Published at 14th of June 2024 05:24:11 AM

Chapter 70: Youxis Money Saving Plan

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Chapter 70: Youxis Money Saving Plan

Lin Youxis money saving plan started at the beginning of the year. Throughout the year, she would spend a day on weekends playing games and learning coding at Mei Fangs house. She had never revealed what she was saving money to buy.

With me? If its just for shopping why not invite Yuan Yuan? I dont really understand what girls like.

Lin Youxi pursed her lips and shook her head.

Mainly Yuan Yuan doesnt know about me earning money by playing games for others. If she finds out, it might be a bit troublesome

Thats true But why did you keep it from her in the first place?

Its not like I intentionally hid it from her, she just never asked.

Lin Youxi seemed conflicted. You know Yuan Yuan, if we tell her now, shell complain about it for a long time. Its better to just resolve the matter and save her from worrying about me. Shes finally been able to relax lately, so let her rest on weekends.

That makes sense

Mei Fang could already imagine the scene of Xia Yuan hugging Lin Youxi and feeling sorry for her.

So what are you planning to buy?

Instead of answering directly, Lin Youxi glanced at Yue Xinyi, who was drooling and smiling foolishly beside them.

Yue Xinyi noticed their gaze and immediately waved her hand awkwardly. I was just daydreaming and didnt mean to disturb you! Please continue.

So Lin Youxi made a gesture to Mei Fang, indicating that she wanted to whisper something.

As soon as Mei Fang leaned closer, Lin Youxi bent down and whispered in his ear about what she wanted to buy.

A motorcycle?

Mei Fang had imagined before that Lin Youxi might want to buy her own computer, or a phone, an mp3 player, or a digital camera. All of these were possibilities, considering she had been saving money for almost a year.

But I didnt expect it to be something this big


Of course, Mei Fang knew that Lin Youxi wasnt buying it for herself.

Youre buying it for your dad, right?

Shes really thoughtful.

Lin Youxi nodded. His motorcycle is almost falling apart, and he keeps taking it for repairs instead of listening to me and buy a new one. He says it can still be used. So, I thought it would be nice to help him get a new one.

If your dad knows about this, I think hell be very touched by this.

Mei Fang advised, But if you really want to buy it for him, you need to consider how to handle the possible consequenceswhether he will accept this gift, whether he will ask you how you earned the money, and whether giving him a motorcycle will hurt his pride as an adult. These are all important considerations.

On Saturday morning, just as the sky was getting bright, Mei Fang was awakened by the alarm clock set by Lin Youxi on his watch.

Mei Fang got up early to brush his teeth and wash his face. Soon, there was a gentle knocking on the door. When Mei Fang opened it, he saw Lin Youxi standing in front of him with a large backpack on her back.

Why are you carrying such a big bag?

I put all the money in it.

Youre quite careful.

Lin Youxi nodded, then took out breakfast wrapped in plastic bags from her bag. I also brought glutinous rice chicken and fried rice noodles.

Wow, did you buy them from the breakfast shop near Xiao Hongs house?

That shop has the most authentic fried rice noodles and glutinous rice chicken. Lin Youxi reminded Mei Fang, But be quiet when you eat breakfast, dont wake up Aunt Mei and Little Ya.

They sleep like a log on weekends, it doesnt matter.

While unpacking the plastic bags, Mei Fang asked Lin Youxi, You brought breakfast for me, but have you eaten already?

Lin Youxi nodded, I ate a sesame ball on the way.

Just one sesame ball is not enough. Mei Fang said, Ill scoop some fried rice noodles for you, I cant eat so much in the morning.

Lin Youxi didnt refuse either, Then Ill go get a bowl.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi enjoyed their breakfast happily. Lin Youxi ate quickly, finished in a few bites, and then went to wash the dishes.

The last time Mei Fang and Lin Youxi kept a secret from Xia Yuan was a long time ago.

But sometimes Mei Fang felt it was a bit unfair to Lin Youxi.

Because he and Xia Yuan had done many things that Lin Youxi didnt know about, but Lin Youxis personality was indifferent and didnt seem to care at all.

It was Xia Yuan who had a strong desire for control, afraid that Lin Youxi and Mei Fang would do something fun without her knowing.

You left early in the morning, is it because you and Yuan Yuan have plans later today? She didnt contact me.

Lin Youxi replied, She invited me to play Pao Pao Kart Rider this afternoon. We will buy the scooter in the morning and then I will play with her in the afternoon.

I see you have a lot to do.

After saying that, Mei Fang quickly finished his breakfast. The two of them set off together, arrived at the bus stop, and waited for the bus to arrive. Then they went to the Xinchun Supermarket where Yue Xinyi said there was a lottery promo event to find out what the electric scooter looks like.

By the way, I dont know what Yuan Yuan is doing this morning Is she resting at home?

Ah, I hope we dont bump into her on the street

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