Overlord in the Corner - Chapter 10

Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 10

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Here’s a page dedicated towards the skills of Taehyung! If you forgot their description or something, you can read if here->

As Taehyung turned his gaze, he saw the gathering of orcs in the village square.

The orcs were packed so tightly in the square that not a single empty space could be seen, all of them were looking at one point.

Right in front of the square, standing on a hill that protruded like a pedestal, was Karim.

Karim spoke to the orcs with a solemn expression, and Taehyung wondered, “What is he saying that has the orcs so focused?”

Just until yesterday, Karim seemed cold and distant, but suddenly his attitude had changed overnight.

Taehyung decided to listen closely.

“…That’s how I was reborn as a High Orc. So, all of this is thanks to the Lord’s grace.”


What grace?

“So, is he talking about what happened to him right now?”

It seemed like he was bragging.

“Geez, what a shameless thing to do.”

Karim, like a lord surveying his people, looked down at the orcs with an imposing face. After scanning the orcs concentrated on him from left to right, he reached out his hand.

“My fellow orcs, take a good look.”

Light emanated from his outstretched hand, and soon a large wolf began to materialize.

As the bright light faded and the wolf’s form became clearer, the orcs couldn’t help but express their admiration.


“It’s real.”

“No doubt. Absolutely.”

Applause and cheers erupted. Some orcs looked suspiciously at Karim, but their doubtful gazes vanished as they clearly saw it.

They had seen it with their own eyes.

The large figure was incredibly majestic, and the gray fur with a hint of blue light boasted an extraordinary presence.

It was the appearance of the wolf companion described in the historical records kept in their sacred texts—the Giant Wolf Fury.

Although there were numerous companion creatures in the world, the Giant Wolf Fury could only be summoned by a High Orc.

Thus, Karim was proving that he was undeniably a High Orc.

“Yes, as you see, this wolf is the ancestral companion, the Giant Wolf Fury, which has always been with us orcs since the beginning.”

“Giant Wolf Fury!”

“Wolf Companion!”


“The best!”

Cheers grew louder. Some orcs even shed tears.

It felt like watching a scene of madness, akin to observing a cult. Taehyung found it absurd.

“Well, just until last night, it wasn’t like this. What happened all of a sudden?”

Karim had mentioned several times to Taehyung the significance of a High Orc among the orc tribe. So, it made some sense.

“But this is too sudden, isn’t it?”

Well, it’s good if it’s good.

Seeing things going well was satisfying, but it was still awkward.

“Show it again!”

“Yes! Again!”

“Alright. Since you want it, there’s nothing I can’t do.”

After summoning and dismissing the wolf three times, each time met with enthusiastic cheers, Karim spoke again.

“I was able to meet this friend because of the Lord. As I said earlier, all of this is the Lord’s grace. Now, do you understand how great our Lord is?”

“Um… It seems so.”

“I don’t really understand, but it seems amazing!”

The orcs nodded. They might not fully grasp it, but at least there was no resistance.

During this, one orc suddenly asked, “But if what you say is true, Lord is a human from another dimension. How could a human turn you into a High Orc?”

Karim seemed to ponder for a moment before opening his mouth.

“That’s because my Lord is the envoy sent by the Orc God.”


“T-That’s possible!”

“Lord is the messenger sent by our Orc God, who awakened the High Orc lineage in me and awakened my abilities. It’s something only our sacred Orc God can do. Therefore, our Lord is undoubtedly the messenger sent by the Orc God.”


“So, I will accept the will of our Lord and lead our orc tribe to reclaim the glory of the past as a High Orc with the awakened bloodline after a thousand years.”

For a moment, the orcs’ actions came to a halt.

After a while, thunderous cheers followed.


“Karim! Karim!”

“Lord! The messenger sent by the Orc God!”

Along with the cheers, various messages reached Taehyung.

[The effect of the skill ‘Lord’s Grace’ is activated!]

[The orcs of the Blue Axe tribe were deeply moved by Karim’s speech!]

[The orcs of the Blue Axe tribe are now under Karim’s command.]

[Karim has obtained the position of ‘Chief of the Blue Axe Orc Tribe.’]

A continuous stream of messages. However, it wasn’t the end.

[Achievement progress has surpassed the benchmark.]

[Unique skill ‘Faction Development’ has been created! Faction functions are now unlocked!]

[The Blue Axe Orc Tribe is entered into the system.]

[From now on, you can summon any members of the Blue Axe Orc Tribe.]

[You are engraved in the members of the Blue Axe Orc Tribe.]

[Achievement unlocked! Your summoned being has achieved its first faction. You are rewarded with 1000 shop points.]

[Achievement unlocked! The summoned being’s subordinates are now your subordinates. You are rewarded with 1000 shop points.]

[Achievement unlocked! After awakening, you have acquired a new skill for the first time. You are rewarded with 1000 shop points.]


In just one day, Karim managed to subdue the Blue Axe Orc Tribe, taking the position of the chief.

Confirming numerous notifications that popped up on the system window and inquiring further about the circumstances to Karim, Taehyung was able to grasp what had happened in the past day.

After winning a duel with Karik and declaring himself the chief, Karim demonstrated his abilities once again to some enthusiastic Orcs.

For Karim, who defeated the chief in a duel, taking the chief’s position was entirely natural. Moreover, being the chief’s son posed no problem at all.

There was a bit of commotion in the process, particularly concerning Karik, the loser of the duel. The issue of whether to kill or spare him caused a bit of trouble.

In the end, Karim chose not to kill his father, Karik.

Some radical elements within the tribe voiced traditional views, suggesting that, despite Karik’s effective leadership over the years, as a loser in the sacred duel, he should be killed with tears in their eyes.

