Published at 14th of June 2024 05:25:20 AM

Chapter 44: Still a Little Padded Jacket

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Chapter 44: Still a Little Padded Jacket

It seemed that Mei Fang misunderstood Lin Youxi. Obviously, Xia Yuan still doesnt know that he will be moving next year.

However, seeing her so happy, there was no way to directly tell hernove(l)bi(n.)com

After more than a month of holding it in, Xia Yuan finally broke free from her fathers embrace and became very cheerful.

A Fang, let me tell you something, she said.

After this month, I realized something.

What is it?

Xia Yuan smiled and said, I realized that I dont really need my dads company anymore.

Is it because the time when you needed him the most has passed?

Well thats also a factor, but more importantly

As Xia Yuan walked, she began to jump like a lively and cute little rabbit. Always clinging to your parents makes you feel like a child who never grows up. But now, I can even run away from home. I have changed a lot.

Hey, stinky brat, did you run away from home on your own?

Im embarrassed to point it out! You shameful face!

Mei Fang didnt even bother to count how many times she cried on the way to Jiangcheng with Xia Yuan.

Xia Yuan enjoyed breathing in the fresh air on the road. When passing by Lin Youxis house, she looked around.

Do you want to wait for Youxi to go to school together?

Well I was thinking about it

Xia Yuan wore a very distressed expression. But the thing is, we are not in the same class, and Youxi leaves early. Its not easy to arrange a time Ill ask her today to see if she wants to go to school together.

Thats a good idea. Mei Fang nodded. If the two of us always go to school together, people in the class will gossip. If three of us go together, they will at most say Im a mamas boy, always hanging out with girls.

Who dares to call you a mamas boy? Zou Ming? Or Chen Cheng? Their grades are not as good as yours, they are not as handsome as you, and their personalities are more childish. They just cant stand seeing others doing well. Those kinds of people are the most annoying.

Xia Yuan said angrily, Next time during nap time, if I see them not sleeping properly, I will immediately write down their names

Isnt that seeking revenge?

No! Im just maintaining classroom discipline. Im not that shallow of a girl

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang chatted happily all the way. When they reached the school gate, they ran into an old acquaintance from their kindergarten days.

It was their kindergarten classmate, Du Zihan.

He was leaning with his arms crossed against the pillar at the school gate, pretending to be solemn and dignified. When he saw Mei Fang and Xia Yuan staring at him in surprise, he proudly raised his head, as if waiting for his destined enemy.

Du Zihan, what are you doing here?

Mei Fang, Ive been waiting for you for a long time!

Du Zihan pretended to be cool and put his hand in his pocket. Then he took out an envelope from his pocket, on which the words Challenge Letter were written crookedly. He threw it on the ground in front of Mei Fang, and Xia Yuan picked it up out of curiosity.

A challenge letter?

Thats right, it seems like you still recognize a few characters, old lady.

Xia Yuan, please read this text with emotion.

The daughter of the Flame Emperor, named Nuwa. Nuwa wandered in the East Sea, drowned and never returned, thus, thus becoming Jingwei. Always sob, always carrying wood and stones from the Western Mountains, to, to

Yin, with a falling tone, means to fill or block. The homeroom teacher furrowed her brows slightly, wondering why her daughter didnt prepare the lesson last night. To fill the East Sea.

Xia Yuans emotions are a bit too intense.

The homeroom teacher didnt understand why her precious daughter suddenly started crying. But remember to prepare your lessons well next time.

I understand

Xia Yuan rubbed her eyes and slowly sat down.

The homeroom teacher watched her daughters figure and started to wonder.

Could it be because her father didnt drive her to school today, so shes sulking?

This child.

Didnt she say she was starting to get tired of her father recently, but she still likes to cling to him.

Sigh shes already grown up, but shes still like a little padded jacket[gnfn-2].

The homeroom teacher felt a sense of contentment in her heart.

Translator's /chinaconnectu/2012/02/06/jingwei-tries-to-fill-up-the-sea-

Little padded jacket refers to daughters who are often considerate and heartwarming. (ref: /content/2020-12/22/content_23828498.htm)

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Oct 2, 2023 at 8:18 pm

Your little padded jacket has already defected to another side lol.

Thanks for the chapter!


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