Published at 29th of May 2024 05:27:09 AM

Chapter 9

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The once peaceful Blue Axe Orc tribe was turned upside down.

Karik, the tribe chief and a strong warrior, was defeated in a sacred duel!

His opponent was none other than his own son, Karim.

Deprived of his qualification as a tribe member for not fulfilling his role properly, the weak Orc returned as a strong warrior, defeating his own father.

It was an unexpected turn of events that everyone witnessed, except for a few warriors who were out hunting for their food.

They watched in awe as Karim relentlessly fought against Karik, the tribe’s greatest warrior, without giving an inch.

Despite Karik’s experienced skills, Karim managed to find openings and eventually emerged victorious.

Before, the image of the weak Orc Karim from the past, who couldn’t fulfill his duties as a tribe member, was firmly engraved in the minds of the Blue Axe Orcs. But now, there was no trace of the feeble Orc anymore.

Truly, he became the embodiment of a strong warrior, an worthy Orc!

No Orc resisted this outcome. In fact, they couldn’t even entertain the thought of having a different opinion. The duel was a sacred event for the Orcs.

Setting aside everything else, how could there be any unconvinced voices when the outcome of the battle was already in front of them/ Such a fair and intense fight that gripped one’s soul!

This battle ignited a passionate flame in the hearts of the Orcs, who had led ordinary lives of hunting and gathering.

The spark of renewed fighting spirit smoldered deep within their hearts. It was a faint spark that they themselves might not yet feel, but it would soon grow into a blazing fire.


The Orcs cheered for the excellent duel, but at the same time, they couldn’t hide their mixed emotions.

Many things were about to change now.

The rules of the duel were that the winner takes all. The winner decides everything for the loser.

Now, Karik’s life was in Karim’s hands, and it was not an exaggeration.

Karik, who had led the tribe flawlessly for the past 20 years following the previous tribe chief, was highly respected and a skilled warrior.

The thought of Karik, who had earned the admiration of the tribe members and efficiently led the tribe, possibly dying left everyone in a state of confusion.

In duels, losers typically lost their lives in nine out of ten cases.

Either their lives were cut short during the duel, or after the duel, the winner severed their heads.

The Orcs believed that Karim would mercilessly end his father’s life.

It was widely known that Karim had endured a difficult childhood.

His mother, the chief’s wife, was torn to shreds by trolls, and his only blood relative, his father, was cold-hearted. The tribe considered Karim an outcast and treated him as if he were not an Orc.

There was probably a deep-seated resentment within him. That’s why everyone was convinced that Karim had returned to the tribe for revenge.

So, the Orcs awaited Karim’s decision. How would this young and powerful Orc, who had been rejected by the tribe and had overcome many hardships, decide his father’s fate?

The next day.

Karim, who had enjoyed a peaceful sleep in the village after a long time, gathered all the Orcs and spoke.

“I will not kill my father. Instead…”


In the silence, the sound of someone swallowing loudly echoed.

“As the winner of the sacred duel, I will take the chief’s position.”


“Anyone who disagrees, step forward. I, Karim, reborn as a High Orc through the grace of my lord, will face you.”

Karim’s resolute declaration reverberated through the air.


Taehyung was reading the comments on the post he had uploaded on HunterNet.

└Speak sense. What? An Orc alone wipes out dozens of goblins and trolls? No, he summons Orcs? Orc summoner? Is there even such a class? Are there so many undisclosed classes?”

└How many undisclosed classes are there in the world? There might be one like that.

└The author’s words don’t make sense at all. Haven’t most of the unsolved goblin dens been located mostly in the Northern part of Karzen Great Forest? It’s a high-risk zone where only high-ranking hunters can enter. But an awakened hunter just casually goes there?

└He probably just took a bus and killed one goblin and bragged about it?

└Make some sense, will ya? What? The orc single-handedly taking down dozens of goblins and trolls?

└This guy’s aggro is insane. It’s not a one or two-time thing. Was a bit quiet lately, but sure enough, he’s back.

└Seems like he woke up in a dream. I had a dream yesterday where I awakened as a swordmaster and went around cutting down demon spawns.

└It’s like he dreamed of awakening. I also awakened as a Swordmaster in my dream yesterday and chopped up monsters.

└No, but what if it’s actually true? It makes sense if he awakened in a unique class.

└Unique class? Where is that? That’s not even a well-known name worldwide. There are only a few unique classes, and how does this recluse nerd become a unique class?

└How do you know he’s a recluse nerd? Did you see him in person?

└Obviously. Do you really need to see him? This guy is 100% the author. Definitely a pseudonym.

└Hahaha…Unique class …Hahaha…Hilarious… Hahaha




There were many more comments. Old users who knew Taehyung’s nickname mixed with newbies who joined in, created a lively discussion.

Taehyung scrolled down with his mouse, read all the comments, and nodded satisfactorily.


The views had surpassed 3,000. It seemed that the aggro had indeed worked well. All those people acknowledged the existence of the Orc named Karim.


Normally, even if the aggro worked well and he felt good about it, he would have been quite annoyed by the negative comments. However, now there was no impact at all.

