Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 8

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The echo of Karim’s voice reverberated thunderously throughout the entire village.

Hearing his words, the orcs murmured among themselves.

Among the orcs of the Blue Axe Tribe, there was not a single one who did not know the name Karim.

“Karim is back?”

“Where? Is that him?”

The orcs who had approached to investigate the sudden loud noise soon found themselves dumbfounded.

The Karim they knew was a very small and weak orc. He was nothing like the imposing and strong orc standing before them.

“Wait a moment. Something seems off!”

“Even though he’s big, isn’t that Karim’s face?”

“Oh? You’re right.”

It had been a little over a month since Karim was expelled from the tribe, and in that time, something drastic must have happened to him.

What could cause an orc to change so drastically?

At that moment, a large orc with a distinctive stature approached from behind.

“Karim is back?”

He was one of the village’s top ten warriors, Chaku the Great Warrior.

“Where is he?”


Chaku came closer and scrutinized Karim from top to bottom. Although his size and appearance had changed a bit, it was undoubtedly the chief’s son, Karim.

“Karim, it’s been a while.”

“Likewise, Chaku the Great Warrior.”

“You’ve changed a lot.”

Karim had grown into a mature and formidable warrior. He now exuded the aura of a seasoned warrior.

“What happened to you?”

“I underwent warrior training.”

“Warrior training…”

The act of proving one’s worth as a warrior by defeating their greatest enemy and claiming victory.

It was hard to believe that someone as frail as Karim, who couldn’t even handle a single goblin properly, had undergone warrior training.

While Chaku was scrutinizing Karim, he noticed something hanging from Karim’s belt – the severed heads of a kobold, goblin, lizardman, and troll.

“Did you catch those?”



Chaku chuckled.

“Did you use unfair methods?”

“I would never. I, Karim, am honest.”

“Whose help did you get?”


Just as Karim was about to say that he received help from the lord, Taehyung’s voice echoed in his mind.

“Say you didn’t get any help.”


“If you say I helped, it won’t look good. Just deny it.”

Momentarily hesitating, there was no visible sign of it.

“I didn’t receive any help.”

“Did you do it alone?”


Karim straightened his shoulders and lifted his head high. His confident demeanor suited him well.

Chaku clenched his fist and tapped his foot, deep in thought for a moment.

“Karim, even though you may be weak, you were a good kid. But it seems you’ve learned to lie from the outside world.”

“It’s not a lie.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t let you back in. You’ve lost the qualification to be part of the same family. And on top of that, you’re telling lies.”

“It’s really not.”

“Karim, I still consider you a good nephew. Don’t tarnish my memories. I don’t know how you managed to become like this, but… what you’ve become is twisted.”

Chaku gestured to the southern orc warriors to escort Karim out. As they were about to leave, Karim’s voice echoed through the village.

“Chaku the Great Warrior, whether you believe it or not, I don’t care. I came here to prove myself. That’s all.”


Karim stomped his foot on the ground. The ground sank, and shockwaves rippled in circles.

The attention of the orcs, who had turned away, refocused on him.

“I, Karim, was reborn as the High Orc thanks to the lord’s grace. I severed the necks of trolls and ogres alone. So, even if you don’t acknowledge it, I am a warrior.”

“No, don’t tell anything about me. Seriously.”

Ignoring Taehyung’s words, Karim, after loosening the heads from his belt, tossed them into the village. The heads of monsters rolled and tumbled inside the village.

Right after that, he drew his axe. Gripping the axe handle in reverse, he held it high and brought it down on the ground with force.


The axe was embedded in the ground, trembling from the immense strength he exerted.

The orcs stared wide-eyed, stunned by what Karim had just done. They knew the significance of that action.

“Karim, have you gone mad?”

“Are you in your right mind?”

“I am in my right mind.”

Karim declared, “I, Karim, challenge Chief Karik of the Blue Axe Tribe to a duel.”

In an instant, the room was engulfed in silence.



Staking everything they had, a one-on-one duel among true warriors. A fierce battle where the winner claims it all.

For the Orcs, it was something sacred. So, it wasn’t strange to see the Orcs of the tribe going wild.

To the members of the Blue Axe Tribe, Karim wasn’t a true warrior.

“Chief. Are you really going to accept this duel?”


“It’s absurd! Someone without the qualifications of a warrior in a duel?”

“Chief! I suggest we expel Karim immediately!”

“I agree! Karim has no qualifications!”

“Everyone, calm down. Let’s first hear them out.”

The warriors grumbled. Karik smirked.

“A chief who avoids a sacred duel is… If that happens, other tribes will mock us.”

“But, that’s only if he’s qualified!”

“What part of Karim is not qualified?”

Karik pointed at Karim.

“Now, warriors, look at Karim. What part of him is not qualified?”


There was no answer. It was obvious. To anyone, Karim now looked like a true warrior.

“Is that settled then?”


“There should be no objections.”

“But, Chief. Don’t you feel something strange? It’s been just over a month since Karim was expelled. Do you think such a change is reasonable in that time?”

The warriors nodded. They all seemed to share similar thoughts.


Without using extraordinary methods, they couldn’t believe such growth was possible.

But Karik was different.

“It’s reasonable.”

He couldn’t explain it in words, but he felt it all over his body. Everything he felt from that kid was true.

“Enough of this. Let’s proceed.”

There was more argument, but it soon ended. The warriors scattered. Only Karik and Karim remained in the arena.



“You’ve grown a lot.”


“Well done.”

Karim silently nodded his head. He fidgeted his fingers as if feeling awkward.

Watching Karim with such a gaze, Karik chuckled and messed up Karim’s hair.

