Path to Heaven - Chapter 992

Published at 2nd of May 2021 04:00:43 PM

Chapter 992: 992

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Within thousands of miles of broken jade, the aura is amazing. Even the air seems to become extremely humid. All the plants are extremely bright, green as jade, red as Cabernet.

"What exactly is this landform?"

All of a sudden, a look of horror flashed into Weisuo's eyes.

He used the ancient scriptures of the earth mother to communicate with each other, and suddenly stopped within two or three thousand miles of the ancient broken jade area. It seems that a lot of the power of the ancient world has been completely destroyed by the ancient totem, just like a kind of power which was used to destroy the ancient world.

What kind of power makes even heaven and earth no longer the supreme existence, but becomes the paper recording some traces?

Against the sky, this is really beyond the power of heaven and earth!

If the monk's power in the Dharma Realm of Tao, that power has completely exceeded the heaven and earth they are in!


Weisuo let out a deep breath again.

At this moment, he saw that among the five or six giant umbrella like auras in the ancient area of broken jade, a stream of aura was rolling, and even the Milky light was stirring up. The Milky light was actually the shadow of a white spirit tree with thousands of branches hanging down!

This is indeed the real ancient battlefield in ancient times. It must have broken out even far more than the Jingtian war of that time. The rules of the vitality of the earth veins under the broken jade ancient domain have been completely disrupted. It is impossible to speculate with his magical power. However, through the ancient earth Sutra, he has a hidden perception. There is an amazing Qi Movement under the broken jade ancient region, which seems to be surging Among the veins that he could not speculate on, there was indeed an amazing one that was extremely suitable for the transformation of spiritual Qi. It was like a giant dragon that had been dormant underground for thousands of years.

The brand of the anti heaven power that really transcends the heaven and the earth The shadow of the white spirit tree is produced by the spirit An amazing vein that captured the nature of heaven and earth... All of these let Weisuo fall into a thorough mental agitation, until after a few breaths, Weisuo's mind slightly calmed down.

The mountain top occupied by the friars of Yuheng mainland is nearly a thousand miles away from the ancient broken jade area. The huge green aura covers the scene. The valley with the flash of light is located in the two sides, two sides apart, which are about 500 li away.

In the valley, there are many friars, many of whom are majestic, which make the clouds above the valley constantly change, and even produce the magnificent colorful clouds and aurora.

From time to time, there are friars driving auspicious clouds, flying magic weapons, or driving monsters to land. The atmosphere is calm and depressing, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Li ruohai? What's going on? He's all here! "

Wei Suo was shocked again. In his sight, a blue yellow escape light came from the distance. In the light, he was a beautiful man with a handsome face and a mature breath. He was wearing a light silk gilded robe. The aura from his body formed a wild ancient beast with four wings, which seemed to be full of savage and ferocious atmosphere The elegant breath of the dust is the opposite.

This monk is Wei Suo's old friend, Li ruohai, the leader of the spirit beast palace!

What's more, Li ruohai's cultivation has been greatly improved compared with that before, and it has reached the initial cultivation of Jindan Wuzhong.

After taking a deep breath, Weisuo immediately uses the ordinary Lingguang escape method, and quickly plunders toward Li Ruo Haifei.

Wei Suo was extremely disadvantageous to Wei Suo because he could not use the ancient earth mother Scripture to communicate the earth Qi. So he was more careful. He even deliberately controlled the escape speed of Lingguang Dun method, which made him look like the real yuan power of an ordinary golden elixir at most.

"This Taoist friend, are you?" Wei Suo straight grazing to Li ruohai, the target is very obvious, Li ruohai nature is also soon found, far from the voice. At the moment, Wei Suo changed his figure with his heart and became a fat middle-aged monk. Li ruohai couldn't see it at all.

"Master Li, I'm Wei Suo." Weisuo continued to approach Li ruohai, and at the same time, a short voice came to Li ruohai's ear, "what happened here?"

"Wei Daoyou?" Li ruohai's body suddenly and violently shocked, his eyes flashed violently, and then he met Wei Suo at a faster speed. "Wei Daoyou, I didn't expect to meet here. How come, you just passed by here and don't know what happened here?"

"I was tracing down the land where heaven and earth were full of aura. All the way here, I just met a group of monks in Yuheng mainland. I knew that several major gates of Yuheng land were going to fight against yutianzong and xixianyuan here." Wei Suo has been swept to the side of Li ruohai, and then quickly whispered, "what happened to this place? How can you all come here?"