However, Karim had no intention of killing his father. On the contrary, he issued a warning to those who would tarnish his father’s honor.

Thus, there were no more debates about this matter.

After assuming the position of chief, the scene Taehyung witnessed was Karim’s inaugural speech as the chief.

“But why did you tell them all of this?”

“Huh? Why did I tell about the lord’s feats? I just did what was natural.”

Karim made a puzzled expression.

“As someone who has received the lord’s grace, it is only natural to share the Lord’s greatness.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Lord, expect great things. I will spread your greatness to all the Orcs on this continent.”

With a determined look in his eyes and a clenched fist, Karim revealed his strong determination.

“Yes, do that. I hope it works out as you wish.”


Karim bowed his head respectfully towards the sky.

‘I don’t know what will happen next.’

Let it be.

Rather, it’s good.

Taehyung thought it wouldn’t be bad if his name became famous in the Afroxia dimension thanks to Karim.


That evening, Karim went to his father Karik’s house.

After a long time, they had dinner together. The dinner was a deer meat hunted in the relatively safe outskirts of the Karzen Great Forest.

It wasn’t as grand as the lord’s food, but it was delicious in its own.

After eating their fill and when they were both satisfied, Karik suddenly asked, “Why didn’t you kill me?”

“Why should I kill my father?”

“I am the loser of the sacred duel. Naturally, I should die.”

“No, I don’t think so.”

Karim raised his head.

“In a duel, the winner takes it all; it’s not necessary for the loser to die. That’s what you taught me, father. I decided to spare you. That’s the end of it.”

“I am a heartless father who abandoned his son.”

“I understand you, father. I know it was an unavoidable choice.”

Karim muttered solemnly. Karik’s eyes wavered.

“It’s just the situation that turned out this way. Even if I were in the same situation as you, I would have done the same.”


“Even thinking about it now, I was truly useless and foolish. If the lord hadn’t saved me, I would have been eaten by trolls.”


“I love you, father. I love our tribe, and I love my fellow orcs. I want to fight alongside you, gather our scattered kin, and reclaim the old glory.”


“So, don’t blame yourself. That sad look doesn’t suit you, father. In my heart, you’re still the greatest warrior.”

Karik finally managed to speak.

“…I’m sorry.”

For the first time, Karim hesitated. He hadn’t expected such words coming from his father.

“It’s late, but I forgive you.”

He had always thought of him as cold and stern, an Orc who could never say such words.

“If you forgive me, I want to help you pursue your dreams, even if I’m a useless father.”

Karim felt something rigid in his heart melting away.


Somehow, it felt refreshing. The feeling was too good. He wanted to go out and swing his axe.

Karim grinned and said, “Father, I feel restless. Do you want to spar with me?”

“That sounds good.”

Karik also smiled.

Sniff. Sniff.

Watching, Taehyung absentmindedly wiped his nose. His eyes were teary as if something came into it.

On a day like this, he missed his dead parents.

Taehyung decided to take out the old family photo that he hadn’t looked at for a long time.


The next day, Taehyung decided to take a day to read the system messages he had missed.

There had been many changes, but he hadn’t had a chance to verify them.

First and foremost, he wanted to see Karim’s two skills that had piqued his curiosity.

[Booster Morale]

-Basic Effect: Boosts the morale of oneself and subordinates under command significantly, reducing the likelihood of falling into a negative state.

-Activated Effect: Grants ‘Unyielding Valor’ buff to oneself and subordinates under command for a certain duration. (Effect of Unyielding Valor: Significantly enhances strength, endurance, and agility-related attributes during the duration)

[Lord’s Grace]

-Karim, overwhelmed with gratitude towards the Lord, has made up his mind to spread this grace far and wide. He may even think that the Lord is a messenger sent by the Orc god. If possible, Karim will reveal to his kin how extraordinary the Lord’s grace is, anytime and anywhere.

-Karim’s words grants a constant ‘charming’ effect. However, this effect is only limited to the Orc race.

The morale boost was just as effective as expected. It was the kind of effect that perfectly suited the Commander class.

Although the details needed testing, it felt like a genuinely good skill at first glance.

And then, the Lord’s grace skill.

The skill description was a bit odd, but it didn’t seem bad either.

It was a passive skill that constantly bestowed the ‘charming’ effect on speech.

Perhaps it was because of this skill that the Orcs were so moved by Karim’s words.

‘Next is…’

Faction Development.

This was more of a function than a skill. In other words, now he could more meticulously manage the forces led by his summoned creature. Well, that’s what it seemed like.

As a result, the Blue Axe Orc Tribe, led by Karim, was registered in the system as his summons too. Now, he could easily grasp the situation of the tribe at a glance.

[Faction Information]

-Faction Name: Blue Axe Orc Tribe

-Faction Leader: Karim

-Region: Afroxia Dimension, Inside the Kaizen Great Forest

-Members: High Orc 1, Orcs 197

-Features: Located in the lungs of the Afroxia Dimension, the Orc tribe in the Kaizen Great Forest. Due to the nature of the Orc race, all adult members can perform combat roles.

-View Details (Y/N)

‘Oh, interesting.’

It was a screen that look like those from world building management simulation game.

There was nothing particularly special, but the expression in the features was quite impressive.

That all adult members could serve as combatants.

Indeed, a race passionate about combat.

Taehyung immediately clicked on ‘View Details.’ As he did, an enormous amount of information filled the system window.

Details of 198 Orcs, including their personal profiles, faction location, facility information, and much more. There was a wide range of information.

However, among them, there was something that particularly caught Taehyung’s attention.

[Choose the growth direction of your faction!]

“Growth direction?”

Taehyung raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

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