Overlord in the Corner - Chapter 36

Published at 29th of May 2024 05:39:07 AM

Chapter 36

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Taehyung was carefully examining a wallet.

It was a wallet stolen by Karim from a human.

“Wow, carrying an expensive wallet. Why would someone carry a luxury wallet from another dimension instead of Earth?”

The person with suspicious eyes on Karim. Although he was wearing the attire of the Afroxia dimension, he didn’t resemble someone from this side at all.

Of course, even in the Afroxia dimension, there could be various races like on Earth, and among them, there might be people with a similar appearance to Koreans.

However, even considering that, the person had a very familiar appearance. It felt like someone you’d often see walking around the neighborhood apartment complex. He looked very Korean. So, how could one not be suspicious?

Therefore, Taehyung had given some question to Karim to throw at him, wondering if he could find out some clue on who he was by testing.

And sure enough.

“It’s just a guess, but he’s definitely Korean.”

The luxury wallet starting with an H, filled with Shin Saimdang bills (Korean Bills) and numerous Korean business cards, and even the default font on the phone was Korean.

He was undoubtedly Korean.

However, there was one incorrect assumption among the guesses.

“It’s neither an Apple phone nor a Galaxy phone, but a Venus phone (Another phone brand).”

“I thought it would definitely be one of the two.”

Although he had asked half-jokingly.


It was surprising that he was still using a phone from a company that had withdrawn from the market, one of the most obscure phones.

“I’ve never seen anyone using that.”


Who on earth was this guy and why was he targeting Karim? Taehyung tried to find out, but it wasn’t easy.

“For one thing, he’s definitely an Awakener.”

He had clearly used a skill. It sounded like he was registered as a hunter, but who knows if he actually did.

“And his identity is unclear.”

Although I looked through his phone, there was no personal information. It seemed highly likely that it wasn’t a Daepon phone.

The only thing with a password was the messenger app.

The wallet was the same. There were no IDs, not even the usual debit or credit cards. It only had numerous restaurant business cards and bills.

Naturally, there was one thing that raised suspicions.

“Maybe he’s a villain?”

A villain. It means the main antagonist, but the meaning has slightly changed since the Day of the Great Connection. It refers to System Awakeners or ability users who commit various crimes.

Carrying only cash without any cards, having no personal information on the phone, and having very few registered contacts?

Naturally, one could only think of him as a villain.

A villain who fled to another dimension.

In fact, it was quite a well-known fact that awakeners villains who cause trouble often escape to another dimension.

It had even become a social issue.

Because there isn’t much exchange between other dimensions and Earth yet. There was hardly any way to catch them once they fled.

Well, there’s no way to chase them to another dimension, right?

Perhaps the guy who targeted Karim was really a villain. In fact, I was almost certain based on my suspicions.

Honestly, Taehyung was a bit taken aback.

“I’ve lived this long and now I’m encountering a villain.”

A villain. It was a word he only heard on TV, and he thought he would only hear it on TV in the future.

It was so obvious. How often would you have the chance to meet guys who committed all sorts of atrocities, laughing and killing hundreds or thousands of people, causing massive economic damage by blowing up high-rise buildings, or setting huge forest fires?

But now, to be directly involved like this.

“If that guy is really a villain, it’s not something I can just let go.”

The hundreds of large and small dimensional gates scattered all over the Earth are overseen by the World Dimensional Gate Management Association.

Therefore, all movements to other dimensions inevitably encounter the Dimensional Gate Management Association. And they strictly block the entry of villains.

So there are only three ways for villains to move to other dimensions.

First, forging their identity.

Second, bribing the Dimensional Gate Management Association with money.

Lastly, possessing the ability to open dimensional gates on their own.

So among the villains who crossed over to other dimensions, there weren’t many who were hesitant.

Perhaps the guy who targeted Karim wasn’t just hesitating.

“Ah, is this getting troublesome?”

Taehyung scratched his head.

It felt a bit creepy for some reason.

I saw it in a movie.

When an Awakener kills a villain, the villain organization tracks their location, finds them, and ultimately kills them.

