Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 4

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Just evolved his skills, and the whole race evolved with it?

It was a situation Kim Taehyung hadn’t expected at all.

“No, were there High Orcs among the races too?”

Kim Taehyun speculated it might be something like the relationship between Elves and High Elves, but he wasn’t sure. He’ll have to look into it later.

Anyway, it was quite rare news. His summoned Orc, still blissfully sleeping and oblivious to the world, had grown taller and more robust. At a glance, he seemed much more dignified.

Thud thud!

Even the sound of his snoring got louder.

But that wasn’t the end of it.

[Karim’s hidden talent is evolving!]

[Karim has acquired the unique skill ‘Imperial Companion’!]

The effect of the Talent Enhancement item he used earlier activated, and his Summon gained a new skill.

[Karim’s class ‘Weak Orc’ will be deleted.]

[Skill ‘Clumsy Axe Technique’ will be deleted.]

[Skill ‘Ordinary Axe Technique’ will be created.]

[Karim has acquired the title ‘Manifestation of the Ancient Noble Lineage’!]

[Astonishing achievement unlocked! Surpassed the limits of the race! Rewarding 5000pt store points!]

[First achievement unlocked! Rewarding 500pt store points!]

[First title acquired! Rewarding 500pt store points!]

Not only did he get points along with the title and achievements, but the effects of the new title and skill were also tremendous.

“Wow, amazing.”

First, he checked it.

When Kim Taehyung called up the system, many things had changed.

The class ‘Weak Orc’ disappeared, leaving the class slot empty, and a new title slot appeared below it with a new title registered. The ‘Clumsy Axemanship’ had changed to the next-level skill, as it seemed.

[Title: Manifestation of the Ancient Noble Lineage

-In the past, the ruler who dominated the Afroxia continent, now the hidden race, High Orc. The interrupted lineage of the race has revived after a thousand years.

-Radiates awe to all Orc races.

-Sub-skill ‘Charisma’ created.]

[Imperial Companion

-Summons a Wolf Fury, the soul companion of High Orc.]

The effects of the new title were outstanding, and the newly acquired skill also seemed incredibly good.

“Wolf Fury, huh? I’m really curious.”

Kim Taehyung wanted to try it immediately, but he held back. For one, Karim was still sleeping, and summoning a wolf in this small house could cause a mess.

Now that the depleted points were replenished, he decided to think about how to use them.

But before that, there was something more important.


“Oh, hungry.”

Even greatest warrior eat a meal. He should eat first.


After boiling and devouring ramen and confidently mixing rice into the broth, Karim, who had been sleeping soundly, woke up.

“Kwah! I slept well! The blanket is so soft! This is great… huh?”

As soon as Karim got up, he looked bewildered.

It seemed like his grown body felt strangely awkward after sleeping.

But soon, he accepted it. Just like Taehyung, Karim noticed that there had been some changes through the system messages.

“I evolved.”

Karim touched various parts of his body.

He was undoubtedly an adult Orc with a decent physique. However, he had been small and weak, almost like a young Orc boy.

So, he had received a lot of negative words.

But not anymore.

A height as tall as his father, Chief Karik!

Muscles that were as formidable as the veteran warriors of the tribe!

“I’m incredible.”

Karim stroked his biceps with a proud look.

“I’m amazing.”

Tight! He felt a strong force.

“My Lord! I’ve become a High Orc!”

“Yeah. Well done.”

“It’s all thanks to you, My Lord.”

Karim pounded his chest with his fist.

“My Lord is amazing.”

That’s how Karim thought.

According to the adults, the great ancestor of our Orcs, the High Orc, had already disappeared from the continent.

‘But My Lord made me a High Orc. → My Lord, who did the impossible, is truly an amazing human!’

“My Lord. I feel like I can do anything.”

Infinite confidence surged.

Normally, he would be tired about catching a few Goblins, but now he could do it easily and have some left over strength!

“Just tell me what to do! I am Karim, the Manifestation of the Ancient Noble Lineage! High Orc Karim!”

“Do you think you can do anything?”


“That’s right.”

Kim Taehyung chuckled as he stroked his chin.

With Karim’s overflowing confidence, it might be time to send him back to the Afroxia dimension.

“Well, do you think you can beat a Troll?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

Karim’s contemplation didn’t last long.

“I don’t know. But I don’t think it’ll be difficult.”


“That’s right. My instincts are telling me.”

“Is that so? Well, that’s fortunate.”

“I can do it!”

If Karim returns to Afroxia dimension, he will return to his original position.

However, if the troll is still in that spot, Karim might accidentally end up leaving the mortal realm.

Of course, it’s been a day, so he probably went somewhere else.

Just in case.


It’s time to test this newly-born high orc.



As he opened his closed eyes, he saw a familiar forest in all directions.

‘I, Karim, am back again.’

Familiar scenery, the scent of familiar grass.

Kaizen Great Forest.

Karim’s homeland where he spent his entire life, but this vast forest with an unknown end was still a frightening place for him.

But now, it’s different. Fear has been completely cast aside.

He was now reborn thanks to his Lord!

He tightly strapped on his leather armor and firmly grasped the well-crafted axe.

This armor and axe were gifts from his Lord. Karim treasured them like his life.

Among them, the axe was especially special. His Lord said it was a special axe that cost a whopping 500 points.

It wasn’t originally on the list, but after spending nearly 1000 points to raise the shop level, it appeared as a new item.

He had no idea what this shop thing was, or what points were, but one thing was certain— His Lord spent valuable resources to purchase items for him.

