Published at 14th of June 2024 05:25:09 AM

Chapter 48: I Really Dont Want to Be Separated from Ah Fang!

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Chapter 48: I Really Dont Want to Be Separated from Ah Fang!

Xiang Xiaoxia took Mei Ya to a small room and whispered to her. When Xiang Xiaoxia came out, Meiya was nowhere to be seen. The two girls asked and found out that Mei Ya was exhausted from school and had fallen asleep just now.

This child really makes people worry. Youxi and Yuan Yuan can go to the living room and do your homework now.


Seeing Mei Yas failed persistent actions, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi glanced at each other, then held hands and followed Xiang Xiaoxia to the kitchen.

Aunt Mei, do you really have to leave?

Xia Yuans tone was full of grievances, I really dont want to let you go.

Auntie doesnt want to either, but theres no other way.

N-no, there is a way!

Xia Yuan muttered as she pulled Xiang Xiaoxias arm, At least Mei Fang Ah Fang can stay in Baimei County. He also said that he doesnt want to go to Baizhou City at all. Ah Fang said that you have to sell the house to buy a new one in Baizhou City. In that case, Ah Fang can live in our house!

Live in your house?

Xiang Xiaoxia and Lin Yuxi were both surprised by Xia Yuans sudden suggestion.

First, my mom is Ah Fangs homeroom teacher, so she can supervise his studies. Second, our house is big, with two guest rooms that can be cleaned up for Ah Fang to live in! Third, my mom said that a stable learning environment can help students acquire knowledge better.

Xia Yuan continued, counting on her fingers, And one more thing is that although my moms cooking is not as delicious as Aunt Meis, I can learn. I have time, and I can take good care of Ah Fang. Aunt Mei, you can trust me!

Xiang Xiaoxia was completely stunned by what she heard.

This is like asking me to marry my son to you and become my daughter-in-law!

She even thought about cooking and living together. This girl is quite mature for her age

A smile appeared on Xiang Xiaoxias lips, and Lin Youxi blushed a little while listening.

Yes, cooking together! Ah Fang and I have cooked together before.

If Ah Fang is alone in Baimei County, he can also come to our house.

Anyway, there is often no one at our house, so I dont have to worry about my parents.

I dont think Yuan Yuans dad likes Ah Fang that much!

At least, my dad likes him moreUpdated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Although Lin Youxis dad is busy, whenever he has time, he always invites Mei Fang to their house and cooks for him.

But Lin Youxi just thinks to herself that Xia Yuans words are enough.

Under Xia Yuans relentless attack, Xiang Xiaoxia finally realized.

I see it now. You guys, including our Little Ya all the tantrums, talk of becoming a family, and suggesting Mei Fang live with youare you all in cahoots, am I right?

Seeing their plan exposed, both Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan lowered their heads in embarrassment.

We we just we just dont want to be separated from Ah Fang, so

I understand your feelings, and Auntie also doesnt want to separate you guys, but adults decisions are not so easily changed. Even if we agree now, we, as his parents, cant always be separated from Mei Fang. After all, children need adults to take care of them. When you grow up, you can play and be together whenever you want, okay?

Facing Xiang Xiaoxias comfort, Xia Yuan sniffled and lowered her head.

And in the end, she still murmured and spoke out her true feelings.

Why are you two together?

This Mei Fang ran to my workplace and told me that he couldnt feel his fathers love recently, so he asked me to accompany him to the bookstore after work. But he just read books there and made me pay for him. Its so boring.

But just now

Xiang Xiaoxia stopped halfway through her sentence and immediately understood Mei Fangs and the others intentions.

Wow, you little rascals are teaming up to deal with us. Mei Fang should be stalling for time with Lijun, right

It seems that their own son has the same idea and is unwilling to separate from them.

But if it were just one girl, that would be one thing, but hes instigating two girls to help him.

If there are any difficult and complicated love and hate entanglements in the future, as a mother, she doesnt even dare to think about it.

Its a mess!

At the same time, Me Lijuns face doesnt look good either.

Xiaoxia, I need to tell you something.

I happen to have something to discuss with you too.

My matter is more important, let me speak first.

Me Lijun pulled Xiang Xiaoxia aside and explained in detail, while Mei Fang was also pulled by Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi to their side to discuss todays battle results.

Why are you being so secretive? What do you want to tell me?

Our colleague, Lao Du, do you remember him? His son, Du Zihan, went to the same kindergarten with Mei Fang.

I know, what happened to Lao Du?

Mei Fang said that he ran into Du Zihan and his father at school today, and Lao Du asked Mei Fang about Little Ya.

How did he see her? How did he ask?

Xiang Xiaoxias voice sounded anxious, Does he know that Little Ya is my daughter?

He asked Mei Fang directly if you had given birth to a daughter. But luckily, our son is clever and explained that Little Ya is his cousin.

Xiang Xiaoxia immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since I started working, Lao Du has always had a grudge against me. He didnt even win for the promotion this time. I guess he wanted to bring me down. Fortunately, Im being transferred to Baizhou now, so I wont have to deal with that guy.

Mei Lijun scratched his head.

So I was thinking, at least we have so many acquaintances in Baimei County to cover for us. If we bring Little Ya to Baizhou City and someone sees our daughter, we wont have any connections there to help us, and it will be impossible to explain. Once its investigated, everything will be exposed.

Whats your opinion?

Im thinking, maybe I should go to Baizhou City alone? Let me cultivate some connections for a few years before we discuss moving. Its too hasty to go next year.

Mei Lijun explained, I feel like this would be safer, and who knows how long I can stay there. Right now, its just a temporary transfer. If there are any changes, they might transfer me back, which would be troublesome.


Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, who had been eavesdropping nearby, immediately embraced each other and cheered happily, leaving Mei Lijun confused.

It seems like their mission to save their childhood friend was successful

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