Path to Heaven - Chapter 496

Published at 2nd of May 2021 05:15:36 PM

Chapter 496: 496

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"Xuanwu Lord, this man is very interesting."

At the moment of Wei Suo plundering into the white miasma, the mysterious turtle like magic weapon the size of a house looks graceful and elegant, and his whole body looks like a spotless young master of Zhenwu sect. He looks at the real Xuanwu man beside him and smiles.


In the case that he had already caught Huang Gu Bai Ze in his hand, he was taken away by a friar of Jindan Yizhong, which was already a very humiliating thing for a friar with three golden elixirs.

Now, hearing Xu Qianhuan's words, Xuanwu immortal's face suddenly turns into the color of sauced pig's liver.

With a wave of his hands, he saw a green square tripod suspended in front of him.

In a low roar, suddenly rolling green vigorous wind swept across the sky.

Xuanwu sect is also a big sect in the central part of Tianxuan continent, whose strength is comparable to that of Yin corpse sect. There are several Jindan friars. In the hands of Xuanwu real people, there are also various treasures.

The green and vigorous wind emitted from this quadruped tripod is just the magic power of the first-class Taoist level. For a monk of Wei Suo's level, this power is not terrible. However, the green and vigorous wind emitted from the quadruped tripod was extremely amazing. In a short time, it covered an area of five or six hundred Zhang.

At the same time, the Xuanwu real man, with his escape speed as fast as the tortoise like magic weapon from the fire boat, chased down to the position where Weisuo's figure disappeared. After a few breaths, all the white miasma blocking the sight in front of him was blown away.

According to the pursuit speed of Xuanwu immortal, Weisuo has absolutely no time to run far at this moment. He should be able to see at a glance.


But now Xuanwu real man's eyes swept, but his face became more ugly. In the sight, there are still dense monsters everywhere, but you can't see Wei Suo's figure at all.

Originally at this moment, Xuanwu immortal's magic power has lost the trace of Weisuo, and it must not catch up with Weisuo.

"Xuanwu patriarch, why, have you lost the trace of this man?"

But at this time, has been carrying both hands, it seems that there is no intention of Xu Qianhuan is indifferent smile, the eyelids of two eyes, are covered with a slight blue light.

Then, he stretched out his finger and pointed a little on the front side, "Xuanwu Lord, look at that place."

With Xu Qianhuan's finger pointing, Xuanwu immortal can see that there is a completely transparent light shining on the edge of a big gray fog flying forward.

This completely transparent flowing light and shadow is like a wind. In such a situation where there are fierce battles between monks and monsters everywhere, Xu Qianhuan would never have noticed it.

"Thank you very much! This man is too presumptuous. If I want to chase him, I will not accompany the young master to hunt the monster here. "

"Whoosh!" After the dark faced immortal Xuanwu said this, he directly carried the mysterious turtle like magic weapon, which turned into a dark black streamer and shot out towards Wei Suo's escape direction.

Xu Qianhuan is alone, left in the sky here.

After a faint smile, Xu Qianhuan, standing alone in the sky, is still a leisurely and contented look, as if it is a tour of mountains and rivers.

An oval red magic weapon, like a goldfish bowl, appeared in front of him.

It seems that this magic weapon is made of some kind of crystal stone. There is no mark on it. It looks completely transparent, but the aura is extremely strong. There are many folded crystal lights on its periphery.

During this period, Li ruohai had been watching him, Xuanwu immortal and Weisuo. At the moment, he saw Xu Qianhuan offer this thing. Li ruohai decided to bite his teeth and pat him on a golden slave bag.

A four legged lizard like monster suddenly appeared beside him.

this head looks like what the ordinary lizard looks like. There are no two kinds of monster, only two feet long, and very small, but the scales on the scales are shining like topaz. His eyes are green, like two round emeralds.

As soon as the monster appeared, it was in front of him that he immediately produced numerous pale yellow silks by cavitation, and then instantly condensed into the shape of a feather arrow.

As soon as he saw the ugly monster appearing, he was trapped by Li ruohai with a chain of killing animals. He was constantly covered with black light. The emperor Heijiao, who was fighting with death, suddenly showed an expression of disaster in his eyes.

"Puff" a dull sound, a watermelon sized black demon Dan spurted out, toward the sea and the monster fierce shot.

And this black demon pill immediately showed countless light lines, rippling with a destructive breath. It seems that the emperor black Jiao is actually trying to explode the demon pill at the moment.

However, before the demon pill exploded, the small yellow feather arrow flashed, but it was the last one that came first, and directly shot into the neck of the emperor black Jiao.

