Panda Taoist Priest - Chapter 250

Published at 9th of October 2021 05:14:01 AM

Chapter 250: 250

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"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"What's the matter ahead?"


The Taoists around Chuxiong looked very nervous. Anyone who walked in the cave for half an hour, and may be in the depths of the earth. They won't be in a good mood when they encounter a cave collapse

"Everyone be quiet!" suddenly, an old voice sounded in Chuxiong's ear, which calmed his nerves and calmed his spirit, which immediately reduced Chuxiong's irritability.

Real pine forest!

Chu Xiong blinked. He could easily spread his voice to everyone's ears in such a narrow place as the cave. It was beyond Chu Xiong's ability to show his hand at will. He couldn't help yearning for the realm of real people.

Real people?

I believe I can do it! Chu Xiong nodded slightly.

Due to the words of immortal Songlin, the people who were surprised by the sudden situation in the cave were in a stable mood. They all kept panting and stopped talking.

Then, the team moved forward again. Soon, Chuxiong passed a piece of scorched soil, and there were several big pits in the cave. It seemed that the mountain wall was attacked by powerful Taoism.

"Did you meet the enemy?" Chu Xiong's voice of Lin'an's doubt rang out in his brain.

"It shouldn't be. I didn't feel the blood here." Chu Xiong's nose twitched slightly and shook his head.

"Well, there should be something forbidden here just now!" Lin'an guessed.

"It should be." Chu Xiong blinked and saw some pieces of spells hidden in the sand on the ground.

Other people also guessed in their hearts, but the Lord didn't let them speak, and they didn't dare to talk loudly.

After a while, Chu Xiong's eyes brightened. This time, a huge space appeared in front of him.

Chu Xiong gently rubbed his eyes and looked at everything in front of him.

"What is this?"

"Where is this?"

"Where are we?"


Even with the request of real Songlin, they couldn't stop their surprise and made a sound again. And this time, the three real people didn't stop, and they were stunned by everything in front of them

Because there was a huge cave in front of the people. They didn't know how big it was. Because it was too far away, it was shrouded in darkness. Only when it was lit by lights in front of them could they see it clearly.

In this way, it also completely shocked everyone, because what appears here is a city!

One doesn't know how big it is, but judging from some competing buildings, the scale of the city is far larger than that of wangjiacheng.

There is a city under the ground. This kind of thing, let alone the Taoist priests present, has not been seen, that is, the existence of the three great temples, and the three real people have not seen it.

"Wu Daoyou, I'm right. It seems to be a city!" the real name of real Songlin is Wu Zhenren. As a real person, real Changqing naturally mentioned the real name of real Songlin when he was surprised by the scene.

"That's right! This is really a city!" real Matsumoto took a deep breath from the corner of his mouth and suppressed the shock in his heart.

"Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly! Thanks to us, we thought they found a secret place with treasures. Unexpectedly, it was a huge city. Although we don't know when the city was, it is definitely not an ordinary city from the perspective of these tall and unusual buildings. At least, I haven't seen such a scene in Feiyun palace." Immortal Guiyun couldn't help saying. At last, he suddenly thought of something and turned to look at the two people next to him. The three real people looked at each other and saw a touch of shock from each other's eyes.

"This city..." immortal Songlin smacked his mouth, thinking constantly in his head, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"No matter who lived in this city, it is now a ownerless thing." immortal Changqing's eyes flashed and looked at the city carefully for a moment.

As soon as they heard this, they also looked at the city.

I saw houses one by one in the distance, high and low, scattered. When I looked at them from a distance, I couldn't see the end at all. But the whole city is shrouded in darkness, and the houses nearby have long been dilapidated, which makes everyone understand.

This is a relic!

Everyone breathed softly. It's also true. How can someone be so deep underground!

Chu Xiong listened to the conversation between several people, and his eyes kept flashing. The owner of this city must be gone, but it doesn't mean that there is no one in this city.

Because a few miles ahead, there was some fire. Obviously, it was the people of Huang Tianguan who had already come here.

"Two Taoist friends, let's not waste time here. Hurry up. If they take away the treasure, it will be bad." immortal Guiyun looked at the fire in the distance and frowned slightly.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, even if there are some treasures there, do they really have the ability to take them away in front of the three of us?" immortal Changqing twinkled in his eyes, looked at the distance for a moment and smiled coldly.

"Don't worry, immortal Guiyun. I've already sent someone to inquire about it. Here, only three of us are real people. There are many people here in Huang Tianguan, but the strongest one is just the top level of the body." immortal Songlin touched his beard and his face was relaxed.

"In this way, I can rest assured." immortal Guiyun looked relaxed.

"Let's go and see what treasures these guys of Huang Tianguan have found for us?" immortal Songlin smiled and walked into the city with a crutch.

Immortal Guiyun and immortal Songlin smiled and followed.

At this time, they also withdrew their mind and followed the three behind.

Chu Xiong looked. The place where he and others appeared was a very remote corner, which was obviously far from the center of the city

Chu Xiong breathed out and followed.

The party soon entered the ruins. Due to the existence of the enemy of Huangtian temple, they didn't light lights, and all moved forward quickly with the power of spirit and eyes.

Everyone was running. Suddenly, Chu Xiong felt an amazing aura wave in the surrounding air.


Chu Xiong's heart moved. He could judge the danger from the fluctuation of Aura!

"No!" a loud cry came from the front, and then several spiritual lights lit up in the front.

Boom, boom

A huge roar sounded in an instant. At the same time, several red lights were emitted from the ruins beside Chuxiong, and went straight to Chuxiong, Lin'an and others.

Hopeless mountain!

The power of red light is amazing. Chu Xiong just feels it and knows that he can't carry it with the power of his body.

In this dangerous time, Chu Xiong did not care to hide his strength and immediately summoned Wuwang mountain to protect himself.

Lin an also summoned his water grain shield to block his side. Other people also summoned their own defense magic tools to resist this sudden attack.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!