Old friends meet, and the sky is broken, just like the next generation, the look on Li ruohai's face has not changed much, but looking at Wei Suo's eyes, it is very emotional, "Wei Daoyou, do you know that xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong have united with these sects in Yuheng mainland? It's good to know that these sects themselves are going to fight against yutianzong and xixianyuan here. However, yutianzong and xixianyuan have imposed some astonishing prohibitions, which may cause both jade and stone to burn down. Therefore, both sides agreed to sit down and talk. Yuheng is a big power in mainland China and will not give up. Therefore, yutianzong and xixianyuan sent many monks to ask for help. The peace talks involve the interests of all the clansmen in Tianxuan, so most of the zongmen and the great friars who have received the news have all arrived. ""Are you going to negotiate here?" Wei Suo's eyes flashed, which was totally beyond his expectation. It seems that the prohibitions possessed by yutianzong and xixianyuan must be extremely astonishing, and even the other party's possession of so many supernatural powers was completely shocked.

"These sects in Yuheng mainland, xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong certainly don't want to suffer too much death and injury. After all, the winning party doesn't know how much the monk will pay if they fight together. However, although it is an agreement to sit down and talk, there must be a competition to see the strength of both sides. If the strength of Yuheng mainland is obviously superior, then yutianzong and Xixi will have to fight Xianyuan must make great concessions. " Looking at Wei Suo, Li ruohai said, "these forces in Yuheng mainland have already destroyed many clans in Tianxuan mainland. They are all foreign bandits. They come for benefits and occupy resources. However, yutianzong and xixianyuan are promising to resist foreign enemies. In the future, they will not interfere with the development of the remaining clans in Tianxuan mainland. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for us to come here Most of the monks are basically in the direction of yutianzong and xixianyuan. "

"How are you now Weisuo's eyes flashed for a moment. At the moment, Linglong Tian was hiding in a black cloak and was heading for the valley. However, he just gave Weisuo an eye. It was obvious that he made it clear and indicated to go ahead.

"Our spirit beast palace built a cave in a wasteland outside the sky near Nanguan city. However, there was a group of monks from Yuheng mainland passing by. We were forced to release all the captive demons and escaped. The disciples and the beasts were killed and wounded. Now the monks of the spirit beast Palace are all gathered in a gathering place set up by taisuzong, just behind this place, about 15000 miles away from the sky Li ruohai has a wry smile on his face and points to the far back.

"What about heart orchid?" Weisuo's brow suddenly frowned. The spirit beast palace is obviously like a mountain gate being attacked. When the animal tide is not recovered, the loss of the spirit beast palace must be astonishing.

"She was badly hurt, but fortunately there was no danger of her life." Li ruohai took a look at Wei Suo, "Yuheng mainland, xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong are united. Fortunately, you are here. We have a lot of chances to win this negotiation."

"When does the negotiation start?" Weisuo's eyes grew cold. His relatives and friends are not many, Li ruohai and xinyoulan are at least two of them. Although Li ruohai and xinyoulan have not fallen at the moment, he is very clear that Li ruohai and xinyoulan must also be very dangerous to escape. If they are less lucky, they will encounter some monsters with amazing strength on the way to escape. If they don't, they will not. But under his warning, the people in the spirit beast Palace should have no security worries. There was no danger at all, but it didn't fall because of good luck. Just because of this, Weisuo's heart suddenly gave birth to a lot of cold killing intention.

"This evening." Li ruohai looked at Weisuo and said.

"I'll hide my identity first. If anyone asks, you can just tell me where I am from Weisuo nodded, while communicating such a sentence with Li ruohai, he went to the valley for negotiation with Li ruohai.

The hilltops around the valley were very low for the monks, only two or three hundred Zhang high, but the valley was not small, with a circumference of 150-60 Li.

There have been many monks in the valley, all of them are monks from Tianxuan continent, and none of the friars from Yuheng continent has appeared at all.

The spirit here is extremely rich, and all the monks in Tianxuan land are involved in this negotiation. Therefore, at a glance, the spirit of the golden elixir friars is everywhere in the valley. Originally, it rarely appears in the monastic world, or there is no trace at all. In the whole cultivation world of Tianxuan continent, it is not known at all, or almost no one knows about it Its existence, completely strange to the great monk Jindan, all appeared in this valley.

This is a grand gathering that completely overthrew the Tianjiao Alliance on that day, and this kind of negotiation is destined to be based on strength, and there will be an amazing competition. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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