Published at 14th of June 2024 05:24:45 AM

Chapter 63: Lets Go Back Together After the Evening Self-Study

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Chapter 63: Lets Go Back Together After the Evening Self-Study

Zhang Mings personality is relatively easygoing; he plays any games available to him. In high school, he played Dota 1 with Mei Fang, and he played it for three years. After graduating from high school, he switched to playing League of Legends, and he played it for seven years until he graduated from graduate school and disappeared in Ukraine.

So it seems that his middle school game is Pao Pao Kart Rider.

Mei Fang and Zhang Ming chatted about random things for a while, and Mei Fang also secretly paid attention to Lin Youxi.

This is the first time Lin Youxi and Mei Fang have been in the same class since kindergarten. Although they spent a lot of time playing together on regular days, opportunities to be in class with Lin Youxi were rare. Her deskmate, Yue Xinyi, appeared quiet but was actually quite talkative. She kept asking Lin Youxi about what she did during the summer.

As for Lin Youxi, she just responded with short sentences, her facial expression hardly changing. Only when her gaze met Mei Fangs, she suddenly looked like she had been caught in an embarrassing moment. She glared at Mei Fang in annoyance and then continued her conversation with her deskmate.

On Lin Youxis end, there wasnt much to worry about.

Now the main concern is Yuan Yuan

Mei Fang is very worried about her current mood.

In the first class, everyone got to know their homeroom teacher, Li Shibing. The homeroom teacher gave a speech, introducing the general idea of middle school life, and then started distributing textbooks.

Let me see Student Lin Youxi, are you here?

Lin Youxi obediently raised her hand and said, Im here.

Homeroom teacher Li Shibing adjusted his glasses and looked at Lin Youxi, then nodded and said, Please find a few classmates to go to the academic affairs office to get our textbooks. The academic affairs office is on the first floor of the next building.

Lin Youxi entered the class with the student number 01. Naturally seen as a top student by the teacher. But in fact, Lin Youxi has never held any class positions in elementary school, so being called like this suddenly made her feel flustered. The first thing she did after standing up was to pull Mei Fang up from the front row.

We are really good friends

So Mei Fang took over Lin Youxis task and organized their classmates. He called Zhang Ming and Yue Xinyi, and the four of them went together, which also allowed them to observe the situation in Xia Yuans neighboring class.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi came out of the classroom and passed by Xia Yuans classroom. They started looking inside through the windows.

Ah Fang, over there.

Lin Youxi whispered to Mei Fang. The two looked through the third window and happened to see Xia Yuan chatting enthusiastically with several girls.

It seems that worrying was unnecessary Speaking of which, Yuan Yuan is also good at getting along with people around her.

However, when his gaze coincidentally met Xia Yuans as she looked out the window, he began to doubt his previous thoughts.

Because after Xia Yuan looked over, she almost stood up, but then sat back down and made a maneki-neko[1] scratching hand gesture, which was something unusual.

The smile on her face seemed a bit stiff.

Its almost like shes about to cry

Mei Fang had a similar experience when he was in kindergarten. When he saw some kids who had just entered the kindergarten, they would initially play happily together. However, as soon as their parents or guardians appeared, they would suddenly change their expression and start crying.

Lin Youxi and Mei Fang had the same thought.

Dont be fooled by Yuan Yuans smile, shes really sad.

I understand, I understand.

Mei Fang nodded. No one understood Xia Yuans every expression better than him and Lin Youxi.

Hurry up, Mei Fang.

Zhang Ming pushed Mei Fangs shoulder from the side. The two quickly became acquainted. If we dawdle any longer, the homeroom teacher will scold us.

No Lin Youxi explained, Ah Fang and I sit in the front and back rows.

Xia Yuan was very surprised to hear this, but she still asked cautiously, Is the person next to Ah Fang a boy or a girl?

A boy.

Well, thats good

Xia Yuan nodded in relief. Realizing that the question she asked was a bit strange, she coughed a few times to change the topic, Even if were not in the same class, we will still be best friends in the future, right?

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi glanced at each other, and then showed a helpless smile to Xia Yuan.

Whats wrong with you two!?

Youxi, dont you think Yuan Yuan can be quite childish sometimes

I agree. Lin Youxi nodded.

You two are so annoying promise me what I said first!

We promise, we promise.

Mei Fang put his hand on Xia Yuans head and patted her. This action attracted the attention of many passersby students, as they considered it a very intimate gesture.

The three of us should go home together after the evening self-study[2] from now on, okay?

Translator's Notes:

Lucky Cat or Beckoning Cat

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