Published at 14th of June 2024 05:25:05 AM

Chapter 50: Im Sorry, Yuan Yuan!

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Chapter 50: Im Sorry, Yuan Yuan!

In February 2008, a severe snowstorm broke out in the southern region, with the worst affected being Hunan Province. Hubei Province was also affected to some extent. Although it was already February, the temperature outside was still terrifyingly low.

We only had a little snow yesterday, but I didnt expect the ground to freeze.

Today, Xia Yuan wore milky-white winter boots. Since they were new, she was slipping a bit while walking. She could only hold onto Lin Youxis arm and move forward carefully.

Mei Fang followed slightly behind, watching the backs of the two girls, lost in reminiscence of the past.

After the moving incident, the three of them maintained a long-lasting and stable friendship. However, as they entered adolescence, aside from the obvious physical changes associated with puberty, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxis temperament also underwent some changes.

Xia Yuan was no longer the crybaby she used to be. She was always in a cheerful state every day, as if she always had endless happy things to say. Now she liked to tie a small braid on her short hair, giving her a somewhat quirky appearance.

Lin Youxi was no longer as lively and active as she was in fourth grade. She started growing her hair to a medium length and liked to walk with her hands in her pockets.

Although she was not as aloof as in her previous life, she still emitted a dont bother me aura.

Ah Fang, save me, save me, save me!

Xia Yuan slipped while walking and was about to fall to the ground. Lin Youxi was trying hard to pull her up.

Seeing this situation, Mei Fang couldnt care about his own footing and quickly ran forward, tightly holding Xia Yuans hand and pulling her and Lin Youxi up together.

Xia Yuan leaned against Mei Fangs shoulder, panting heavily in front of him. Hoo that scared me. If I fell, my butt would definitely hurt for several days.

Thats why I told you not to go out today. You almost got what you deserved.

Xia Yuan playfully stuck out her tongue. Theres a new zombie shooting game in the arcade on the main street today. Since there are fewer people due to the snow, I have to go check it out!

Lin Youxi sighed.

The old-fashioned arcade game center with only joysticks quickly declined in the past three years in Baimei County. It was replaced by a combination of slot machines, fishing machines, racing machines, and shooting machines.

At the same time, the value of the arcade coins quickly skyrocketed, from 6 coins for 1 yuan back then to 2 coins for 1 yuan now. These advanced machines required 2 to 4 coins to play. Even so, such game centers were still popular in the small county town where people had not seen much of the world, after all, there were still many well-off families like Xia Yuans.

Xia Yuan took out her money and exchanged it for 20 yuan worth of coins, then impatiently went to the newly installed light gun arcade game in the game center.

This is it!

It turns out that it was the light gun game I played back then, the famous House of the Dead 3[1]

On the game screen, various terrifying zombies kept appearing. There were two brand new shotguns inserted in front of the arcade machine. Xia Yuan picked up a shotgun and played with it in her hand. Then she turned towards Mei Fang and deliberately demonstrated the action of loading the gun. How do I look? Do I look like a lone female gunslinger?

I find it strange. Arent you someone who likes cute things? Suddenly, youre interested in k*lling zombies

Whats so strange about that? Liking cute things doesnt mean I cant enjoy something like this.

As Xia Yuan spoke, she showed a very curious and playful expression. Ah Fang, tell the truth, are you afraid to play?

If you want to perform a one-round clear in the arcade hall, you would have to practice extensively by spending countless coins.

After all, unscrupulous arcade operators often set the game difficulty quite high, making players either lose quickly or continue to insert coins. However, they usually didnt set it to the highest level because they still wanted to give players the false hope that they could clear it in a single round. Being labeled a coin-eating machine was the last thing they wanted, as it would mean the end of its popularity.

In addition, playing shooting games like this requires constantly holding the gun and occasionally reloading, which can be tiring.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi finished their game, and Xia Yuan immediately excitedly linked her arm with Mei Fangs. Ah Fang, your hands are so fast! As expected from someone who plays games at home every day. Practice really makes a difference.

What do you mean by fast hands? Its called having good skills.

Arent they the same thing?

Xia Yuan scratched her head in confusion, then her attention was drawn to the nearby claw machine filled with various items.

Ah Fang, theres a new claw machine over there! Lets play and try to win some toys!

Translator's Notes:

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Feb 7, 2024 at 8:58 am

Fast hands


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