Overlord in the Corner - Chapter 44

Published at 29th of May 2024 05:39:07 AM

Chapter 44

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On a dark night, a group of people were running along the dimly lit street illuminated only by streetlights.

“Where’s the reported location?”

“It’s nearby. We’re almost there. Ah, there! That building!”

“Okay. Everyone, halt.”

At the command of his subordinate, the man leading the charge at the front, Chief Choi Young-hwan of the Special Operations Unit for Villain Management, raised his hand. Instantly, the running people all came to a stop.

“That’s supposed to be the hideout of the underworld scum, right?”

Choi Young-hwan gazed at the imposing abandoned factory in front of him.

“It was closer than I thought. We couldn’t even locate something like this.”

Among villains, the underworld was particularly notorious.

Not only were they involved in drug trafficking like many other villains, but they also frequently committed civilian murders.

But their greatest sin was terrorism.

Most of their actions were minor enough to not make it to the news, but there was one incident they were widely known for.

Two years ago, it was the Incheon Port terrorist attack perpetrated by the underworld.

Thankfully, it was managed well, but it could have escalated into an international crisis if not handled properly.

Since then, the Special Operations Unit had been relentlessly pursuing the underworld, but they kept slipping away, leaving only their traces.

Like lizards cutting off their tails and escaping, the leader of the underworld had been remarkably elusive.

Rumor had it that there was a bounty of over 5.8 billion on their head.

“Exactly how much was it? Around 5.85 billion, I think.”

Finally, they had a chance to catch that guy.

“Everyone, do a final check on your gear and skills. Our opponents are the underworld. It might turn into a big fight.”

“Yes, sir.”

After a brief check, Choi Young-hwan gestured.

“We’re going in.”

The agents swiftly moved forward. As they opened the tightly shut door of the abandoned factory and stepped inside, their expressions couldn’t help but grimace.

The stench of blood pierced their noses.

“Ugh, the smell.”

“Chief, it seems like the party has already started.”

“It certainly looks that way.”

Choi Young-hwan’s expression stiffened as he was about to send the signal to advance.

“There’s a smell of blood mixed in. Did you all notice?”

“Yes, sir.”

“It smells like demon blood.”

The smell of demon blood was far more nauseating than any other. Even ordinary people who had smelled demon blood before could distinguish it from the blood of other animals.

So, it was inconceivable that these professionals wouldn’t be able to detect that smell.

“During such a quiet night, the smell of demon blood is strong inside an abandoned factory?”

No matter how you looked at it, something didn’t add up.

If demons had appeared, this area would have been in chaos already. Emergency alerts would have been sent out, and evacuation notices would have been issued.

But none of that had happened.

“Let’s go in first and see.”

They moved forward without lowering their guard.

Carefully descending the wide staircase into the basement, they witnessed a gruesome scene.

People lying sprawled across the wide corridor, severed pieces of demon flesh scattered here and there.

Men kneeling and pleading desperately for their lives, and a dozen or so orcs looking down at them with cold expressions.

In this unexpected situation, Choi Young-hwan and the agents could only stare at the scene with stunned expressions.

“Orcs here?”

They had anticipated a fight since they received the report. But they never imagined the identity of their opponents to be orcs.

They simply thought it would be another round of bounty hunters targeting the Black Snake, but this time, they had stumbled upon the real deal.

One of the orcs turned his head abruptly at the sudden sound.

“Chief, those humans seem like the ones Lord mentioned.”

“It does seem so.”

In the silence, as agents and orcs faced each other,

One of the orcs spoke up.

“Are you allied with the Black Snake Syndicate, or are you part of the country’s security forces?”

At that, Choi Young-hwan smirked.

“Security forces?”

Why would they suddenly mention security forces? It made no sense, not even as a joke.

But he understood the nuance behind the orc’s words.

“We’re from the Special Operations Unit for Villain Management. What about you? Identify yourselves.”

“We’re orcs from the Blue Axe Tribe, who rule the southern region of Kaisen Forest.”

“The Blue Axe Tribe…”

“That’s right. I am Karim, the chief of the Blue Axe Tribe, who governs these orcs.”

As he spoke, Karim straightened his shoulders and smiled confidently, looking resolute.

It was the moment when the orcs led by Karim, chief of the Blue Axe Tribe, were meeting humans from Earth for the first time.

“So, you’re the orcs from the Afroxia dimension?”

“That’s correct.”

“You’re the ones who created the villains of the Black Snake Syndicate. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s absolutely correct.”

“I see. Understood. Let’s deal with these guys first.”

Choi Young-hwan glanced briefly at the remaining remnants of the Black Snake Syndicate.