“I won’t ask for forgiveness for expelling you. Survival of the fittest. In this harsh forest, if you can’t pull yourself, you can’t survive. Even if you’re my son, there are no exceptions.”

Karim silently nodded.

Orcs survived that way. There was no other way.

“Let me say this in advance. Even if you’re my son, I won’t go easy on you.”


“So, don’t expect any favors from me. Understand?”

Karim nodded without saying a word. Karik smiled without saying anything and patted Karim on the shoulder.

Karim didn’t reject his father’s touch.

For a long while, neither of them spoke. But they were constantly exchanging unspoken conversations.


Watching such a scene, Taehyung observed with a complicated expression.


Several hours passed, and finally, the appointed time arrived.

Using the setting sun as the deciding time, the Orcs of the tribe gathered in a large open space to witness the upcoming duel between the two warriors.

Leaving a large space in the center of the open field, they sat in a circle.

The gathered Orcs were making noise, and Orc women carrying large baskets were moving around, distributing boiled potatoes to the spectators. Orc children who received the potatoes laughed and played around.

“Come on! Let’s eat while watching!”

“Hey! Wait your turn! If you cut in line, you won’t get any?”

Karim checked his equipment behind the open field.

Instead of the leather armor damaged in the previous fight with the ogre, the chieftain had bestowed him with a new set. The axe remained the same. It seemed resilient enough even against the attacks of the ogre.

“Karim, are you going to use your axe? Not this one?”

“Yeah. I won’t use it. I like this one.”

“Where did you get that, insisting on using it?”

“Well, do as you please.”

The three blacksmiths in the village recommended Karim a duel axe, but he refused. Why use another weapon when he already had the one bestowed by his lord?

The leather armor was in good condition, and the axe was in good condition too.

After finishing the preparations and entering the arena, the shaman Kurpha stepped forward.

As Karik and Karim gathered in the center, Kurpha shouted.

“Warrior Karik and Warrior Karim. Presenting the sacred duel of the two warriors in front of the Orc god.”

Kurpha raised his staff high. Mana rose from the staff into the sky. Cheers from the Orcs echoed.

“Now, take your positions.”

The two moved to a distance. The two warriors stared at each other.

Karik raised his staff high and lowered it, signaling the beginning with a blast of a horn.



The two warriors kicked the ground and rushed forward.


Axes collided. The clear sound of metal resonated throughout the village.


Taehyung chewed on his nails, watching Karim’s fight with a nervous heart.

The guy was facing his own father. A tense battle with no one yielding an inch was unfolding.

However, there was an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Even when Karim fought with the ogre before, it wasn’t like this. Taehyung thought about why that was, and soon realized the reason.

He had nothing to contribute.

No trick or loophole worked in this straightforward fight.

In this battle, summoning him to save his life or any such tactics wouldn’t work.

It has to work, right? But what’s the meaning of that?

For him, this current battle was like a ceremony to adulthood. A trial to overcome.

That’s why Taehyung could only watch.

Axes clashed against each other. Allowing attacks, receiving them, blood splattering everywhere. Each time, Taehyung’s heart pounded.

Thoughts of his deceased parents crossed his mind.

The day of the college entrance exam.

His parents waited anxiously at the school gate for hours. They waited all day with worried expressions.

Taehyung somehow felt like he understood their feelings at that time, even if just a little.

That orc, with a different appearance and skin color, had become an important existence to Taehyung.

“Hang in there, Karim.”

Taehyung muttered quietly, hoping that these words would be of some help.

But probably, since he didn’t put his will into it, the guy probably didn’t hear it. Taehyung unconsciously didn’t want to disturb the battle with unnecessary words.

Yet, maybe it was just his mood, but somehow, it felt like Karim sensed the encouragement from his lord. The corners of his eyes twisted, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

The battle was dragging on. The intense duel between the two was tilting.

Karik, who had a stern expression facing Karim, suddenly regained composure. He was pressing Karim.


Taehyung’s legs trembled anxiously. Sweat had gathered on his palms.


Win, please…

Things were getting desperate. Karim was continuously being pushed back. It seemed like he might lose.

From what he heard, in most life-or-death duels, losing means losing your life. If that’s the case, the guy might lose his life too.

So, if the guy dies, will he come back to life? What happens?

The guy probably only gained the power of the system, not a resurrection skill. So if Karim dies, it’s probably the end.

Even though it’s like a game, this is not a game; it’s reality.


Karik swung the axe forcefully. At this rate, he was about to take a direct hit to the abdomen.

“Hey, hey!”

Taehyung suddenly stood up. He couldn’t just sit and watch anymore.

“No! No······ Huh?”

At that moment, something amazing happened. As the axe was about to be embedded in his abdomen, Karim’s eyes shone.

He avoided it like a flash. It was an astonishing speed. Holding the handle of the axe even deeper, he thrust it into Karik’s neck.


The thick part of the axe, not the blade, pierced Karik’s neck. Karim intentionally diverted the attack.


Pushing with force, Karik’s massive body collapsed to the ground.


Kurpha shouted.

“The winner of the sacred duel is decided! Warrior Karim!”


Everyone stared in disbelief, their eyes wide open.

A breath-taking silence.

And then, after a while.


“Karim! Karim!”

“Excellent warrior!”

A loud cheer erupted.

Karim, though once an eyesore, just a burden, and a weak orc who couldn’t even handle a single person, was not that at this moment.

It was just witnessing an exceptionally splendid duel right before the eyes of the orcs.

That was all that mattered. That was the essence of being an orc.

And, from another corner, there was a human shouting with joy.

“Damn! He won!”

It was Taehyung.

“Hehehehe! That’s my kid!”

Overwhelmed with joy, Taehyung danced on the spot.

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