Published at 14th of June 2024 05:25:24 AM

Chapter 42: Cant Both of Them Be My Sister-in-law?

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Chapter 42: Cant Both of Them Be My Sister-in-law?


This is a familiar yet unfamiliar term.

In Mei Fangs previous life, when he was in third grade, Mei Fangs father chose to break away from the system and open a business, but ended up losing a lot of money and the familys finances became very poor. Although the debt was not as exaggerated as Xia Yuans family, it still made Mei Fangs familys financial situation very difficult, and they had to move out of the community and return to their old house in their hometown. The location was actually still in the county town, not too far from the school, just a bit far from Xia Yuans house, which Mei Fang could accept.

In this life, because of Mei Yas birth and the existence of the lottery prize, the original flow was disrupted, and Mei Lijun did not choose to break away from the system, only his wife, Xiang Xiaoxia. However, did Mei Lijun not start a business in this life? Has the familys financial situation become so difficult?

Little Mei Ya, the gold-swallowing behemoth, hasnt even begun to show her true strength, right?

Dad, why do we have to move? I just made friends with the kids at kindergarten, and I really like it here

Little Mei Ya showed a very reluctant expression.

Well, thats because

Mei Lijun impatiently displayed a letter of appointment in front of everyone.

Ta-da! Everyone, take a look!

Hey, Lin Youxi is still here Dont act like a child!

Its okay if Lin Youxi knows, she was supposed to know anyway.

Mei Lijun somewhat showily said, Actually, because of my excellent work performance, I have been promoted and will be transferred to Baizhou City[1] as a cadre at the department level.

Department level? Are you kidding me?

Mei Fang never expected that his father in this life would have such achievements within the system. Mei Lijun and his wife had children early, and this year, at the age of 30, he was promoted to the department level, which was considered a rapid promotion.

Was it because he had to raise a daughter and a son at the same time, which increased his sense of responsibility, leading to a significant improvement in his work attitude? Or was it that this position was originally his, but because he left the system back then, he missed the opportunity for promotion? In any case, a small lottery ticket bought by Mei Fang caused various waves in his family.

A sister being born and father being promoted, the twists and turns of life are truly unpredictable.

But this also means

Dad, are you saying that we have to move to Baizhou and live with you?

Yes, we have to move to Baizhou as a family.

Mei Lijun nodded, Although its a bit rushed, your mom and I have already discussed it and are planning to buy a house in Baizhou City. Baigang High School[2] in Baizhou is a nationally renowned good school. If you study there in high school, you will have a better chance of getting into a good university in the future.

What should we do with the house in Baimei County?

Sell this house and keep only the old house in our hometown. Then use the money to buy a bigger house in Baizhou.

Why do we need a big house? This place is already good, Mei Fang shook his head. I dont want to go.

Xiang Xiaoxia persuaded Mei Fang in a gentle manner, Look at your sister, Little Ya, shes growing up, and both of you need your own rooms.

Why do we have to sleep separately? Cant I sleep with Mom and Dad or with my brother?

Mei Ya became unhappy after hearing this and started to complain, I dont want to sleep alone! I will wet the bed, wuwu

While Mei Fang was struggling with how to handle the future arrangements, he noticed that Lin Youxi had been lowering her head and holding her bowl quietly, not moving at all.

Everyone also noticed this special guest in the house.

Due to her family background, Mei Lijun had always taken care of the little girl Lin Youxi. Seeing her sad appearance, he felt a little sorry for her.

Xiang Xiaoxia glared at her husband, Why are you talking about this with a child? She doesnt know what sister-in-law means.

I know, its my brothers wife, right?

Little Mei Ya stood with her hands on her hips and smiled, Dont underestimate me just because Im young, I know everything!

So, who do you want to be your sister-in-law? From what you just said, it seems like you prefer Lin Youxi more, right?

Mei Ya crossed her arms and pondered for a while, then furrowed her brow and asked her parents, Cant both of them be my sister-in-law?

Of course not!

Mei Ya furrowed her brow and thought for a while, finally coming to a conclusion.

In that case, Ill help my brother find someone to be my sister-in-law, wouldnt that be good?

Mei Lijun and Xiang Xiaoxia couldnt help but laugh at this innocent statement.

Translator's Notes:

Huanggang CityHuanggang High School

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Oct 2, 2023 at 1:01 am

Thanks for the hard work always


phos TLsays:

Oct 2, 2023 at 1:05 am

Thank you for reading.


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