I wondered if something like that might happen.

“Ah, why is this a problem? I have abilities now too!”

I shook off my anxiety, shaking my head.

Yeah. What’s the problem? I’m a hunter now too. That should be enough to protect myself.

“Just in case, let’s dig deeper.”

The password on this guy’s phone messenger app. That’s the assignment.

“But when am I going to crack this?”

Well, there’s no helping it. There’s only one method Taehyung knows.

Good old brute force. Trying each one.

He immediately entered.


“There’s no way this will work…”



It opened?


Taehyung scratched his head.


Wow. What a simpleton.

“Wait, if it’s going to be like this, why did he bother setting a password?”

Well, anyway, it’s a windfall.

He immediately opened the messenger to check. As expected, there were many messages exchanged.

But it was hard to understand what they were saying.

It’s a strange situation where it’s clearly written in Korean, but it’s impossible to read.

“It seems like some kind of code.”

Even amidst that, there was something recognizable.

It was a common word.

One word was included in almost every conversation.

“Black Society?”

It was the name of a villain organization that Taehyung also knew, as it had appeared quite frequently in the news.

He remembered it clearly because it had caused quite a stir in the community by causing some major incidents.

The most impactful thing he had seen was when they deliberately incited demon attacks to cause accidents.

Anyway, it was clear that they were terribly bad guys.

It seemed like this person was associated with the organization called the Black Society.

“So, it seems quite serious, doesn’t it?”

Black Society. Also known as Black Snake.

Apparently, there was a hefty bounty on their leader. From what he remembered, it was over 5 billion.

“I already wanted to move out. Should I give it a try?”

Somehow, he felt like it might be worth the adventure.

Just catching one person would earn him over 5 billion. It seemed too good to be true.

Honestly, he was scared that he might get involved in something unnecessary, but at the same time, he felt like stepping up.

Since the last incident with Cerberus, he had gained some confidence, you know.

What’s the big deal anyway?

He had Karim, and he had Korogi. He had orcs, and he had giant wasps.

Those villain guys weren’t anything special.

“Alright. So, how do I find these guys? Should I just contact them through the app? Or maybe…”

Taehyung soon began pondering a plan.


Meanwhile, Gloki, atop the massive body of the giant wasp general, gazed at the enormous something in front of him.

It was none other than the King of Acid Frogs, the Great Acid Frog.

Gloki’s giant wasp army led by him and the Great Acid Frog were facing off.

Booook! Booook!

The Great Acid Frog let out a furious cry, glaring fiercely at them.


Gloki exclaimed in admiration.

“That’s seriously huge. Isn’t that insane?”

The word “insane.” It was a word Gloki had learned from his master, but for some reason, he liked the sound of it. It seemed much better to use than “very” or “extremely.” Gloki decided he would use this word more often from now on.

“That’s insane. Really freaking huge. Like, hundreds of times bigger than Gloki’s body. No, hundreds? Thousands?”

He didn’t know it himself, but Gloki’s mannerisms strangely resembled Taehyung’s.

Booook! Booook!

The Great Acid Frog roared. And the ground shook. It felt like an earthquake had struck.


Of course, it had no effect on Gloki and the giant wasps. They were flying in the air.

Booook! Booook!

The Great Acid Frog was angry. It was trying to retaliate against the wicked wasps that dared to kill its subordinates.

But it wouldn’t be easy to attack them head-on.

They were surrounded by giant wasps from all sides.

Gloki admired the majestic figure of the Great Acid Frog, feeling a strong urge.

It’s tempting.

It’s so huge and overwhelming, but with a significant investment in the army, it could be killed. However, our wasp army would suffer significant losses as well.

If we kill it, we can obtain valuable information about advanced individuals. It would undoubtedly greatly enhance our faction’s combat power.

Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. We could invest in advanced individual information for the wasps, or use it to enhance Gloki’s own abilities.

However, Gloki had a different idea.

“It would be too much of a waste to kill that.”

Killing something so immense would be a huge loss.

