Published at 14th of June 2024 05:23:31 AM

Chapter 86: Under Pressure

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Chapter 86: Under Pressure

D*mn it, I already have this much money, yet there are still things that I cant solve with it

In the first half of 2008, Mei Fang had savings of 10,000 yuan. His iOS game Flappy Bird generated a total revenue of 6,000 yuan in a year through ads and microtransactions throughout the year.

The popularity of Flappy Bird on the Chinese internet that year was quite accidental. After its release, it remained relatively unknown for a long time, so now, Mei Fang was already quite satisfied with the current profit.

The extremely challenging difficulty, simple game controls, and distinctive pixel art graphics, and increased user engagement by torturing its players, were the characteristics of this game. In 2022, a game called Sheep a Sheep[1] followed the same approach.

Mei Fang still has more promising opportunities.

In the first half of 2009, Bitcoin finally came into existence and entered the Chinese internet.

After three months of effort, Mei Fang finally contacted a seller from the United States on the Bitcointalk forum and bought 10,000 BTC for less than 800 yuan.

Yes, it was a real 10,000 BTC. Mei Fang was surprised when he confirmed the price with the other party in broken English. The seller was even happily thanked the generous Chinese friend, Mr. Mei, and planned to use the money to buy two deluxe pizzas.[2]

After buying the 10,000 BTC, Mei Fang immediately sealed his crypto wallet and never inquired about the cryptocurrency market since then.

He could have acquired more bitcoins, but he was afraid that his excessive involvement might lead to unexpected consequences.

After all, the butterfly effect is real, and he had indeed experienced many changes in his life because of it.

Thats about enough It would be impolite to get more involved.

He might not even have the ability to handle it.

So, apart from the future wealth in Bitcoin, Mei Fangs current total assets were probably around 15,000 yuan.

As a promising young man who became a millionaire at the age of 13, Mei Fang was now worrying about the gift for his childhood sweetheart Xia Yuan for her 13th birthday.

I do have money, but a young girls mind is not so easy to understand. After all, in this day and age, she is no longer the little angel who could be happy just by receiving a stick of Alps lollipop.

Expensive gifts cannot be easily given, it has to be a gift full of novelty.

It seems that this is not a conclusion that I, as an unimaginative adult, can come up with.

At a time like this, asking some peers might be more effective, to truly understand what they want.

So, taking advantage of the opportunity when Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan were chatting together at the classroom door, Mei Fang found Lin Youxis deskmate, Yue Xinyi.

Yue Xinyi, I have something to ask you.

Group Leader Mei, you actually came to me?

Yue Xinyi felt very happy because Mei Fang never paid much attention to her on normal days.

And since he didnt come to ask the class monitor, it must be a question related to Lin Youxi herself.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

She could already prepare to go crazy with excitement!

Its rare for the aloof Group Leader Mei to talk to me today! Ask away, ask away, whatever you ask, Ill answer!

Thats great you see, for a good friends birthday, what birthday gift would be particularly special?

Its a birthday gift for the class monitor!

(AN: Yue Xinyi and Lin Youxi have been sitting together for almost a year, and she still doesnt know when Lin Youxis birthday is.)

Yue Xinyi suppressed the urge to go crazy with excitement and coughed a few times in a pretentious manner, Is it for a friend of the same gender or the opposite gender?

Um the opposite gender.

Yue Xinyi suddenly felt a sweet sensation in her throat.

Cough, cough, well, well! Have you ever given her a gift before?

Mei Fang nodded, Ive given all the usual gifts, now Im thinking of some unique birthday gifts.

Well, Its not like that

Peng Xue said and started twirling her hair, Its just that Yuan Yuan keeps bragging to me that her Ah Fang will give her a huge surprise gift this time. Why dont you tell me first, I can check if shell be disappointed or not. If it doesnt seem good, I can even help you come up with ideas. See how considerate I am!?

Um, my gift is not convenient to show, you dont need to worry about it.

Mei Fang knew very well that if she told Peng Xue about the origami lucky stars plan, she might turn into the nosy best friend from that story and keep mocking him.

Alright! Is it okay if I tell Yuan Yuan what you just said? Yuan Yuans childhood sweetheart Mei Fang is going to give her a not convenient to show mysterious grand gift Let me note that down first

You better not cause trouble for me!

Im just taking notes, why so serious Peng Xue pouted and reluctantly put down her pen and paper.

Mei Fang was about to emphasize to Peng Xue the importance of not speaking carelessly, when he suddenly caught a sharp gaze from the window of Class 8, more intense than even their homeroom teacher, Li Shibing.

It seems Yuan Yuan saw us whispering We cant let her become even more jealous.

Peng Xue stuck out her tongue at Mei Fang and patted his shoulder, Anyway, take care of yourself, Mei Fang, dont disappoint Yuan Yuan.

Is this karma?

I teased Zhang Ming earlier to relieve my pressure a little bit, but now Peng Xue put me under pressure again.

Then I got caught chatting with Peng Xue by Yuan Yuan in the hallway, and here comes another wave of pressure from Yuan Yuan.


Mei Fang sighed deeply.

It seems that if I dont show my true power as a reborn person, I probably wont be able to handle this

Translator's /2022/09/16/sheep-a-sheep-is-the-new-viral-game-that-wechat-is-going-bonkers-over/

Its the Bitcoin pizza day: /definition/bitcoin-pizza-day

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Dec 10, 2023 at 6:07 pm

Yes, this is right. Sensible guy, but even with experience, one still has things that are difficult to handle.

Thanks for the chapter.


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