Published at 14th of June 2024 05:24:52 AM

Chapter 58: Dont You Need to Sleep by Ten OClock at Night?

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Chapter 58: Dont You Need to Sleep by Ten OClock at Night?

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi followed Mei Fang to the place he mentioned. This shop was located in a run-down alley, and the shops here all looked quite old. Some even had wooden planks instead of iron roller shutters as door, giving them a vintage feel.

This is my first time coming to this area It feels like an adventure, so interesting!

Xia Yuan was very interested in the street scenery here and started reminiscing about past memories.

Do you remember when we were kids and went to look for the pond near Xihe Bridge? We ended up getting lost the whole time.

I remember, we walked a long way that time, and all we saw along the way were wastelands with no one around. We only realized in the end that the pond had dried up long ago.

Lin Youxi also got lost in nostalgic thoughts. And if it wasnt for Ah Fang, we wouldnt have found our way back home. Yuan Yuan, you were almost scared to tears back then.

Well, thats because Ah Fang was with us, so we dared to go so far! Also, I didnt cry because I was scared, I cried because I fell down and it hurt.

Mei Fang shook his head after hearing this. That day, besides taking ten thousand steps, we didnt really gain anything else.

But the memories of the adventure are wonderful!

Xia Yuan quickly walked ahead of Mei Fang and Lin Youxi, turned around, and clapped her hands to signal the two. But when we grow up a little more, we can do real adventures and travel to faraway places together!nove(l)bi(n.)com

You really have a strange obsession with going on long trips.

Thats right.

Xia Yuan smiled mischievously. The world is so big, its such a waste not to explore it!

The group chatted and laughed along the way, and when they arrived at their destination, Mei Fang called out to the two.

This is the shop.

This audio and video rental shop hidden deep in the alley had many DVD covers displayed at the entrance. The quaint interior decoration and the old rusty yellow ceiling fan all showcased that this shop had been in business for over ten years.

The shop owner was an old man wearing reading glasses and a white sweatshirt. He leaned back in a recliner, fanning himself with a cattail leaf fan, his eyes slightly squinted, looking drowsy.

The alley looked shady, and the environment seemed a bit eerie, but the children didnt feel scared.

Xia Yuan suggested, Lets each pick a DVD!

How many movies should we watch? Lin Youxi asked.

Lets first see if theres anything we really want to watch, and each of us can pick one!

Xia Yuan pulled Lin Youxi to the side to choose DVDs, while Mei Fang went to the other side to look.

Fortunately, although it was an old store, the latest Kung Fu Panda from 2008 was also being displayed on the hot-selling shelf. Movies of various genres from different times and countries were everywhere, and there was a whole section dedicated to Japanese anime series.

Since it was a movie night with the children, watching family-friendly films would be very boring.

Yuan Yuan always liked to mock me for being timid, so lets pick a super scary movie that she had never seen before, to let her experience what true horror is.

Mei Fang picked Silent Hill, a 2006 masterpiece that didnt have much good reviews.

But Im not sure if its suitable for Yuan Yuan and Youxi to watch such a scary movie

Of course, in his previous life, Mei Fang himself watched it when he was at their age.

Mei Fang picked the DVD and then went to see how Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan were doing with their movie selection.

Before he could walk over, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan pushed him away, both of them looking a bit flushed.

You cant look over there, come over here and look!

Lets start with the least intense one and gradually increase the excitement. Lets watch Anacondas first, then we can have dinner, and after dinner, well watch Resident Evil and finally my movie.

Mei Fang had a mischievous plan. He knew that watching Silent Hill last would definitely scare them and make it hard for them to sleep.

After dinner, it will be six or seven oclock If we watch two movies in a row, it will be past ten oclock, right?

Upon hearing this, Xia Yuan immediately showed a surprised expression to Mei Fang. Ah Fang, youre so bold. Dont you need to sleep by ten oclock at night?


Meifang was confused.

I have to go to bed by 8:30 every night, or else my mom will scold me. Xia Yuan looked at Lin Youxi.

My dad doesnt have any rules, Lin Youxi thought for a moment, but I dont have anything to do at home, so I usually go to bed around nine.

After hearing this, Xia Yuan became even more excited. Then tonight, we must stay up late! This is a very rare opportunity.

Mei Fang had experienced sudden death in his past life, so he paid extra attention to the quality of his sleep. His father had even hit by him with a filial piety slap for trying to prevent him from having sweet dreams. Mei Ya also often teased her brother in the morning, earning her quite a few scoldings.

So, in response to Xia Yuans suggestion, Mei Fang added, No matter how late we stay up, lets go to bed before midnight so that we can grow taller.

Translator's Notes:

Resident Evil: Apocalypse Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid

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Oct 19, 2023 at 4:39 pm

Im expecting them both to climb in his bed after getting scaredprobably something like that.

Not spoilers, cause I dont know either.

Funny how they all choose horror stuff, not sure how to feel about that.

Thanks for the chapter.


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