Overlord in the Corner - Chapter 13

Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 13

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Taehyung made a decision.

It was about exercising.

For Taehyung, it was a tremendous commitment.

The reason behind this decision was a sudden realization. He felt like an unworthy owner in front of Karim who was running forward with such determination.

“Karim is putting in so much effort, so I can’t just stay idle.”

Whether awakened or not, he was still a procrastinator.

Yeah, he didn’t deny it. It was the truth. However, despite awakening, he still felt a lingering lethargy.

“I can’t continue like this. It’s embarrassing to see my summoned creature like this.”

Unifying the Kaizen Great Forest, gathering all the orcs, becoming the leader of all orcs – Taehyung wanted to be a fitting owner for his summon with such accomplishments.

Exercise was his first step toward that goal.

Although he might face many limitations due to the lack of strength in his left arm, he had to try what he could.

“Going to the gym would be the best, but…”

That was still too much for him.

Home training seemed like a better option.

He browsed through a shopping app on his phone and ordered exercise mats and dumbbells. They would be delivered to his doorstep in a few days.

Afterward, he prepared for the implementation of his significant decision.

That was going out.

Wearing a mask and pulling his hood deep to avoid anyone seeing his face, Taehyung took a deep breath in front of his house gate.

“Whew. Let’s calm down.”

It was just going outside. It shouldn’t be that difficult. But why did his heart flutter like this?

“I can do this.”

As if hypnotizing himself, Taehyung muttered the words “I can do this” several times and finally stepped out of his house.

He took the elevator down. The warm sunlight and the gentle breeze greeted him.

The outside world, felt through his skin after a long time, was truly beautiful.

“It feels like people are staring at me.”

Although he knew it was a wrong thought, his heart didn’t seem to agree yet.

“But still, it’s much better than I thought.”

Even though he hadn’t gone outside, he had always experienced the outside through Karim’s body.

Feeling the vibrant green scenery of Kaizen Great Forest and the rough orc skinship, those experiences served as a kind of rehabilitation for him.

If it were before, he would have felt dizzy and out of breath, but now there was none of that.

“I think I can do this.”

His breath was calm. He could smell many unpleasant one. But still, he didn’t stop. No one walking or running could be seen around him. It seemed like he was the only existence in this world.

His mind wavered. Amidst that, an absurd thought crossed his mind.

“Did my left arm just gain some strength?”

It was probably a delusion. He had tried various methods, but nothing had worked.

Taehyung shook his head vigorously. He erased distractions and focused solely on running.

He lost track of time.

Even though he was nearly stumbling like a dying man, swaying back and forth, he didn’t stop running. A small smile appeared on Taehyung’s lips.

Meanwhile, in the dimension of the Blue Axe Orc tribe, at that moment.

Two orcs were gathered in the open field, addressing the other orcs.

They were the two orcs who had been summoned to Taehyung’s house and enjoyed the Jokbal.

“So, did you really eat the divine food?”

“Hurry up and tell us! The curious orcs are dying to know!”

With a serious expression, the two orcs, Kukul and Kakul, who were holding weights, chuckled at the continuous pressing.

“Hehe. Everyone seems so curious. Alright then, I’ll tell you. We really ate the divine food.”


“How was the taste?”

“The taste was…”

The two orcs tasted the food again in their minds. They described how tender the meat was, how there was no gamey smell, how chewy it was, and how it was both sweet and savory.

“It was truly amazing. Right, Kakul?”

“Exactly. I still remember it.”

“I want to eat it again.”

“So do I.”

The orcs’ mouths were watering. They suppressed the saliva they were about to spit out.

Resentful complaints mixed with envy echoed from various orcs. Some even looked like they wanted to hit them.

Kakul intervened with a raised hand.

“Wait a minute! So, the name of this divine food was…”

“It was Jokbal.”

“Pig trotters?”

“Yeah. The name of the divine food is Jokbal.”


A shock passed through every orc’s chest.


“The divine food!”

“The name seems great for some reason!”

“It really seems like an outstanding name!”

Jokbal! Jokbal!

The orcs shouted “Jokbal!” The chant spread like wildfire, filling the entire village with the sound of cheering for jokbal.

At that moment, Karim, who had been talking with shaman Kurpa, stepped outside and heard the enthusiastic cheers for jokbal.

Curious, he asked, “Why are they shouting like that?”

“Kakul and Kukul were talking about Divine food, and they mentioned jokbal. They all want to try it now. Hmm.”

“Ah, I see.”

Karim nodded in understanding as if it were perfectly natural.

“If that’s the case, it’s okay for them to be like that.”

“Chief, I want to try it too.”

“Oh? Then raise your contribution. Maybe you can taste it too.”

“Alright! I’ll raise my contribution and make sure to try it!”

The orc, who had been talking to Karim, clenched his fist with determination. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, as if thinking about the upcoming war.