We have to keep it alive. So we can use it for a long time to come.

“Alright. It’s decided. Great Acid Frog, you’re Gloki’s No. 1 bro.”

He decided to offer up the reserved spot for his right arm.

Ah, the word “right arm” was also a word he had learned from his master, and he quite liked it too. Even though Gloki didn’t have arms, as long as the meaning got through, it was fine, right?

A method quickly engraved itself into Gloki’s consciousness. He immediately ordered the wasps to attack.


Then, the wasps moved as one.

Trusting their parent Gloki, believing in their sturdy reinforced exoskeletons, they charged without a hint of hesitation.

Then, the Great Acid Frog swelled its body.

Booook! Booook! Booook!

And then, it opened its mouth wide,



It spat out thick green acid.

The dense acid defied gravity and rose into the sky, then split into hundreds, thousands of strands and began to fall down.

It was the Great Acid Frog’s patented technique, an attack called “Acid Rain” among the people.


Green rain poured from the sky. It hit the giant wasps. Sizzle! With a tremendous noise, the thick reinforced exoskeletons of the giant wasps began to corrode slowly.

Gloki didn’t flinch. It was the result he expected. The Great Acid Frog and a regular acid frog were different. Even at a glance, it was clear that it was the king of a species. It was only natural that it was strong.

Rather, Gloki was surprised in the opposite direction. He didn’t know the reinforced exoskeleton would be so sturdy. He thought it would just melt away without mercy, but it was actually resisting this much!

“Anyway, it’s a good sign.”

It seemed like it would turn out even better than he had thought.

However, haste is required. Without haste, the giant Wasps will suffer a mass death.

Gloki signaled to the giant Wasp general. It was a command to fly. The giant Wasp general flew towards the head of the frog king.

As it approached, Gloki leaped out.

The frog king still had its mouth wide open, continuously spewing acid from its massive mouth.

Gloki skillfully dodged through the spewing acid and entered the mouth.

Then, a tremor!

The massive body of the frog king shuddered once.

Suddenly, its mouth closed. It began to sense something amiss.

Something was felt inside. Something small that had entered through the mouth was wriggling its way towards the head.

Suddenly, it twisted its body violently. The ground shook violently. The giant Wasps that were causing chaos by attacking the massive body collided. The Wasps flew in all directions and crashed to the ground.

However, the sensation inside the mouth didn’t disappear.

Cough! Cough!

It tried to cough forcefully. It even tried to vomit. But it wouldn’t come out easily.

Like glue, it stuck to the inside of the body, sluggishly crawling upward.

As the struggle intensified and finally reached the head.

In an instant, the massive body of the frog king abruptly stopped.

[Gloki attempts to parasitize the Frog king.]

[The Frog king’s resistance is too high.]

[Parasitism failed.]

[Danger! The likelihood of Gloki being consumed in reverse is high!]

[Gloki examines the components of the host’s internal storage.]

[Gloki extracts the components from the host’s internal storage and injects them into its own body.]

[Gloki absorbs the component ‘Acid Adaptation.’]

[Gloki absorbs the component ‘Maximized Flexibility.’]

[Gloki absorbs the component ‘Extreme Elasticity.’]

[Gloki absorbs the component ‘Robust Physique.’]

In that brief moment, numerous changes occurred within Gloki. The body of Gloki inside the frog king’s head changed rapidly into various colors.

Intense green, red, blue, gray, black, white, and more…

Then it returned to its original translucent form.

[Gloki attempts to parasitize the frog king.]

[Parasitism successful.]

It succeeded against all odds.

[Gloki’s unique skill ‘Parasitism’ grows!]

[Gloki awakens its unique skill ‘Imprint’!]

In an instant, the situation reversed.

[Gloki imprints on the frog king.]

[Imprint successful.]

After all was said and done, Gloki emerged from the mouth of the frog king.

The once riotous and frenzied frog king had suddenly become docile.

[The king of all acid frogs, the vengeful king, the frog king, joins the Giant Wasp faction!]

It was the moment when Gloki gained its first true subordinate.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!