Published at 14th of June 2024 05:23:15 AM

Chapter 96: The Only Light

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Chapter 96: The Only Light

Although Peng Xue openly said it was okay that the cup was broken, Xia Yuans worries eventually became a reality.

Huang Lian changed her shoes and arrived at the classroom early after having dinner at home. Seeing the lazy appearance of the class, she immediately became furious and started scolding them one by one:

Yin Ruichao, I can hear your voice even in the hallway. Go stand outside!

Jiang Yanhang, ah. You ranked over twenty in the last class quiz. Do you still have the nerve to show your face here? Youll stand for tonights self-study!

Our class has always been an outstanding class in the school, but it has been held back by a few troublemakers like you! A few troublemakers have impacted the whole class. You guys always fool around all day long. Im really going to vomit blood from being so angry with you, really.

Huang Lian gasped for breath and then went to look for her water cup on her desk.

Of course, the cup was nowhere to be found. Huang Lian rummaged through the things on the desk but didnt see the shadow of the cup.

Xia Yuan had initially intended to mention this matter when Huang Lian entered the classroom, but Huang Lians furious entrance made her miss the first opportunity, and Peng Xue was still sleeping carefreely on the side.

Helpless, Xia Yuan had to wake Peng Xue up first, then walked to the podium with a brave face and explained the situation to Huang Lian.

Huang Lians face visibly contorted, eventually turning extremely pale.

You said my glass cup was broken? Who did it? Come forward!

Xia Yuan quickly waved her hand and said, Peng Xue saw it when it was already broken.

What about the other students on duty? Werent they there at the time?

They had all gone downstairs to eat, and we were waiting for the inspection group.

Since you were waiting for the inspection group, you should have been waiting in the classroom all along. Where did you run off to?

At this moment, Peng Xue woke up and quickly raised her hand to joined the conversation, Teacher, Yuan Yuan went to the restroom at that time, and I chatted with the inspectors for a while. When I came back, I saw the water cup was already on the ground, broken.

You didnt see anyone leaving the classroom?

I didnt pay much attention to who left. But they were all the students in charge of the hygiene inspection in our class.

Peng Xue shook her head.

Huang Lian asked for some more details, and Xia Yuan truthfully answered them all. When she learned that only Peng Xue was present at the scene of the incident, Huang Lian remained silent with a pale face. Xia Yuan stood beside her, looking bewildered, unsure if she should return to her seat.

Teacher although the cup wasnt broken by us, Peng Xue and I indeed have the responsibility of not taking care of it. How about we pool money to compensate you for one?

Why do I need your money? Go back to your seat first.

Xia Yuan nervously walked back to her seat.

Of course, a cup may not be worth much money, but if this cup can reveal whether a person is honest or not, then its significance is extraordinary.

As a Chinese teacher, Huang Lian often shared moral lessons with her students.

For example, some people dress up beautifully on the surface, but their hearts are extremely ugly and dirty, filthy and disgusting. I have repeatedly emphasized to you that its okay to make mistakes, but the most frightening thing is not daring to admit them.

Of course, whats even more ugly is that some people, after being criticized, dont know how to repent and instead deliberately oppose the teacher.

As Huang Lian spoke, she looked towards Xia Yuan and Peng Xue, who were both writing something silently with their heads down. Huang Lian continued, What grudge do I have against you? I will be your teacher for three years, yet afterwards, none of you will bother to visit me. Now youre already opposing me. What Im saying is not for me, but for you. This will affect your future.


Finally, Peng Xue, who had been the target of criticism, couldnt take it anymore.

She slammed the table with her pen, and the whole classroom fell silent.

Peng Xue, whats the matter with you? Did I mention you? Are you feeling guilty, huh!?

I told you it wasnt me who knocked it over!

Who allowed you to sit while talking to me? Stand up! Do you hear me!

Reluctantly, Peng Xue stood up, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down.

Im asking you, if it wasnt you who knocked it over, who can prove it for you? Xia Yuan! You, stand up too.

As Xia Yuan stood up, Huang Lian approached her to question, You were very clear with me just now. When you came back, did you see the cup already broken, and Peng Xue was sweeping it?

Xia Yuan hesitantly nodded, But this doesnt necessarily

But what? Youre learning from Peng Xues bad behavior! Is there anyone else who can prove your innocence? How can you prove that the cup wasnt knocked over by you two? Your motives seem quite sufficient! This afternoon, during the cleaning, I criticized you a bit, and now you hold a grudge, right?

Teacher, you have a very negative mindset, stop speculating about others!

Talking back again?

Did I say anything wrong!? Peng Xue shouted at Huang Lian, I already said it wasnt me who knocked it over. If it was me, I would have admitted it long ago! Why do you keep targeting me? Whats wrong with you!?

Whats wrong with me? Then you can ask our classmates, which classmate do you think would do such a thing and throw my cup? Huh? Can you find one who can explain their motives clearly?

Huang Lian let Xia Yuan sit down on her seat, dragged Peng Xue to the podium, and said, Come on, find one. Look and see, besides you, who in the class would break my cup? Yin Ruichao, stand up. Is it you?

Yin Ruichao stood up and quickly waved his hands, I-I was playing basketball during the cleaning.

Jiang Yanhang, is it you?

Jiang Yanhang shook his head, I-I was in line buying beef noodles the whole time. I dont know!

Huang Lian left Peng Xue standing at the podium as if publicly executing her. She clapped her hands, signaling everyone:

I see, tonight, lets not have self-study session. Since we cant find the culprit who threw my cup, theres no need for us to continue studying, because everyone must first learn how to behave.

If a student doesnt even have the courage to admit their mistakes, such a disruptive element in our class is very dangerous. Lets do this, everyone take out a piece of paper and write down where you were and what you were doing during the afternoon cleaning, and who can testify for you. I will collect them one by one.

