Published at 14th of June 2024 05:24:36 AM

Chapter 66: Youxi Is the Best in the World

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Chapter 66: Youxi Is the Best in the World

There wasnt much competition for the class committee this time. Only the position for the class monitor had three names written down: Lin Youxi, Chen Jie, and Huang Zhe. Theres no need to introduce Youxi, while the other two boys have good grades and some influence in the class.

Li Shibing asked the three of them to prepare before starting the campaign speeches. Huang Zhe was the first to raise his hand and took out a speech he had carefully prepared for a week.

Respected teacher, dear classmates, hello! My name is Huang Zhe, and today I want to run for the class monitor position. I believe I have these advantages: first, I have been the class monitor since elementary school, so I am familiar with its duties. Second, I have excellent grades and can serve as a role model for my classmates. Third, I am willing to help others. If a classmate falls, I will help them up and find a teacher

That concludes my speech. Thank you, everyone.

Huang Zhes speech was long, and he seemed to have prepared for this day for a long time. Although he was just saying empty words, it sounded quite professional, and middle school students might believe it.

Then it was Chen Jies turn to give his campaign speech.

Mei Fang turned to look at Lin Youxi and noticed that she had been frowning while watching Chen Jies speech with a nervous expression.

So Mei Fang wrote a note and passed it to Lin Youxi in the back row.

Lin Youxi opened it and saw that it said:

Youxi is the best in the world

This playful and childish cheer made her unable to control herself and she laughed softly in front of the whole class.

Oh no I was just trying to encourage Youxi, but I ended up making a mess of it!

Chen Jie felt uncomfortable with Lin Youxis laughter. He stopped his speech and looked at Lin Youxi. Classmate Lin Youxi, do you have any objections to my speech just now?

Lin Youxi stood up. She first apologized for her laughter, and then said, I have some disagreements with what Classmate Chen Jie just said.

Did you listen carefully to what I just said?


Lin Youxi resumed her usual indifferent expression and said, You said that as a boy, you can mediate disputes between boys well, but if a girl becomes the class monitor, she cant do this


Mei Fang forgot that Lin Youxi had this multitasking superpower

Chen Jie calmly presented his argument, Because disputes between boys often lead to physical conflicts, it requires someone strong to mediate, so that they can convince them to stop.

Unintentional show off is the most lethal!

Oh, thats right

This was the impression that Mei Fang had of Lin Youxi from his previous life.

Effortless and calm, exuding a unique charm of a strong individual from the inside out.

Of course, Lin Youxi is still far from the attitude of looking down from a high pedestal, but you can already see some shadows of it.

This charm not only attracts boys but also has a very strong appeal to girls of the same age. It is apparent that Lin Youxi has gained a group of little fans who are eagerly whispering to each other.

After the class committee election vote counting ended, with a total of 72 students in the class, Lin Youxi stopped counting the votes after receiving more than half of them.

Actually, even without this incident, Lin Youxi could easily become the class monitor.

She had Li Shibings endorsement and outstanding academic performance. In addition, the opposition between boys and girls during adolescence is already severe. Girls have always been united in their actions, while boys tend to do their own things. Not counting all the votes is also giving Huang Zhe and Chen Jie some face.

So Lin Youxi became the class monitor without much competition. There was no competition for other class committee positions either. After Li Shibing briefly spoke, the group leaders and class officers started to form groups.

Naturally, Lin Youxi became a member of Mei Fangs group together with the newly appointed class representative of Chinese Language, Yue Xinyi.

Teacher Li Shibing was quite open-minded about the seating arrangements. He allowed the students who had not yet joined a group to select their groups either by drawing lots or based on their own preferences.

Perhaps because of Lin Youxis performance today, she gained the favor of many girls from the class. Mei Fangs 8-person group was almost entirely filled with girls. At least Mei Fang managed to save one spot for a male student as his deskmate. Otherwise, he would have to answer questions from Xia Yuan later.

While rearranging seats, Mei Fang, unable to contain his curiosity, asked Lin Youxi about the question she had brought up earlier.

Youxi, if there is a conflict between girls, do you know how to handle it?

Lin Youxi paused for a moment, then grinned and shook her head.

To be honest, Im not really sure. Yuan Yuan and I have hardly ever fought since we were young, at most we have disagreements. I dont know what kind of conflicts can arise.

If you dont know, why did you raise that topic earlier? Mei Fang smiled helplessly. If someone had really asked you earlier, how do you think you would have answered?

Well if I were really asked, I think the key would be sincerity. Lin Youxi explained, As long as the two people arguing treat each other with sincerity, and the mediator can consider both sides instead of favoring one, they can always reconcile in the end.

Indeed, sincerity is one of the most important things in communication.

Mei Fang nodded in agreement, Just ask if you have something to ask, and speak whats in your mind. People who speak in riddles usually dont have a good outcome.

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