Overlord in the Corner - Chapter 22

Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 22

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In the bustling free city of Aren, situated a bit away from Kaizen Great Forest.

As a hub of transportation, commerce naturally thrived in this place, and today, it boasts a vibrant energy with people coming from all corners.

Mercenaries arriving for contracts, knight aspirants setting out on their quests, adventurers roaming the continents to explore ancient ruins, traders visiting for commerce, and even savage tribes from remote lands coming to buy necessities.

A group of orcs arrived in the free city of Aren, amidst the diverse crowd.

A dozen robust orcs strolled through the center of a spacious street, attracting numerous gazes.

“Its been a long time since I came here, I still can’t get used to such a crowd.”

They were orcs from the Blue Axe Tribe, venturing into the human world after a long time to buy necessary goods.

They used to make regular visits, but this was their first time this year.

Chaku, the leader of this human-world expedition, shook his head as if expressing his weariness.

To Chaku, humans were indeed a fascinating race.

How could so many people live together in one place?

Wouldn’t it be stifling to live in such narrow houses?

“Chaku, let’s go quickly. Humans keep staring at us.”

“That’s unavoidable. Instead of avoiding their gaze, learn to enjoy being noticed. It’s advice derived from my experience.”

“Ugh, fine. I’ll give it a try.”

Kukul, with a pout, followed suit.

As someone who had led orcs into the human world multiple times as the top warrior, Chaku found everything familiar. In contrast, Kukul was on his first excursion into the human world, so everything felt awkward.

The grand castle, the numerous houses within, and so many bustling humans.

“I heard from the priest that there are 100,000 people in this human city. Is that true?”

“I haven’t counted. I just know it’s a lot.”


Kukul clicked his tongue.

100,000 people!

To Kukul, it was an unimaginable number.

Not long ago, he was pleased that the number of orcs from the Blue Axe Tribe had surpassed a thousand, but it seemed like they were frogs in a well.

“I was too arrogant before. I now understand the meaning behind what the chief said.”

The orcs had rapidly become stronger and expanded their influence. Consequently, they had become intoxicated with excessive confidence. Kukul, a young and vigorous orc, was no exception.

Humans had built such high walls, had so many warriors, and flaunted so much wealth.

But compared to that, our orcs still had a long way to go.

“When we return, I need to focus more on training.”

“Me too.”


The orcs nodded in agreement with Kukul’s words. All of them were young orcs on their first expedition.

Chaku chuckled.

“Don’t be disheartened. It’s not just about that. Even though there are 100,000 humans, there are not many warriors among them. Even if our skills may be lacking, we won’t fall behind in battle.”


“Yeah. So, stand tall, everyone. You are elite warriors of the Blue Axe Tribe, a proud army of high orcs.”

Chaku inspired the orcs. They straightened their shoulders, making an effort to naturally accept the gazes of the humans around them, and confidently lifted their heads.

Chaku, glancing at these orcs, chuckled once again.

“Bringing these young warriors was a good choice.”

Consider it shock therapy.

If these young warriors, who will be responsible for the tribe’s future, are motivated by witnessing the advanced human city, it will be all the better.

“Alright, we’re almost there! That’s the commercial district of Aren.”

Chaku led the orcs towards the commercial district.


“No, you guys. Are you seriously going to buy this?”

John, the owner of the largest liquor store in the Free City of Aren, looked skeptically at a group of orcs who had come to his shop, claiming they were going to buy alcohol.

The orcs had filled three out of the six large wagons they brought with them entirely with alcohol.

John, unsure about trusting the orcs, sighed deeply.

“Well, do you even have the money to buy this much in the first place?”

“Of course! We decided to buy, so we’re committed. Why else would we be here?”

“Well, I mean… It’s just that. Where do orcs get the money to buy so much?”

John was about to say more but stopped himself.

He had considered questioning how monsters like orcs engage in currency transactions, but doing so in front of them might result in his limbs meeting the sharp edge of their massive axes.

And that judgment saved his life.

Regardless of region, one of the things orcs universally disliked was the gaze that perceived them as monsters.

While orcs were indeed sentient beings like humans or elves, unfortunately, the perception of orcs wasn’t favorable. John shared this sentiment, especially since he wasn’t originally from the Free City of Aren.

“Just wait a moment. Our Great Warrior will be here soon to pay.”

“Where did your so-called champion go?”

“The bank.”

“The bank…?”

“Yeah. The bank. I said he’s on his way to get the money.”

John raised an eyebrow. Orcs using a bank?

“Why not? Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just… It’s surprising.”

“Well, our orcs aren’t fools. Humans, elves, dwarves, and even other races use the bank, so why wouldn’t we? We have money too.”

By collecting various specialties from the depths of the Kaizen Great Forest and selling unused monster byproducts, some orc tribes in the Kaizen Great Forest had accumulated a considerable amount of savings. The Blue Axe Tribe was one such example.

Now that multiple tribes have unified, their assets have grown significantly.

“Well, that’s true. Sorry for doubting you.”

John scratched his head, apologizing. If they indeed had the money and were willing to pay, what difference did it make whether the customer was human or orc?