Compared with the figure of the emperor black dragon, this small yellow arrow is just like a tiny fluff.But as soon as the Yellow Feather arrow was shot in, the emperor's black Jiao was shocked, and the light in his eyes disappeared immediately.

The huge body was pulled to Li ruohai's body by the chain of killing animals. The light pattern on the black demon pill lost its support and disappeared. Then, the huge body of the emperor black Jiao and its demon pill were collected by Li ruohai at a startling speed.

After killing and collecting one emperor black Jiao at one stroke, Li ruohai did not entangle with another emperor black Jiao at all. Instead, his figure moved and shot down towards the lower left behind him.

About seven or eight hundred Zhang below Li ruohai's left side, the sky was filled with yellow clouds with strong earthy smell.

In HuangYun neili, qilongshan, Qingping and fahua Zhenren are fighting with the giant silkworm like monster that emerged from the ground and a silver bat who does not know when to run here.

The silver bat is more than half a man high. The silver flame power of this bat is comparable to the top-grade magic weapon of the Taoist level. Moreover, the most difficult thing to deal with is that the demon beast will constantly move. Every time it sends out a magic skill, it will flash with the silver light and disappear in the same place. I don't know where it will appear in the next moment.

This silver bat has at least seven levels of intermediate level.

In addition to these two big level monsters, there are also fire plumes cloud crane in and out of this group of yellow clouds from time to time.

According to the situation, Qi Longshan and other three people did not have the upper hand at all.

But at this time, before Li ruohai had time to make a move, a red crystal light suddenly penetrated from the top, forced to open the Yellow cloud, and first fell on the fat silkworm like yellow soil monster below.

"Kagaka, Kaka!"

This fat giant silkworm like yellow monster instantly formed layers of red crystal shells. While the monster was still trying to struggle, an ice lotus like brilliance fell from above and hit the monster.

The monster was so stiff that white ice cubes appeared on the surface of the skin. It seemed that the water in the body was frozen all at once.

Then, pressed by the red crystal shell outside the body, the monster's body size was reduced by a half, and it was directly pressed to no breath.

Qi Longshan and other people's eyes flashed with a look of horror. They looked up and saw that the emperor black Jiao, who had been fighting with Li ruohai, had already been wrapped in a red crystal shell and had no vitality. However, on a bright yellow ring on Xu Qianhuan's hand, which is still a leisurely and complacent expression, it sends out a large amount of bright yellow brilliance, among which many strange ancient light symbols flow ceaselessly.

This bright yellow light shining towards the emperor black Jiao, the bright yellow light immediately shrinks back, and the huge emperor black Jiao is immediately included in the ring on his hand.

This kind of ring is obviously more than a hundred times more than the ordinary nabao bag, which is very rare in ancient monastic circles!

The moment he took away the emperor's black Jiao, Xu Qianhuan's figure flashed and immediately reached the top of the yellow fat silkworm like monster.

Then, under the bright yellow light, the yellow fat silkworm like monster was also included in his hands.


After taking away the monster, Xu Qianhuan didn't take care of Li ruohai and others. His figure suddenly turned into a white stream flame and shot out from the front.

In front of him, there was a silver light that kept flashing.

The original silver bat like monster, in the yellow fat silkworm monster was killed at the moment, already feel bad, desperate to escape.

But it was just a breath. The silver monster had just started a blink, just appeared in a place, and a red light had covered its body.

Then, another ice refining like brilliance flew out of Xu Qianhuan's hands and hit the monster.

Just like the fat giant silkworms, this monster immediately lost its breath, and its red crystal shell shrank by half. Then it was covered with bright yellow and was directly included in the receiving ring.

If the general triple monk of golden elixir and Li ruohai fight together, they may not be able to win Li ruohai. However, the magic weapon in Xu Qianhuan's hands, which is like a transparent oval goldfish VAT, is much more amazing than the long river torrent scroll. It seems to be a real metaphysical magic weapon!

Moreover, it seems that Xu Qian's magic method of making ice lotus is at least the middle level of heaven level. When used in his hands, his power seems to exceed the level of semi metaphysical level magic weapon.

With this level of magic and magic, it's just like sweeping up all the way. Li ruohai and others can only drink soup when they are near him.

If Li ruohai hadn't been in a bad situation and robbed an emperor black Jiao directly, I'm afraid he couldn't even drink the soup. All the high-level monsters around would be swept away by Xu Qianhuan, and the residue would not be left for them.

"Weisuo, this man's magic weapon is not under lihuofang, it seems that he can't get rid of it!"At this time, Wei Suo had already inspired Li Huo Fang and turned into a black and red escape light, which had been flying away from Huangdao city for many miles. However, behind him, a dark black escape light was still biting on and seemed to be getting closer and closer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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