Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 2

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When he woke up, the morning sun was rising outside.

“I must have been sleeping all day…”

Checking his phone’s clock, it was 6:08 AM. A whole day had just passed.

Kim Taehyung, staring blankly ahead, realized that something tremendous had happened to him.

“Oh, awakening!”

He moved his body around, but aside from feeling a bit lighter, nothing else had changed.

Come to think of it, they mentioned a unique skill being created.

Recalling that, the usage instructions for the system automatically came to his mind.

Straight away, when he summoned the user information window, a translucent holographic window appeared before his eyes.

Although it was a simple window displaying only his name, class, and a list of possessed skills, it filled Kim Taehyung with emotion.

“I really awakened!”

Even the doubt that it might be a dream faded momentarily as Kim Taehyung breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness. It wasn’t a dream.

‘Now, could I become a hero too?’

With such thoughts, Kim Taehyung, soon shook his head to snap out of it.

Setting aside the joy for a moment, it seemed right to first understand what his awakened ability was.

[Unique Skill ‘Link’]

– Establishes a link with entities from other dimensions connected to Earth, forming a master-slave contract. The user can share the sight and senses of the linked entity, and if desired, the user can also share their own sight and senses with the linked entity.

– The user can communicate with the linked entity regardless of its location.

– The user can provide immediate assistance to the linked entity regardless of its location.

– Currently, the number of linkable entities is 0/1.

Kim Taehyung smirked.

Linking with entities from other dimensions. Just from this, it’s hard to grasp what kind of skill it is.

Well, maybe it’s like a remote communication skill?

[Unique Skill ‘Summon’]

– Summons the linked entity to the user’s side. If the summon is canceled, it returns to its original location.

This time, unlike before, the explanation was very simple.

And, the last skill.

[Unique Skill ‘Summoner’s Eye’]

– Summons the dimension-watching summoner’s unique power that watches over the linked entity.

Another short sentence. Kim Taehyung still doesn’t know what this is.

After reading the skill descriptions, Kim Taehyung was sure that his awakened ability was in the summoning category.

From the class ‘Dimension Summoner’, it seemed like his ability was to summon beings from other dimensions to fight.


A smile crept onto Kim Taehyung’s lips. He started imagining. Commanding summoned creatures, bravely defeating wicked monsters.

It was good just to imagine, but soon he realized the reality.

Kim Taehyung glanced down at his body.

A skinny body, barely filled with meals, an abs-less belly, a useless left arm that couldn’t even twitch due to long neglect from disuse, and pale skin from years of living in procrastination.

No matter how much he avoided direct combat as a summoner, with this body, he would surely only cause harm.

And he, a coward, would probably wet himself in front of monsters.

“No. Let’s at least give it a try.”

This was his dream. He couldn’t just give up.

This opportunity couldn’t be missed.

First, let’s try using the skill.

Among the three skills, only one was currently available.

He immediately used ‘Link’. As he did, he felt an indescribable force leaving his body.


Similar to the dizziness after donating blood. But this was just the beginning.

[Searching for entities matching the user’s level.]

[Searching for the linked target…]

[Searching for entities with strong will…]

[Choosing entities matching the user’s level…]

[Confirming the potential within the entity…]

With a flood of messages, his field of vision quickly changed.

From a towering fortress to a place like Eastern-style pavilion, from a dense forest to a vast sea, from a desolate land resembling ruins…

Like watching a PowerPoint slideshow, Kim Taehyung’s vision rapidly switched. It was dizzying to the point of madness.

The screen that had been displaying various places slowed down, then finally fixed on one location.

A single orc in a lush forest.

A small, round-faced orc with a young appearance.

[Afroxia Dimension]

[Fallen, weak orc Karim]

Soon, the orc’s face was zoomed in.

“Huh? Where did I see this face before?”

Soon, he remembered.

The dream he had last night. The dream where an orc army clashed with a monster army.

The face of the orc commander who led the orc warriors was similar to this orc.

So, was this orc the one from that dream?

However, this orc seemed small and unimpressive…

[Orc Karim accepts the master-slave contract!]

[Recalling Orc Karim’s memories!]

With that message, Kim Taehyung’s vision turned around.


The proud chief of the Blue Axe Tribe, Karik, has given birth to a son!

In this celebration, the members of the Blue Axe Tribe shouted with joy.

The mighty warrior who single-handedly defeated even the vicious trolls, Chief Karik!

If he is the son of a powerful being, undoubtedly, he’ll grow up to be an excellent warrior. Furthermore, he’ll likely become an outstanding chieftain, leading the tribe after his father and wielding the mighty blue axe.


Karim, the son of Chief Karik, failed to meet everyone’s expectations.

Unlike his powerful warrior father, Karim was born with a small stature and weak muscles. He didn’t possess the talents of a being shaman either.

In no time, Karim was quickly ignored, even though he was the chief’s son.

Strength was virtue among orcs, and there was no mercy for a feeble orc, even if he was the chief’s son.

His peers didn’t accept him, and the adult orcs openly disregarded Karim.