If they were willing to buy all this alcohol, John would gladly accept orc customers and even bow down to them.

Just then, in the distance, an orc carrying several large sacks approached. It was Chaku, who had just returned from the bank.

Chaku handed one of the leather sacks to John without hesitation.

“Check it. It should be right.”

“Oh, I see. Thanks.”

John entered the store. After pouring the money from the sack onto a large scale and weighing it, he spoke.

“Everything seems in order. The deal is done. Take it with you. Oh, and be careful.”


“They’ve arrived in the city right now.”


“The Scorpion Mercenary Corps.”

The orcs exchanged glances. Who were they?

“A rather notorious mercenary group and their leader have a nasty temper. They’re extreme speciesists, hating all non-humans, including elves and dwarves.”

John shuddered at the thought and then whispered.

“Just a word of advice for you. I recommend buying what you need and leaving quickly. It might get troublesome if you provoke them for no reason.”

“Got it.”

Chaku nodded. They understood.

“Thanks for the advice. But we won’t have any trouble. If we have the money and pay, whether the customer is an orc or a human, what’s the problem?”

“Well, if that’s the case, then it’s fine, but… I’m just worried. You guys need to stay alive so you can come back to my shop next time. Right?”

John winked with one eye.

In the end, John’s advice was all about customer management. Merchants were inherently skilled in dealing with such matters.

“That’s true.”

“Hehe. Anyway, Orc gentlemen, thanks for buying a lot. Thanks to you, today’s business is concluded. Come back again!”

The orcs left the liquor store.

With the main purpose of their trip achieved, they had overcome the obstacle.

“Not much time left. Let’s quickly buy what we need and return to the forest.”

The orcs nodded silently.

They were fed up with the human-filled surroundings.

“It doesn’t look like we can stay here for long.”

“Agreed. I’m exhausted.”

What they disliked the most was the gaze, as if they were being stared at like animals.

Although humans didn’t treat them as enemies, they could sense a certain wariness in their expressions.

“Chaku, how do you manage to come to the human world and experience this every time?”

“Well, it might be your first time, but once you experience it for many times, it’s not that bad. It has its own kind of fun.”

Chaku reminisced about the past, when he was much younger, following the adults to the Free City of Aren for the first time.

Back then, the gazes were much less favorable than they are now. Many were even ready to kill, wielding weapons to eliminate them.

But that wasn’t the case anymore. Showing up periodically, the locals had become somewhat accustomed to them. However, the gaze was limited to the commercial district’s merchants.

Despite this, they were still outsiders to humans.

“Anyway, let’s focus on what we need and get back to the village. We can’t stay overnight for long.”

Even though they lived harmoniously with nature, the orcs weren’t particularly fond of spending the night outdoors.

As expected, sleeping at home was the best!

The orcs hoped to return to their comfortable homes soon and moved their steps energetically.

Or at least, that was the plan.

“Damn it. I wondered where the damn foul smell was coming from, and it turns out it’s from here!”

Until someone started a quarrel, that was the plan.

Dozens of heavily armed men were approaching, muttering curses and insults, with a bald man at the front. They all wore breastplates adorned with a scorpion emblem.

“Hah, that’s why they say folks from the south are no good. They just let these vile monster folks wander around the city? Seriously?”

The bald man, who seemed like the leader, wrinkled his nose as if he could smell something foul.

“Hey, you guys. How dare such a stinking monster roam freely in the human city?”


At the mention of that word, the faces of the orcs hardened menacingly.


The men approached even closer. They cast fleeting glances at the orcs, and their gaze settled on six large wagons.


The bald man found something amusing, lifting one corner of his mouth.

“There sure are a lot. Hey, you orcs. Is this yours?”


“Probably not. Stolen, I bet. What do monsters like you need with this?”


“Boldly strolling through human cities as if it’s your playground and even stealing from humans. Unbelievable.”

The bald man signaled to his henchmen with a chin gesture. The men exchanged glances and closed in.

Their eyes reflected a mixture of disgust and greed. It was evident what they were about to do, especially as they reached for their weapons.

“We’ll personally return these items to their rightful owners, so be grateful, you monsters.”

At that moment, Kukul, who had remained silent and stoic, spoke up.

“Chaku, the great warrior. This is my first experience in the human world, and I’m not sure if we should endure such humiliation. Must we really stay silent as the chief commands?”

“That’s correct. Normally, our principle is to cause as little trouble as possible. In the human world, we’ve always done that.”

After all, the world’s law is survival of the fittest. Human power is strong, and orc power is weak. Therefore, orcs have always yielded to the flow of the world, avoiding confrontation.

“But somehow, I don’t feel like doing that now.”

“Well then, Chaku. May I act according to my instincts?”

“Do as you wish, follow your will.”

However, they are no longer weak. They are not the orcs of the past, but a glorious army of high orcs.

“The chief will probably understand.”

“Good. Thank you.”


Kukul drew the axe firmly fixed behind him.


Kukul’s mana-infused axe emitted a blue light, leaving a graceful trajectory.

It smoothly brushed against the bald man’s neck.


The bald man’s head cleanly separated,

Roll, roll.

It fell unceremoniously to the ground.


The other men collectively froze.

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