People who originally had no sense of inferiority revealed it. Although he hadn’t officially registered as a hunter yet, Taehyung was now undeniably an awakened one. Moreover, he was the only one with a unique class.

Taehyung was a winner. Therefore, he was relaxed. He perceived all the comments on his post as coming from those who felt inferior.

‘Why do these children boast about themselves?’

With such a positive reaction, it seemed inevitable to continue with Part 2.

Thinking that he should inform the world about Karim’s future exploits, Taehyung closed HunterNet.

He turned off the computer with his toe, lay on the bed, and muttered to himself.

“By the way, can I only summon one summon?”

The link skill description was as follows.

– Currently, the number of linkable entities is 1/1.

According to this explanation, at the moment, he could only summon Karim.

‘But, one summon might not be the end.’

If it truly was the end with only one summon, it wouldn’t have been indicated as

Currently, the number of linkable entities is 1/1. This was just his current one.

‘If it said something like summoning the one and only entity, it might make sense. But it doesn’t mention not being able to increase the number of entities.’

It seemed a bit forced, but it made sense.

‘Let’s look into it.’

Taehyung turned the computer back on, browsed the internet, and searched. After exploring various places like HunterNet, general communities, and YouTube, he found one video.

[Tips for Increasing the Number of Summons!

Hello. I’m Hunter Choi Heewon, affiliated with the Necromancer Association. In this post, I’d like to share some information about the number of summoned creatures.

Among the concerns of many summon-type hunters is the number of summoned creatures. It’s only natural for summoners to desire more summoned creatures, but finding ways to increase their numbers can be quite challenging.

The system is not very user-friendly, and without information on how to level up skills, many hunters resort to summoning creatures randomly. The lack of displayed skill levels and grades makes it difficult to make informed decisions.

However, did you know that skills also have levels and experience points? They grow through various conditions being met, and when experience points increase, the skill level goes up. It’s not visible, but it’s there.

After discovering this, I analyzed my main skill, Skeleton Summoning, and found the specific trigger that increases experience points. Once I identified it, I could summon as many as 30 low-level skeletons and 10 intermediate-level skeletons! Impressive, isn’t it?

And the secret is…

It’s getting close to bones!

Surprising, right? There are many other ways to increase experience points that I know of. For more details, please refer to our Necromancer Association website. Nothing comes for free! That’s all for now! Oh, joining is mandatory, by the way.]

The video of a YouTuber with 20 subscribers had only 50 views. It was undeniably a low view count.

“Disappointing. This should’ve gone viral.”

Anyway, promoting like this for a non-mainstream association seemed a bit odd.

However, there was something to consider.

‘Getting close to bones… Does it mean I have to act in line with the concept of the skill?’

If his guess is correct, he need to perform actions that align with the concept of the linked skill.

“Hmm… it’s complicated.”

Taehyung scratched his head.

“Maybe I should just spend all my time watching Karim except for eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom.”

While pondering various thoughts, a sudden idea occurred to him.

‘Or maybe, if the linked target grows, the experience points increase?’

It seemed like a plausible thought.

Since he have saved up points, why not try increasing Karim’s stats with them?

At that moment, thud!

The ground shook. Taehyung staggered for a moment, grabbed the wall, and regained his balance.

“An earthquake, perhaps?”

Soon after, his phone rang.

[Monster Appearance Alert!]

Upon checking, the monster appearance area was near his home. It seemed that a monster had appeared somewhere in the neighborhood, causing the recent shaking.

[Monster Information: 3 Grade 5 Scapters. Citizens in the danger zone, please evacuate to nearby shelters promptly.]

[Hunters near the area are on their way.]

[Monster elimination complete. Alert lifted.]

[Authorities are swiftly investigating the circumstances of the monster’s appearance…]

Disaster alerts kept popping up. The ground, which had been shaking momentarily, was now still. Taehyung breathed a small sigh of relief.

“Phew. That was quick.”

Scapters were dangerous monsters, but since there were only three, they were quickly dealt with.

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion.

“Weird. Monsters shouldn’t appear in our neighborhood.”

There had been almost no instances of monsters appearing in safe areas.

‘Well, maybe a dungeon appeared.’

If a dungeon suddenly appeared near his home, it was a possibility.

“Seems plausible.”

Otherwise, how could monsters appear in a neighborhood with no monster nests?

A dungeon appearing here was a matter not to be taken lightly.

In the past, he might have been anxious, but now, he wasn’t.

He was no longer an incompetent person; he was now a genuine awakened hunter.

If a dungeon really appeared in the neighborhood, and no matter what happened, the Karim who had even beheaded an Ogre seemed capable of making a significant contribution to clearing the dungeon.

Of course, the situation would change depending on the dungeon grade, but still.

At that moment, an unexpected system notification appeared.

[Summoned creature Karim’s class achievement has increased!]

[Summoned creature Karim has awakened the skill ‘Booster Morale’!]

[Summoned creature Karim’s sincere actions have been conveyed to the system!]

[Summoned creature Karim has awakened the skill ‘Lord’s Grace’!]


Suddenly awakening two skills?

“And what on earth is ‘Lord’s Grace’?”

Unable to resist his curiosity, Taehyung immediately turned his attention towards Karim.

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