill be in trouble.

You know it will cause trouble!


Lin Youxi laughed brightly.

Sometimes Mei Fang would regret pulling Lin Youxi into the gaming world. This girl was getting addicted to games, would she still have a chance to become a top student in the future?

Lin Youxi got off the bus with Mei Fang, and the two asked adults for directions to the surgical ward. When they arrived at the surgical ward, Lin Youxi didnt go with Mei Fang but stopped in the lobby.

Ill wait for you here.

Dont wander around.

Im not a child anymore, I dont need you to tell me.

Lin Youxi patted Mei Fangs shoulder and said, Go see Grandma! She must miss you a lot.

Mei Fang carried the fruits and arrived at his grandmas hospital room. At this time, his grandma was chatting happily with the lady in the neighboring bed. When Grandma saw her grandson Mei Fang, Grandma was extremely surprised and quickly greeted him to sit down. Before Mei Fang could start exchanging pleasantries, she insisted on peeling an apple for him.

The brightness was right in front of her, but Lin Youxi preferred to stand in the shadows.

There was no one by her side.

After hesitating for a moment, Mei Fang walked up and held Lin Youxis hand and whispered softly to comfort her.

Lin Youxi struggled a few times, but in the end, she let Mei Fang hold her hand tightly.

Lets go? You said you wanted to go to the arcade to play games, so Ill take you there now. Lets go!

Mei Fang gently shook Lin You Xis arm to comfort her, but Lin You Xi continued to pull away.

Im just so annoying. Dont play with me anymore. Just play with Xia Yuan! Dont bother with me.

Lin Youxis voice already had a hint of crying.

Why are you saying that? Were good friends, arent we?

Mei Fang tried to calm Lin Youxis emotions and patted her shoulder. I was in the wrong just now. I didnt pay attention to the time. Im sorry.

It was me being unreasonable, insisting on coming with you, insisting

Lin Youxi bit her lip, her red eyes crystal clear, staring at Mei Fang with a face mix of sadness and frustration.

Just leave me here and dont bother with me!

How could I just leave you alone!

Lin Youxis shout was drowned out by Mei Fangs shout, and she was completely stunned.

Mei Fang held Lin Youxis hand and walked into the light.

They took the elevator together.

She was like a puppet, being led by Mei Fang wherever he went. Then they arrived at the bus stop.

You want to go to the arcade on Mingying Street, right? We can take bus route 2

I dont want to go to the arcade now.

Lin Youxi rubbed her eyes, and she seemed to have calmed down.

Then where do you want to go? I can accompany you anywhere.

Can we go to that place?

We can.

You didnt even ask which place Who does that?

Mei Fang smiled and repeated the words We can.

And his smile gave Lin Youxi the courage to speak her mind.

I I want to go to the cemetery to visit my Moms grave. Can you take me there too?

We can, lets go!

Mei Fang gently patted Lin Youxis arm. Lets go, now, immediately, right away.

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