Overlord in the Corner - Chapter 12

Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 12

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The war was progressing towards its conclusion.

Each lizardman was formidable, but their numbers were fewer. Orcs, on the other hand, were weaker individually but numerous. Their fight was originally evenly matched, but this time was different.

It was an overwhelming victory!

The orcs’ one-sided slaughter continued.

“Our enemies, let’s kill all the reptiles!”

“Not a single one should be spared!”

Orcs’ cheers echoed from all directions, while the pitiful cries of the lizardmen spread.

“To the orc who kills the most reptiles, I will specially request our lord to let him taste divine food!”

“Ooh! Divine food!”

“I’m curious! Divine food!”

Karim’s declaration fueled the enthusiasm of the orcs even more.

Divine food! What could that be!

“The divine food is mine!”

“No, it’s mine!”

“I’ll kill the most reptiles!”

There was no trace of fear in the orcs as they crazily swung their axes.

The aura emanating faintly from Karim.

[Battlefield Sanctuary]

– During battle, emits an aura that enhances the abilities of oneself and subordinates.

The Battlefield Sanctuary made the courageous orcs even stronger.

Lizardmen warriors, returning late from the hunt, joined the battle, but they ended up being just more victims.


Thus, Karim beheaded the last lizardman.


The lizardman’s corpse fell to the ground.

The lizardman tribe, now reduced to ruins, left no traces of life except for the orcs.

“We won!”

“We achieved victory!”

“Karim! Karim!”

The victorious cheers of the orcs echoed through the forest.


Having won, it was now time to enjoy the spoils.

“Quickly assess the casualties and check your equipment.”

“No fatalities, and there are three injured orcs. One seriously, two lightly.”

“Good. Move the injured to the village. Shaman Kurpha will take care of them.”

It was a remarkable victory. No orc had died!

For the orcs, this was unprecedented, especially considering the formidable opponent they faced, the lizardmen.

The orcs once again shared the joy of this remarkable achievement, embracing each other and jumping around in uninhibited celebration.

And amidst the celebration, there was one human enjoying the happiness alone.

That was Taehyung.

[Astonishing Achievement! Your faction has achieved its first victory! Rewarding 1000 shop points!]

[Astonishing Achievement! Achieved victory without a single casualty! Rewarding 1000 shop points!]

Accumulated shop points from various achievements had now surpassed 10,000 points.

“Well done, Karim. You did splendidly.”

“No, it’s thanks to our lord. I will offer our lord the head of this lizardman.”

Once again, Karim offered only one head. When Karim lifted the head high, the lizardman’s head vanished into light.

[Your summoned Karim offers the head of the lizardman.]

[The effect of the skill ‘Plundering Spoils’ is activated.]

[Assessing the value of the lizardman’s head.]

[Shop points increased by 20 points.]

“Oh, that’s quite disappointing.”

While an ogre’s head would yield 1000 points, the lizardman’s head was only worth 20. Taehyung had a hunch as to why. Ogres lived independently, were powerful, and had valuable materials for magical research. On the other hand, lizardmen lived in groups, were not as powerful as ogres, and their heads had no practical use.

Well, for Taehyung, it was regrettable, but he didn’t mind. In fact, the thought of offering dozens of lizardman heads rolling on the ground for points made him uncomfortable.

Karim offering just one head had its own dignified significance, and Taehyung had long decided not to interfere with Karim’s noble intentions.

Meanwhile, the orcs still had great joy ahead of them: the looting of spoils.

“Everyone, scatter and search for anything worth taking. We’ll strip everything clean, so search diligently.”

“Understood, chief!”

“To the orc who collects the most, I’ll specially let them taste divine food.”


“Divine food!”

“I’ll gather the most loot!”

The orcs, with their eyes gleaming, started searching the ruins of the lizardman tribe.

To them, divine food was worth the madness, and they enthusiastically worked towards it.


A celebration feast commemorating the victory in the Blue Axe Tribe began.

All the stored meat and alcohol were brought out. Additionally, there was food taken from the lizardman tribe.

“Let’s eat!”

“Let’s drink!”


In an instant, the village of the Blue Axe Tribe was filled with joyful laughter.

The orcs were as skilled in celebration as the dwarves. The village was quickly filled with the smell of alcohol.

While the tribe members enjoyed their food and drink, Karim was inspecting the loot with Kurpha.

“Shaman, eliminating these reptile guys was a really good choice.”

“That’s right, chief. I didn’t expect them to have so many weapons.”

The most significant harvest from the battle with the lizardmen was, without a doubt, the weapons they possessed.

The lizardmen’s unique iron swords were abundant, and now they filled the previously empty weapon warehouse of the village.

Of course, in terms of quality, they weren’t as good as the orcs’, but that didn’t matter.

All these swords could be melted down to be reborn as axes for the warriors.

“Without a doubt, the iron shortage had us worried, considering whether we should venture into the human world or make a deal with the dwarves. It’s truly fortunate. With this, we can completely rearm our warriors with new weapons.”

“However, our weapon craftsmen will have their work cut out for them.”

“That’s true. They’ll have to put in the effort. Well, as long as we provide them with rewards that match their hard work, they’ll surely give it their all, don’t you think?”

Karim nodded in agreement. In his mind, a hopeful and bright future was unfolding.

If they continued with this momentum, defeating their enemies and allying with the other orc, they could rapidly expand their influence.

At that moment, two orcs approached. They were the ones who had killed the most lizardmen and collected the most loot, earning the privilege of tasting the heavenly food.

“Chief, there you are! We’ve been looking for you for a while.”

“What’s the matter?”

“You promised to let us taste the Divine food.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Karim nodded. He asked them seriously, “Are you prepared?”

“Of course.”

“Me too.”

“Good. Then, follow me.”

