Published at 14th of June 2024 05:23:30 AM

Chapter 87: Companionship is the Best Birthday Gift

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Chapter 87: Companionship is the Best Birthday Gift

Since coming back from the bathroom room, Mei Fang had been busy writing something during break time.

Seeing him preoccupied, Lin Youxi felt a bit concerned and reached out to pat Mei Fangs back.

Are you still struggling with what to give Yuan Yuan for her birthday? If you really cant think of anything, I can help you out.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Mei Fang looked quite happy. Ive got it, Ive got it! I used to just buy gifts for her directly, but this time I want to try making something myself.

Handmade? Are you going to make a thousand origami cranes or lucky stars? I can help with that.

Its not those. Its

Mei Fang smiled slightly. Since I want to give something heartfelt, Ill give Yuan Yuan a poem I wrote in my early years!

Students of this age have a habit of collecting beautiful writings. Whether they are sentimental or passionate, boys and girls, they always show off their embarrassing literary talent. Many examples of exchanging self-written poems were circulating within the class, so Lin Youxi didnt find it too strange.

So hows your poem coming along?

Its almost done. Class Monitor, would you like to appreciate it?

Mei Fang held the letter and deliberately looked pensive. Do you think this poem is suitable for Yuan Yuan? It wasnt originally written for herit was an improvisation, so it might sound a bit strange when read.

Let me see.

Lin Youxi quickly took the poem from Mei Fangs hand.

Showing the poem he wrote to Lin Youxi was actually a bit beyond Mei Fangs expectations, but he knew that the more evasive he was, the more he would make Lin Youxi speculate, so he opted for a more open approach.

Looking at the poem, Lin Youxi, who usually had an indifferent expression, suddenly had a bright look in her eyes.

Ah Fang, you didnt copy this from somewhere else, did you?

Of course not. If you dont believe me, look it up online.

Youve written this poem really well. Yuan Yuan will definitely be happy Lin Youxi touched the words on the letter, But your handwriting is messy, and the paper doesnt look good. As a birthday gift, Yuan Yuan might not appreciate it.

After thinking for a while, Lin Youxi said, How about this Ill help you rewrite it.

Oh, theres such a good thing?

Mei Fang immediately nodded, Then Ill trouble you

But its not without conditions.

Lin Youxi rested her chin on her hand, looking at Mei Fang. Next year, on my birthday, I dont want to receive a small gift you bought.

Youdo you want me to write a poem for you?

Lin Youxi nodded, I want you to write a different one.

Then you write it for me.


Lin Youxi nodded.

On the way home after the evening self-study, Xia Yuan happily shared the interesting things she encountered at school and showed the photo booth pictures taken with Peng Xue. Mei Fang and Lin Youxi, each with their own thoughts, appeared relatively calm. Xia Yuan didnt seem to mind and reminded the two:

Tomorrow is my birthday, and Ive already ordered the birthday cake. Where do you think we should go to celebrate?

Isnt it usually at your house?

Well I thought about changing things up a bit. Xia Yuan asked Mei Fang with a smile. Is Aunt Mei going to be at home tomorrow? If not, we can have the birthday party at your house.

Is it just the three of us? If you invite Peng Xue or someone else, wont Ah Fangs place be too small?

Xia Yuan shook her head. I didnt ask Xiaoxue to give me a gift because I didnt invite her After all, birthdays are very, very important special for the three of us. I definitely want to celebrate it only with us three.

Mei Fang nodded. Yes, now that you mention it, it reminded me that its the only day we can celebrate with only the three of us. Ill send Xiaoya to Grandmas house that day to avoid her smearing Yuan Yuans cake all over my face.

Hey, Ah Fang, why will you do that? Why are you intentionally excluding Xiaoya? As her older brother, how can you do this

Xia Yuan smiled warmly and said, Xiaoya is your sister, of course she should celebrate with us.

Alright, as long as you and Youxi dont mind her. This sister of mine is really annoying. I just cant understand why there are so many sister-complex characters in anime.

Xiaoya is lively and cute, isnt that a good thing? Lin Youxi suddenly interjected.

Mei Fang and Xia Yuan couldnt help but shake their heads together at this sudden remark.

Someday, Ill let you take care of Xiaoya for a day, and youll understand!

Thats true Kids grow up and become difficult to handle.

Experimental Middle Schools first-year students have weekends off. So Mei Fang didnt have the habit of studying at Xia Yuans house on Fridays. However, that evening, as they were about to part ways at the entrance of the community, Xia Yuan invited Mei Fang to have dinner together and take a walk in the community park afterward


Xia Yuan happily bounced along the park path with her hands behind her back, looking very cheerful, while Mei Fang followed behind.

Be careful, dont fall.

Im not that clumsy! By the way, Ah Fang, I wanted to talk to you tonight about the birthday gift

Xia Yuan suddenly turned around, looked at Mei Fang with her hands behind her back and said, Although I mentioned before that I wanted a different kind of birthday gift, it was just talk Actually, as long as it is something from you and Youxi, I will like it.

Xia Yuans voice was clear and sweet.

To me, your company has always been the best birthday gift.

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