‘Master, I will repay this favor. I, Karim, am an orc who knows gratitude.’

He swung it experimentally.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A sharp sound cutting through the air.

“This is a really good axe.”

Karim nodded with a satisfied smile.

It performed better than the best weapon made by the village’s top weaponsmith.

Incredibly light, sturdy, and the blade was incredibly sharp.

It made him wonder if the rumored dwarf-made weapons were of this caliber.

‘Indeed, My Lord was an extraordinary person.’

To lower this excellent weapon as a gift for him!

Feeling grateful once again, Karim made a vow.

‘I, Karim, will become stronger.’

To be of help to his Lord, he had no choice but to become stronger.

Karim reached out his hand. Suddenly, a radiant shimmer appeared, and a large wolf started to materialize in the air.

[Baby Giant Wolf Fury]

A grey wolf with a blue glow. Despite being a baby, its size was enormous.

He had never seen it before, but it felt strangely familiar, as if he had known it for a long time. Karim instinctively realized that this wolf would be his companion for a long time.

“Let’s go.”


Gripping the axe handle tightly, he strode forward. The wolf followed behind.


Taehyung paused his game auto-hunting on the computer, lying on the living room sofa while watching TV.

[Sturdy armor, safe armor—Armor Shop is the best! Guaranteed by Sword Saint!]

His favorite variety show had just ended, and the TV was now playing commercials. It was an ad featuring a famous hunter recognizable by name alone.

Normally, he would feel envious and change the TV channel, but now, as an awakaned individual, he felt differently.

‘Wait for me, Sword Saint. I’ll catch up soon.’

He started imaging again in daylight. It was a dream where the Sword Saint from the ad and Karim faced each other, with Karim emerging victorious.

Normally, he would have felt self-pity after each of his day-dreaming, but not anymore.

If he worked hard to raise his summons, becoming famous like that was not an impossible dream.

Thinking of that, he shifted his attention to Karim.

It had been a few days since Karim returned to the Afroxia continent.

During this time, he had challenged weak monsters one after another and now found himself in the goblin territory.

Currently, he was in a favorable position against more than ten goblins.

Honestly, Karim was clumsy. Initially, his hasty movements were quite cute. However, the overwhelming physical prowess of the high orc compensated for everything.

Karim’s axe cut through the wind, and each time, something was inevitably severed.



[Summon Karim has defeated the Goblin Scout!]

[Summon Karim has defeated the Goblin Scout!]




With each goblin defeated by Karim, messages piled up in Taehyung’s system.

‘Goblins aren’t easy opponents.’

While it was commonly believed that an adult man could handle a single goblin with ease, Taehyung, having studied extensively through the community, knew that this belief was misleading.

Goblins were ruthless and agile, possessing a certain level of intelligence and the ability to use equipments. Dealing with a dozen of them together could be quite challenging.

Nevertheless, Karim faced them effortlessly, even without the assistance of his wolf companion.

The wolf rested in the distance, observing its master’s battle.

“But he seems to be getting accustomed rather quickly.”

Each swing of the axe became smoother, and the lad’s movements became more agile.

“Karim mentioned something about warrior training among orcs.”

According to Karim, orcs had a ritual called warrior training. It involved seeking out strong opponents, defeating them one by one, and evolving into a true warrior.

It seemed like he understood this when Taehyung ordered him to hunt monsters in the forest.

[Summon Karim has defeated a goblin warrior!]

The final message appeared.

Karim, having taken down all the goblins, casually swung his axe one last time at the goblin’s neck, tied it to the straps on his leather armor, and continued on his way nonchalantly.


Meanwhile, Taehyung continued to munch on potato chips.

“These are delicious. I’ll have to order more.”

* * *

Kurpha, the shaman of the Blue Axe Tribe, raised his staff and looked up with a sense of uneasiness.

“Something feels off.”

“Shaman, what do you mean feeling off?”

“Seems like a sign that something big is about to happen.”

Kurpha closed his eyes, gripping his staff tightly. After a moment of mumbling, he opened his eyes.

“Our orc god is quite excited now. I’ve heard the god’s words for a long time, but this is the first time he’s been so enthusiastic.”

The warriors behind Kurpha murmured in response.

“The orc god is excited?”

“Please explain properly!”

“Does that mean the god is angry?”

“Could it be a sign of disaster?”

Various questions poured in. Watching from the chief’s seat, Karik calmly asked Kurpha.

“Shaman, can you find out more about it?”

“Of course. In fact, the results are already clear. It’s just that it’s hard to believe.”

“Shaman, don’t hesitate. Tell us clearly. The warriors are getting impatient.”

“Understood, Chief. So…”

After a moment of hesitation, Kurpha spoke.

“The great imperial bloodline has been reborn on this land.”


It sounded like a thunderous noise.

But it wasn’t an actual sound, it was the pounding hearts of the orcs.

“Shaman, is that true?”

“The results are there.”

“Hmm. That’s…”

The orcs couldn’t believe it. For them, the mention of the great imperial bloodline or the great lineage had only one meaning.

The former rulers of the continent, the vanished overlords of the orcs.

High orcs.

The name that every orc longed for, referring to the glorious ancient rulers who had completely disappeared a thousand years ago.

To think that the long-lost glory was now revealing itself again, it was beyond astonishment.

“Where is it? Which tribe? Or, did that bloodline still exist all this time?”

“I don’t know. The results are a bit unclear.”


While the tribe had been peaceful, it seemed like things were about to get noisy.

“I should release the warriors.”

Thinking so, Karik clenched his fist and nodded.

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