Published at 14th of June 2024 05:23:54 AM

Chapter 80: Youxis Whereabouts

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Chapter 80: Youxis Whereabouts

Actually, with the assets in Mei Fangs account, buying a mobile phone now would be more than affordable. However, a phone is not easy to hide. If his mother finds out and asks about it, it will be very troublesome. Secondly, he didnt have any important contacts for now.

As for communicating with Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, it was usually either through the landline or direct visits. Since their homes were so close, meeting in person was always convenient. Regarding the matter of a mobile phone, Mei Fang preferred to wait until everyone had such a plan before considering getting one.

Mei Fang dialed the phone number of Lin Youxis home, but only a busy tone came from the other end of the line.

Cant get through?

Xia Yuan tilted her head and said, Could it be that there are guests at Youxis house and they dont have time to answer the phone? Its quite busy at home during New Year.

Not sure, lets try calling again later

As Mei Fang finished speaking, the landline that had just been put down rang.

Hello Youxi? Oh its Teacher Yu.

Mei Fang often confused the way he addressed Xia Yuans mom, switching between Aunt Xia, Aunt Yu, and Teacher Yu. In the end, Xia Yuans mother decided to let Mei Fang call her Teacher Yu, which sounded smoother.

Mei Fang, is Yuan Yuan at your house now?

Yes, she is Wait, Ill give her the phone.

No need, just ask Yuan Yuan to come back quickly. Her grandma is back today.

Xia Yuan heard her moms voice from the phone and quickly took the phone from Mei Fangs hand:

Grandma? Did she come back alone? Isnt Dad supposed to pick her up tomorrow

Its said that she took a ride in her younger sisters car all the way here, saying she wants to give you a surprise

Grandmas younger sister

Xia Yuan showed a bewildered expression, exchanged a few words with her mom, and then hung up the phone.

My grandma is back, so I cant play with you guys today.

Oh, its okay.

While tidying up her hat, scarf, gloves, and bag at Mei Fangs house, Xia Yuan said to Mei Fang, Later, call Youxi or just go to her house to check. If you need anything, just call our house, Ill be at home then.

Big brother!

Mei Ya tugged at Mei Fangs arm and said, Can I go to Sister Yuan Yuans house to play?

There are guests at Yuan Yuans house, youll just cause trouble

Well, I dont mind.

Um no, Ill go back and take another look.

If you see her, please tell her um, Dad will respect her wishes, but I hope she can have a good talk with me.

Respect her wishes?

Mei Fang wanted to ask about the meaning behind these words, but a woman in her mid-thirties appeared behind Lin Guochuan. She gave a very gentle first impression, like the typical friendly aunt-next-door, and her eyes were very bright and beautiful. However, her nasolabial folds appeared deep, and she always kept her hands in front of her, giving off a sense of constraint and sadness.

Mei Fang didnt think much or ask further, just nodded and greeted, Hello, Auntie.

The woman seemed a bit surprised but also nodded in acknowledgment to Mei Fang.

Is this child one of Youxis friends?

Yes hes Youxis best friend. His name is Mei Fang. He often plays with Youxi.

I see

Well, Uncle Lin, Ill go back and look for Youxi then.

Um, okay, please.


After leaving Lin Youxis house, Mei Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he was an adult. In such a situation, with such words, he could tell the various reasons behind them at a glance.

I didnt expect Uncle Lin to remarry at this time.

He didnt know if Lin Youxi in his previous life had experienced this, and whether she eventually accepted the presence of a stepmother.

But in this lifetime, as far as Mei Fang knew Lin Youxi, he knew she would never accept it.

Could this be because of the butterfly effect again?

In her previous life, Lin Youxi probably had no chance to earn money to buy an electric scooter for her dad. Perhaps it was because her dad felt guilty for not being able to take care of her due to his own other responsibilities, and out of self-blame and guilt, decided to bring a new mother into her life.

Mei Fang searched around on his way home but did not find Lin Youxis figure.

Our Youxi would never secretly go somewhere to play alone.

Thinking from Youxis perspective, in a difficult situation, since she didnt come to me for help, the only place she might go to would probably be there

Mei Fang sighed silently in his heart, then immediately took action and hailed a taxi along the way.

Hello, Mr. Driver, please take me to Heaven Cemetery, thank you.

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