None of them were intact. Some had lost hands or feet. Some had limbs severed. Others were drenched in blood, making it impossible to recognize their faces.

As they examined them, Choi Young-hwan realized something peculiar about the surviving remnants.

“The Twin Sword Brothers, Iron Fist, the Mad Alchemist… They’re all high-ranking figures.”

All of them were prominent figures among the villains whose names had been circulating, core members of the Black Snake Syndicate.

“Black Snake… Where is he? Did you fail to capture him?”

“Ah, the guy with the smashed face?”

Choi Young-hwan chuckled.

“A smashed face?”

“Is his face really smashed? Does that mean he’s ugly?”

“They moved that guy to another room. Our lord said that he shouldn’t be placed with the subordinates. He’s holed up in that room over there.”

When Karim checked the room pointed out, there he was. A man whose face was brutally disfigured, as if he had suffered burns, lay groaning in agony.

“Is this guy Black Snake?”

Doubts flooded Choi Yeong-hwan’s mind.

The Black Snake he knew wasn’t like this.

“You guys seem to have made a mistake. This guy isn’t Black Snake. Black Snake is an elderly man with white hair.”

“I don’t know about that. But according to our lord, that guy has a skill to change his appearance as he pleases.”

“That’s absurd. Where in the world does such a skill exist…”

“I don’t know, do I? From now on, it’s your job to confirm. It’s the duty of the security team to handle things after catching criminals.”

At that moment, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The agents turned around abruptly.


It was Taehyung.

“You’re here already? I thought you’d be a bit late.”

“Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m Kim Taehyung. I’m a hunter.”

Taehyung spoke.

“Did you receive the report about 10 minutes ago?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

“The person who made the report is right here.”

Saying so, Taehyung walked past the agents and approached a woman who was kneeling with her knees buckled, her face contorted in pain.

“Hey. Did you slap my cheek?”


“Since you slapped me, should I slap you back the same amount?”

Taehyung infused mana into his right palm. His palm glowed with a bluish light.

Without hesitation, he ruthlessly slapped Erina’s cheek.

“S-Stop… Agh!”



Eriena spat out some blood. Among the splattered blood, something resembling a fang was mixed in.

“Is there still more?”

Looking at Taehyung, who was smiling faintly and spreading out his palm, Kukul murmured.

“It seems our lord has quite a temper. Don’t you think so, Chief?”

“Hmm. It seems that way to me too.”

Karim shrugged.

The villains of the underworld have been captured!

As soon as the day broke, the news spread on the internet, stirring up the hunter industry.

-It’s said that they caught the underworld guys. The Ministry of Supernatural Affairs has officially announced it.

└Huh? Really? They even caught the boss, Black Snake. There might be some leftovers, but since the boss is caught, it doesn’t matter.

└Damn, how did they catch them? They’ve been messing around for the past few years. Almost got caught every time but failed.

└It wasn’t the Ministry of Supernatural Affairs agents who caught them, it was some unknown hunter. The agents just responded to the reports. It’s a speculation from the officials.

└Of course. Those Ministry of Supernatural Affairs guys are so incompetent lol.

└For real lol. They’re always chasing after villains’ tails, but we never hear news of them catching any. Instead, bounty hunters catch more.

-So, who’s this hunter who caught the underworld?

└The Ministry of Supernatural Affairs hasn’t revealed that. But there are eyewitness accounts. Some people saw them in front of the Ministry of Supernatural Affairs building, along with what seemed to be a dozen or so orcs.

└Orcs? Is that hunter an orc?

└Seems like it? That’s what people are guessing.

└Wait, why are piglings running around in the human world causing trouble? Go back to your dimension quickly.

└This guy’s speciesist.

└You’re gonna get sued by the Inter-Species Rights Association.

└Nonsense. Orcs aren’t humans, so they have no rights. Lol.

└Fact) According to the laws regarding inter-species relations established after the Great Connection Day, orcs are strictly classified as a humanoid species and are entitled to the same treatment as humans. Therefore, your statement that they have no rights is incorrect. Busted!

└Ah, jealous. Probably gonna get 5 billion.

└Yeah. Lost over 30% to taxes though~ sucks.

└lol. You barely have a million in your bank account, and you’re talking big?

Naturally, the hunter-related community was abuzz with excitement.

The news was also covered on television, and issue YouTubers produced videos speculating on who the hunter was with various evidence.

Since the Ministry of Supernatural Affairs didn’t disclose detailed information, the true facts weren’t conveyed. However, people’s speculation narrowed down the situation to the hunter who supposedly cleaned up the underworld being an orc, rather than a human.

Not an individual but multiple people. So, an orc organization?