Even when taken on hunting trips, Karim couldn’t keep up and eventually got expelled from the hunts.

In the orc society, a male orc who couldn’t participate in hunting was considered outcast by the tribe.

In the vast expanse of the Kaizen Great Forest, Karim was truly abandoned.


The rough life of Orc Karim played like a movie in Kim Taehyung’s mind.

[Link with Orc Karim completed!]

[Information on Orc Karim registered in the system!]

And Kim Taehyung was experiencing a strange sensation he had never felt before.

“Well, what is this?”

He was clearly sitting on a bed. However, what he saw in front of him was a dense forest.

Birds chirped, the wind rustled, and fireflies danced around—an untamed wilderness that felt vividly real. It was as if he had been dropped alone into the heart of a true wilderness.

“This is like… playing a VR game, I guess?”

But comparing this to anything else felt inadequate; this was a genuine reality.

“How do I turn my view back to Earth?”

As he thought about it, information was naturally injected into his mind.

The answer was willpower. Thinking strongly about what he wanted while focusing on his will caused his perspective to change.

The familiar landscape of his home appeared.

Sensations felt like he returned to his original self.

“Oh, this is fun!”

Kim Taehyung’s eyes sparkled. This time, he decided to try something different.

“Can I see both my view and Orc Karim’s view simultaneously?”

It seemed somewhat absurd, but for some reason, it felt like it might work.

He tried it immediately, and his view change again.


As if using dual monitors, his perspective split right down the middle. Even the screen orientation worked, both horizontally and vertically.

Excited, Kim Taehyung began experimenting in various ways. He tried turning off the shared senses, separating shared vision and sensation, and discovering new ways to utilize the experience.

He even found a new way of using the Summoner’s Eye skill, allowing him to view Karim from above like a drone, capturing various angles.

“Oh, this is like the Summoner’s Eye skill.”

It felt like flying a drone in the air. Being able to view from different angles was fascinating.

But there were limits to this Summoner’s Eye skill. It could only move around Karim’s vicinity.

He thoroughly grasped the overall usage of the skill injected in his mind.

His throat felt dry. After gulping down a Zero Coke from the fridge, tossing it aside, he refocused on experimenting.

“Let’s do this properly once.”

He returned to Orc Karim’s perspective. Karim stood awkwardly in the forest, just like before.

For some reason, he seemed strange. Karim touched his body here and there, looking around with a puzzled expression.

And then, he uttered his first words.

“Master? Chief? Your Majesty? No, not that. Lord?”

Karim spoke with a confused look in his eyes.

“Has the contract really been established? Are you my Lord? Are you in the sky?”

And Karim looked up at the sky.

“Oh, he knows he’s linked.”

It was fascinating. It felt like the in-game character on the monitor was looking at him outside the monitor.

Communication was also amazing. According to the injected information, even with different languages, communication between beings from different dimensions was possible.

“But it looks quite cheesy.”

The orcs he saw in documentaries were much larger than this. This one looked a bit feeble. His appearance didn’t convey much strength.

But what could he do? This is how it turned out.

According to the injected information, the orc was selected because he was a suitable entity. So, he had to accept it. Whether he lived or died, his summon had become his companion.

He just had to raise him well.


At that moment, he heard footsteps in the distance.



Something was approaching.



Sure enough, as he changed the view to see what it was, he immediately saw a troll in the first-person perspective, it was undeniably terrifying. It was a monstrous creature, something he wouldn’t even want to look at in his dreams.

“That thing is going to kill him if we leave it like that.”

“No, seriously, what the heck was he doing that a troll popped out over there?”

This won’t work. Without even realizing it, Kim Taehyung shouted with determination.

“Run away!”

Did his  voice reach the orc?

Karim, who had been frozen, jerked back in surprise.

“Lord? Are you my Lord?”

“Yeah! If you don’t want to die, run away!”




The troll screamed. In that angry roar, there was a trace of mana coming from him, causing the ground to tremble slightly.


The surrounding birds fluttered in surprise and flew away, and the wind blew fiercely. The damn troll, wielding a poorly crafted stone axe, was approaching with a thumping sound.

“Didn’t you hear me? I said run away! Do you want to die?”

“My Lord, I’m grateful for making a contract with me. But I can’t run away.”

Karim, who had been stepping back, stood firm in his place. It seemed like he had made an important decision, staring at the approaching troll with a determined expression.

“I learned from my father! He said orcs don’t back down! I was rejected by my tribe, but I am still an orc!”

It seems like he’s ready to fight. He was trembling with fear just a moment ago.

“No, you idiot! Are you crazy?”

Even though he looked weak, an orc was an orc. It was obvious that a battle between a frail orc and the powerful troll wouldn’t end well.

He was about to lose his one and only summoned creature.

‘What should I do? What should I… Ah! Right!’

He remembered a skill he had forgotten.




The troll was almost there. With a fierce roar, it swung the stone axe with all its might. The frail orc didn’t back down despite trembling.

[Unique Skill: Summon]

Just as the stone axe was about to strike Karim’s head.

[Orc Karim is summoned next to the user.]


Karim’s figure disappeared without a trace.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!