Shortly after, they found themselves in the world beyond Afroxia, on Earth.

In a small house, Karim and the two orcs summoned alongside him were faced with a table full of delectable-looking meat.

“W-what is this?”

“It smells good. Looks really delicious.”

“This is jokbal.”


“That’s right. This is the divine food our lord prepared for us.”

The two orcs tasted it, and before they knew it, their mouths were watering.

Despite the unfamiliar surroundings and cuisine, the orcs paid no attention. After all, Chief Karim had explained that this was the lord’s home, so that settled it.

They simply had a delicious-looking meal in front of them, and that was all that mattered.

“Let’s eat. It melts in your mouth, so don’t be too surprised.”

“Oh, okay.”


The two orcs, seemingly tense, swallowed their saliva before cautiously picking up a piece of jokbal with their forks and putting it into their mouths.

And they were pleasantly surprised.

“I-it’s delicious!”

“Isn’t it?”

“Chief wasn’t lying! It really was divine food!”

They immediately slammed their heads down. The room was filled with the sound of satisfied munching.


Taehyung quietly watched the scene, then couldn’t help but express his admiration.

“Really amazing. Unbelievable.”

Taehyung shook his head in disbelief.

“How can they eat so well?”

The amount the orcs were devouring was equivalent to four extra-large portions. That meant it cost over 180,000 won (140 USD), including delivery.

Even though he had inherited a considerable fortune after his parents passed away, he was still living frugally. Ordering such an extravagant meal for the orcs, who weren’t even his relatives or direct summons, seemed excessive.

But, for some reason, it seemed like he had miscalculated.

‘Surely they won’t ask for more, right?’

Contrary to his concerns, they didn’t ask for more. However, there was also none left. Truly, their incredible appetite couldn’t be overlooked.

Taehyung glanced at the empty plastic containers.

‘Well, I wanted to eat too… Ah, I’m hungry.’

Taehyung made a resolution.

Feasting should be reserved for truly special occasions and with a set number of guests!

Continuing to feed the orcs without limits could potentially wreak havoc in the house.

“Lord, thank you for the meal.”

“I enjoyed it too.”


The orcs patted their satisfied bellies.

“It was truly Divine food.”

“Indeed. I was happy.”

“We only heard about it from the chief, but the lord is undoubtedly remarkable.”

The two orcs made a promise. When they returned to the village, they would make sure to convey just how amazing the Divine food was.

After the orcs left, Taehyung opened the shop window, contemplating.

Last time, after leveling up the store, his shop remained at level 2.

[Item Shop]

-View Level 1 Shop Items (OFF)

-Sturdy Iron Mace: 200pt

-Durable Iron Sword: 500pt

-Durable Iron Axe: 500pt

-Robust Light Leather Armor: 400pt

-Sturdy Light Leather Helmet: 400pt

-Genuine Temple Recovery Potion: 300pt

-Mana Recovery Accelerant: 200pt




‘Still, there doesn’t seem to be anything worth buying.’

Certainly, the Level 2 shop had much better items than the Level 1 shop. Karim confirmed this with the sturdy axe he bought for him.

The quality of the weapons was exceptional, and he couldn’t help but think that buying them was a great decision.

Of course, compared to the 50-point crude axe, the 500-point for a high-quality one was justified, considering it was ten times the points.

There was a variety of items available—bows, maces, spears, and even iron armor like plate and chainmail. Additionally, there were miscellaneous items with unknown uses.

No matter how much Taehyung thought about it, the item shop seemed quite lackingt. While it might be useful for supplying items to summoned creatures in emergencies, buying them for personal use seemed inefficient.

‘Perhaps looking into stat-boosting or special shops would be more appropriate…’

In the midst of such thoughts, Taehyung noticed an item that caught his attention.

– Red Drake’s Horn: 2000pt

“What on earth justifies the 2000 points for this?”

Why didn’t he notice something like this before?

It was probably at the bottom of the list, so he missed it.

I immediately read the description.

[Red Drake’s Horn]

– A horn made from the horn of a Red Drake. The mana concentrated in the drake’s horn mixes with the sound, spreading a sleep-inducing aura at a weak level.

“Sleep-inducing aura?”

If it was an aura, it meant the intangible pressure emitted by a powerful being. Dragon aura was a well-known example.

The aura emitted by a powerful being was known to be strong enough to kill a person just on its own.

“Huh? Wait a minute. Does that mean…”

This horn could spread the aura of a Red Drake to enemies. It referred to the aura of the subspecies of dragons called Drakes, considered lower than dragons but still formidable.

It fell short of being a subspecies, but it looked somewhat similar.

“Is this worth buying?”

Taehyung checked his current points.

Current Points: 11,860pt

He had accumulated a lot of points over time. However, using this would drop his points below ten thousand.

Originally, he intended to buy the Shop Level Increase Voucher in the special shop, so it was a dilemma.

‘Increasing to Level 3 shop costs a whopping 10,000 points.’

It was only a thousand points to upgrade to Level 2, so he couldn’t understand why Level 3 cost ten times as much.

‘Wait, isn’t Level 4 like 100,000 points?’

He soon found the whole concept of shop levels strange from the beginning.


Taehyung seriously debated whether to press the purchase button or not.

‘Well, anyway, I only need 140 points to get back to this if I buy it.’

He decided to purchase it.

[Purchased Red Drake’s Horn.]

[2000 points deducted from shop points.]

[Remaining shop points: 9,860pt]

A light sparkled in the air, and a large horn fell to the ground with a thud.

Taehyung immediately picked it up.

It was huge, almost like a Drake’s horn, not just big but damn huge.

‘I should give this to Karim.’

If he had this, perhaps conquering the Kaizen Great Forest would be easier.

Taehyung looked forward to that possibility.

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