After a brief hesitation, the students in the class began to take out papers and pens to write.

Only Xia Yuan remained with her head down, clutching her fists, frozen in her seat without moving.

In this small county town, hitting a teacher is considered a very serious incident. After this incident, it was basically impossible for Peng Xue to stay at the school to continue her studies. So, she sensibly slung her school bag over her shoulder, held her head high, and confidently walked out of the classroom. The students nearby all made way for her under her aura.

She was exceptionally proud.

She never sought trouble.

The commotion in the neighboring class made the homeroom teachers of Class 9 and Class 7, who were having evening self-study, also run over to check. After Li Shibing left, the students in the class became restless, and many curious students planned to sneak over to watch, but Lin Youxi maintained order and quieted them down.

Earlier, when Mei Fang delivered beef noodles, Xia Yuan had mentioned the incident of Huang Lians cup being broken. Mei Fang was already worried, and when he saw Peng Xue passing through the hallway with her bag, rubbing her eyes, he immediately realized that something must have happened on Xia Yuans side.

The students of Class 8 had been detained by Huang Lian until eight oclock that day. When Xia Yuan, dragging her exhausted body, walked out of the classroom, she saw Mei Fang and Lin Youxi waiting in the hallway. Without hesitation, she threw herself into their arms.

Lin Youxi and Mei Fang tacitly didnt ask anything, they just let Xia Yuan embrace them.

Exhausted, Xia Yuan accompanied the two halfway before gradually sorting out her thoughts and telling Mei Fang and Lin Youxi about the farce that had happened that evening.

After hearing the full story, Mei Fang had many things he wanted to say, and much frustration to vent. This was the first time in his life that he felt so angry with someone.

But seeing Xia Yuans haggard face, he couldnt bear to make her relive the recent pain and vent his own anger.

She had shared the details in fragments, but Mei Fang could roughly imagine the scene from her descriptions.

Peng Xue had almost replicated her journey into the abyss from Mei Fangs past life, but this time she was not alone. Xia Yuan had become her only light in the dark, just as she had been Lin Youxis light in the past. Mei Fangs rescue of Xia Yuan became a source of salvation for Peng Xue. She pulled Peng Xue back from the edge of the cliff.

Yuan Yuan you are really amazing.

In Mei Fangs eyes, even for a reborn individual like him, going against the whole world for the sake of his friend wasnt something he could confidently guarantee. Yet, she achieved it brilliantly.

You can stand by your own beliefs in front of so many people and stand by her side. This is the courage that children your age cannot possess. Honestly, I may not even be as resolute as you. Peng Xue must be very grateful to have a friend like you, and thats why she stood up for you at that time.

I wish she hadnt helped me

Xia Yuan had been feeling very guilty and upset about this. Because of this, Xiaoxue wont be able to stay in our class or at our school.

Since the whole incident started with a misunderstanding, if we can resolve this misunderstanding, maybe the school principal can be more lenient.

Lin Youxi didnt ask many questions, but she held Xia Yuans hand tightly and analyzed the situation for her, Lets figure out a solution together. Tomorrow, well ask the students in the nearby classes. If we find the real culprit, we can shift the blame onto that Yellow Face Wife.

Haha, Youxi, why are you also calling her yellow face wife now?

Why cant I? She dared to bully our Yuan Yuan.

Lin Youxi gently caressed Xia Yuans right cheek, full of concern in her words, Weve grown up together, and youve never been hit like this before

It didnt really hurt that much, hehe Especially after Xiaoxue beat up that Yellow Face Wife, I felt relieved! But, do you believe me that Xiaoxue is not the culprit?

Of course.

Mei Fang gently pinched Xia Yuans cheek, Didnt I say before, no matter what decision you make, I will unconditionally support and defend you.

Im the same.

Lin Youxi held Xia Yuans hand.

Ehehe Its great to have you both.

As Xia Yuan spoke, she turned to look at Mei Fang.

But Im really tired now, and I kind of want um, I want the Ah Fangs Super Energy right now, can I?

In the past, Mei Fang would have been conflicted in such a situation, especially in front of Lin Youxi.

But today was a special case.

Without hesitation, Mei Fang hugged her, he even lifted Xia Yuan and spun her around.

Lin Youxi watched with a tender smile on her lips.

Xia Yuan came down from Mei Fangs embrace, but she wasnt satisfied yet. She then moved towards Lin Youxi and opened her arms.

And then its Youxis Super Energy!

Lin Youxi didnt seem particularly surprised by this term, which left Mei Fang with a sense of self-inflicted disappointment.

Ah Fangs Super Energy doesnt seem to be a unique term after all!

But, it doesnt matter as long as its a special term shared with Youxi

Mei Fang watched contentedly as his favorite girls enjoyed their moment together. However, as his smile faded, his expression gradually turned serious.

His primary goal at the moment was to clear Peng Xues name and find the real culprit who broke the cup, so that Peng Xue could return.

Of course, that alone wouldnt be enough.

The main culprit wouldnt retreat just because of this incident.

Most young students might not dare or know how to resist unreasonable way of discipline from adults. Still, once the students learned how things were done and had the courage, teachers would quickly realize that students werent always in a weaker position.

It must be acknowledged that the majority of teachers genuinely cared for and loved their students, fulfilling their responsibilities as good educators.

However, teachers like Huang Lian also exist.

In a situation where one is constantly targeted, mere submission and endurance would only fuel the other partys arrogance.

Resistance was the only way out.

Mei Fang made up his mind and began preparing a tactical plan.

I cant let my dear Yuan Yuan endure such torment from that Yellow Face Wife any longer.


(This chapter is relatively long.)

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