“Excellent. Make sure to contribute.” Karim said, nodding approvingly.

The orc seemed to be thinking about the next battle already.

“Alright, now that the warriors are armed, everything is perfect. The blacksmiths have done a great job, and there’s nothing lacking.”

After the war with the lizardmen, their weapons had significantly improved. Days after the war, the Blacksmiths worked tirelessly to enhance the orc warriors’ weapons.

They melted down the lizardmen’s swords, and now the weapons warehouse was filled to the brim. The orcs were in high spirits, having experienced victory, and the weapons upgrade added to their confidence.

“Lizardmen are peculiar creatures, aren’t they? Why are they so obsessed with swords when they can’t even talk?”

“Father is right. Their obsession with swords is beyond understanding.”

“Anyway, we gained quite a lot from those creatures. The swords they had were abundant, and now our weapons storage is overflowing.”

He acknowledged that, despite being rivals and enemies before, the lizardmen had been beneficial. The victory had transformed the orcs, and they were no longer the complacent and lazy tribe they used to be.

“Son, it’s time to face the Boiling Blood tribe next.”

“Yes, Father.”

With the lizardmen stronghold gone, there was no obstacle preventing them from facing the Boiling Blood tribe.

“Son, you know that the Boiling Blood tribe has more warriors than us, right?”

Karim nodded.

“We can’t let that bother us.”

Karim said with a confident smile.

He believed in their victory, even if they were outnumbered.

“With you as our leader, what’s there to worry about?”

Karim truly thought that way. He had no doubt about their success, even in the worst-case scenario.

Karim looked at the large, red horn in his possession.

“I haven’t seen this before. It looks like a horn, but why does it seem familiar?”

“This is a gift from our lord. He said it was made from the horn of a Red Drake.”

“Red Drake!”

Karik was astonished. Obtaining a horn from a creature stronger than an ogre was an impressive feat.

“Indeed, our lord is truly remarkable. To process the horn of such a powerful creature and make it into a flute-like instrument.”

“That’s right. Our Lord is truly amazing. Anyway, I’m planning to test it now.”

Karim gathered the tribe members and displayed the Red Drake horn.

“This is a horn made from the horn of a Red Drake, a gift from our lord.”

He briefly explained the horn’s performance to the orcs, just like he did with Karik.

“Before using it in battle, I’ll test it now. We shouldn’t harm our allies, so let’s see what it can do.”


The orcs swallowed nervously. In anticipation, Karim blew into the horn with all his might.


A clear sound echoed around them. Along with the sound, an intangible force spread widely.

A roar.

The intimidating force dominated the sky, reminiscent of a dragon’s dominance.


The Drake’s aura enveloped the orc village. Soon, the effect became apparent.


“S-so scary.”

Some orcs froze in place, trembling. The ones who had yet to reach adulthood even wet themselves in fear.

However, Karim did not seem satisfied.

“It didn’t affect as many as I thought. It seems the effect is not as powerful as expected.”

Though most would have been knocked unconscious by the intimidating presence of the Red Drake, it was not the case.

“Still, if used wisely, we can achieve a decent effect,” Karik commented.

Nonetheless, Taehyung, who had been observing, had a different perspective.

“This performance is insane.”

His eyes could clearly see it.

[Potent energy covers your followers!]

[Your followers are affected by an abnormal state: Fear!]

[Your followers are affected by an abnormal state: Paralysis!]

[Your summoned creature, Karim, activates the skill ‘Booster Morale’ with its basic effect!]

[Your faction members resist the status conditions: Fear!]

[Your faction members resist the status conditions: Paralysis!]

The orcs resisting the effects of that horn.

It was Karim’s commanding skill that saved the orcs who were panicking.

“Insane. Just playing a horn, and it induces fear and paralysis.”

It seemed like the value of this horn was much higher than the 2000 shop points. Perhaps the points calculation was seriously underestimated. Of course, against significantly powerful opponents, the effect might be negligible, but dealing with that should be a matter of skill.

“Hmm. Good.”

Karim smiled, seemingly satisfied.

“Now, it seems like we’re truly prepared.”

Karim called for an orc, one of the top warriors, Chaku.

“Chaku, the mighty warrior. There’s something you need to do.”

“What is it, Chief?”

“Go to the Boiling Blood Tribe and deliver my message.”

“Understood. What should I convey?”

Karim clenched his fist against his chest and spoke.

“I, Karim, the chief of the Blue Axe Tribe, with the great bloodline of an High Orc that has reappeared after a thousand years on this land, seek unification. I desire to reclaim the ancient glory. Therefore…”

Karim’s confident ambition carried an appropriate dignity. The aura of a ruler emanated from him.

“Surrender. Kneel before the great bloodline.”

Karim declared his first formal challenge to the world.

“Surrender, and there will be only honor. If you refuse, only the retribution of blood awaits.”

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