Published at 14th of June 2024 05:24:03 AM

Chapter 74: Winter Daytime Stories

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Chapter 74: Winter Daytime Stories

The winter of 2008 arrived unusually early. Although it hadnt snowed yet, the temperature dropped quickly. In early December, everyone put on their thick cotton jackets. The windows of the classroom were covered with a thin layer of mist, and students near the windows liked to write words or draw something on them.

When there was sunshine, during break time, everyone would rush to occupy a spot by the railing, basking in the warmth of the winter sun.

Lin Youxi was one of the few people who rarely went outside to bask in the sun. She was naturally more sensitive to the cold. Usually, she would stay in the classroom studying or reading. Only when a familiar figure appeared at the classroom door would she stand up and move around.

Xia Yuan would usually find Lin Youxi during the third periods long break, but most of the time, they would go to the restroom together. If Mei Fang was outside, Xia Yuan would first strike up a conversation with him and then ask him to call Lin Youxi.

The frequent interaction between Mei Fang and Xia Yuan naturally attracted the curiosity of some students in the class. One day, a girl suddenly ran up to Mei Fang and asked, Mei Fang, are you very close to the class beauty in Class 8?

Class beauty? Mei Fang was puzzled. You are so youngwhy are you already talking about this kind of thing?

Huh? Arent you the same age as us?

The girl rolled her eyes at Mei Fang with irritation, Well, what about you two? Are you, you know, in that kind of relationship? I see you flirting in the hallway every day.

Dont gossip about things that dont concern you. Go focus on your studies.

Since you didnt directly answer, Ill take it as a yes!

The girl seemed very happy. Mei Fang thought she was probably asking on behalf of a boy she liked, so he casually said a few words and sent the girl away.

Middle school is a very dangerous period. There is no heavy academic burden, but curiosity about relationships between boys and girls begins to arise, and they strive to break free from the identity of being a child.

This age group is also a period for rebellion. Boys and girls are both in a state of excitement and easily do naive moves on the opposite sex they like.

Our Yuan Yuan is so cute, I will definitely be troubled if someone has a crush on her

Mei Fangs plan was not to directly address his relationship with Xia Yuan but to create some vague rumors to deter some boys interested in her.

After all, generally speaking, middle school boys care a lot about their reputation and rarely do things like stealing someone elses girlfriend.

While Mei Fang was contemplating, he was suddenly pulled back from his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder.

Ah Fang, what are you thinking about?

Xia Yuan was wearing a snow-white outer jacket today, with a panda scarf around her neck and a pair of cute and fluffy bunny earmuffs on her head. She greeted him with a smile.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Youve got quite a variety of styles, huh.

You already told me that this morning when we left, and now youre saying it again.

Xia Yuan punched Mei Fang angrily. Were you talking to a girl in your class just now?

Cant I talk to the girls in my class?

Of course it doesnt matter if its Youxi! As for the other girls

Xia Yuan made a humming sound, rolled her eyes, and then stared at Mei Fang for a while before patting his shoulder with a smile.

Forget it, Im not a stingy girl. Hurry up, go and help me call Youxi out, I need to talk to her.

Got it, got it

Xia Yuan pushed Mei Fang into the classroom. Mei Fang took his seat and turned his head to look at Lin Youxi, who was doing her homework while rubbing her hands, looking very cold.

Youxi, Yuan Yuan is calling you.

Hmm wait a moment.

Lin Youxi replied but her gaze was still fixed on the question in front of her. Then she slowly got up and looked outside the classroom. Xia Yuan was at the classroom door, waving. Lin Youxi walked over, and Xia Yuan pulled her to her side, linking their arms intimately.

She said it was something important, but it was probably just going to the restroom! The relationship between girls is really strange.

After a while, Lin Youxi returned to her seat. Mei Fang noticed that she was now wearing Xia Yuans bunny earmuffs and gloves.

Lin Youxi adjusted the position of the earmuffs and noticed Mei Fang looking at her. She lightly poked Mei Fangs cheek with the end of her pen and said, Turn around. Youre not allowed to look at it yet.

Mei Fang spun his pen out of boredom. Wang Jiachang, his deskmate, saw Mei Fangs amazing pen spinning skills and became greatly interested.

Mei Fang, how do you do that with your pen? Teach me!

Its nothing special, just practice. Ive practiced a lot. Look at me, like this, and like this

Wow, your hand switching is so cool! Youll definitely win the Pen Spinning World Tournament!

Unlike her indifferent reaction to the Mary Sue romance novels earlier, Lin Youxi was clearly more interested after seeing the titles.

She took one of the novels and started reading from the table of contents on the first page, then began reading with great interest.

Class Monitor, if you like this book, Ill lend it to you first

I I was just casually flipping through it, you havent finished reading it yet.

As Lin Youxi snapped back to reality and was about to return the book, she was met with Yue Xinyis enthusiastic opposition:

Ive finished reading it! I finished it a long time ago, so you should read it first! Oh, wait, you should understand it first!

Translator's Notes:

ref: ref: ref: /item//10396065 Its the Chinese version of this Korean book: /book/show/36013774-he-was-cool-vol-1 | Chinese cover: /item//3565054 ref: /item//18826424 I cant find this one. ref: /item//2712996 ref: /item//73501

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Any amount will be greatly appreciated.


Nov 19, 2023 at 4:19 pm

Thanks for the chapter as always!



Nov 19, 2023 at 8:09 pm

Plus 1



Nov 19, 2023 at 11:17 pm

Thanks for the chap



Dec 17, 2023 at 4:30 pm

Someone stop her



Jan 30, 2024 at 8:09 am

Shes unstoppable


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