Amidst all sorts of speculations and rumors, the protagonist of the rumor was in a situation where they had finally returned home after various twists and turns.

“Ugh… I’m tired.”

Taehyung lay down on the bed with a thud.

Nearly a whole day had passed since morning. During that time, he had tirelessly visited the Ministry of Supernatural Affairs headquarters back and forth, explaining in detail to the agents what had happened.

That wasn’t all. He had to prove his abilities as a hunter. He really had to prove whether he had truly caught the villains of the underworld.

It was all to claim the bounties in full.

Of course, just because he caught the villains with bounties didn’t mean the country would hand over the money easily.

In truth, devouring state funds wasn’t an easy task. Especially when it amounted to 5.8 billion.

In fact, what Taehyung had the most trouble with was proving whether the Black Snake was really the Black Snake as described.

On the montage, it was depicted as an elderly man with white hair, but the one he had caught was a middle-aged man with his face smashed in.

However, that was surprisingly easily resolved. According to the Ministry of Supernatural Affairs agents, they had identified the man’s true identity through deep interrogation using hypnosis and mental manipulation skills.

When he heard that, Taehyung couldn’t help but shudder.

As expected, specializing only in villains wasn’t for nothing. Even with a different appearance, you can still tell they’re the culprit.

Anyway, the process of proof came to an end.

In addition, after going through additional and complex procedures, then finally going through them again, the entire process was completed.

I’m not sure how they’ll sentence the villains since each one has their own circumstances, but they’ll probably get at least the death penalty.


It was difficult, but laughter escaped.

“It’s all thanks to you, Buluk.”

Taehyung stroked Buluk. Buluk whimpered softly.

“Thanks to you taking care of that Black Snake or whatever that guy was, everything went smoothly.”


“But Buluk, how did you know the boss of the underworld was there and how did you manage to get there?”


Buluk whimpered and tilted its head, looking incredibly innocent.

“I have no idea what you’re saying. Just catching him was enough.”

Anyway, everything turned out well.

Now it’s just a matter of getting paid.

It will take some time for the payment to be made.

A whopping 5.8 billion.

Earning tens of millions or 1 to 2 billion bit by bit is different from suddenly gaining tens of billions.

However, there’s something heart-wrenching about it.

Taxes amount to a staggering 33 percent. Originally 5.8 billion, but only 3.9 billion will be received.

How can one’s heart not ache?

Nevertheless, it’s fine.

“I should move.”

The time has come to leave this home where I’ve lived for so long.

It was something I had been considering anyway.

“I need a really spacious area.”

He was no longer alone. He was with his summoned beings.

They each grow in their own dimensions, but whenever Taehyung calls, they will be summoned to Earth to fight together.

To summon those beings, he needed a suitable spacious area.

“I need to buy a building.”

I thought it would be nice to remodel the building entirely into my own space.

It would be a space where orcs and goblins’ subordinates could come and go anytime, a space where they could rest.

Like some sort of guild house?

“And the orcs need to complete their registration as beings from another world. Then they can also enter the legal framework.”

This time, since Taehyung said the orcs were summoned beings, there were no issues.

Taehyung didn’t intend to keep calling them just summoned beings.

They weren’t just simple “summoned beings.” They were distinct intelligent beings.

Usually, summoned beings are just a “means” for summoners. But for Taehyung, summoned beings were “family.”

He wanted to elevate them to the same status as humans who come to Earth and operate alongside them.

“But, property prices in Seoul are expensive. Can I buy a decent building with this?”

Well, if I sell the current house and take out a loan, it should be possible. If it’s not enough, I’ll earn more.

Actually, it doesn’t matter if it’s not Seoul.

“Let’s take it slowly from now on.”

Taehyung made that commitment and summoned back the orcs he had sent away with Afroxia.

About a dozen orcs crowded into the house. It was a bit cramped, but it didn’t matter.

“You guys, you’ve worked hard, so have something delicious before you go.”

“Something delicious?”

“Maybe, pig’s feet?”

“Pig’s feet!”

“I finally get to eat that!”

Amidst the excitement of the orcs, Karim remained calm.

“That’s not it. There’s something even more delicious than pig’s feet. It’s called chicken.”


“Oh, isn’t that what the chief mentioned last time?”

“The crispy and juicy one?”

The orcs buzzed with excitement.

“Yeah. Isn’t that right, master?”

“No, we’ll order both, okay?”

Taehyung smirked.

“Just eat both. What’s the problem? We’ve earned money, after all.”

The orcs became even more ecstatic.


“Both of them!”



Finally, they erupted into cheers.

Indeed, orcs were a race that went crazy over food.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!