Penumbra: Redshift - Chapter 36

Published at 24th of June 2024 06:39:11 AM

Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Gay Shit


Max felt guilty. This was her fault, somehow. She should have done more. Or less. Or something. Whatever. The point was that Alyssa had broken into a prison, put herself in serious danger, and not only had Amaranth not talked her out of it, she had clearly helped. Which meant that she had failed as a mentor figure. 

Hey, Penny said, I know how you feel. But you have to keep in mind that they didn’t get hurt. We haven’t heard anything about Arsonal getting hurt or anything, and the two of them seem fine too. Actually…

“Did he hurt you?” Penumbra asked. “Or try to?”

“What? No!” Alyssa said, holding up her hands. “Look, I just wanted to know what pushed him to do what he did! Besides, after the way he was treated, he couldn’t have hurt me if he wanted to. He was barely–”

“What you did was incredibly reckless, young lady!” Lauren said, barreling straight through whatever justifications Alyssa could bring to bear. “You could have been arrested, or shot! I don’t care how good you are at hiding, when you do something like that, I deserve to know!” The last part of her sentence came out as a half-choked snarl. There were tears in her eyes. She had already almost lost her daughter once. The revelation that she had almost done so a second time was clearly breaking through her defenses. 

“Mom,” Alyssa said, “I asked you to trust me. I was careful. Nobody saw me.”

“This isn’t the kind of thing I thought you’d do! Penumbra would never.” She gave Max and Penny the kind of look that implied that cooperation was heavily encouraged. That said, they felt it wouldn’t be okay to lie, not here, not now. 

“I think I would have done something similar,” Maxine said. 

“See?” Alyssa said, pointing. “They agree it was a good idea!”

“I said nothing of the sort,” Penumbra said. “I’ve been reckless and foolish before. But that’s why I know that was a bad idea, and to be honest I hoped you’d picked up on the lessons I learned.” They put their hands on their hips and looked at Lauren. “Maybe we can hear her out?” The corner of Lauren’s jaw twitched, until she finally nodded. 

“Fine,” she finally said. 

Alyssa explained what Lance Kendrick had told her. “Mom, if I’d died because of some fireman, what would you do?”

“I’d…” Lauren started, her tone combative, and then her shoulders drooped. “I’d burn down city hall,” she relented. “It’s what I said before. But why do you need his opinion on any of this? He still hurt you, Aly!”

“Because!” Alyssa said. “He’s the only person I’ve ever met who’s taking on the system and after what you told me about white and blue collar crime and all of that and what kind of superhero I want to be…” she paused and took a deep breath. “I think that’s what we want to do. Amaranth and I.” She looked at her friends. “I can’t do what Penumbra does. I mean, I can, but it’s not enough.”

Max groaned. Great. The kid wanted to change the world. Isn’t this what we wanted? Penny said, but that barely helped. Yes, technically Max would want Redshift in on Lit Inc, but that wasn’t the same as becoming the kind of person who went after white collar crime. This way, Redshift would end up attacking a CEO or something in public, and then it was open season. 

“You have to think about this,” Max said. “You have to be careful about this kind of stuff, both of you. Alyssa, I know you want to do the right thing, and that you feel you have big shoes to fill, but you can’t just break laws left and right and expect to get away with it. There’s a reason Penny and I have been so careful this past year. The last thing we need is every cop with an itchy trigger finger to look up all the time.”

“I know,” Alyssa said.

“And Amy,” Penny said. “I’m disappointed in you. I would have expected you to stop her, or at least try to talk her out of it. We’re supposed to be a voice of reason, you know that. We are here to help and support our hosts as best we can, not to give into their whims.” Maxine felt a little bit put on the spot there. She had absolutely forced Penny to give into her whims when they’d first been together, often to disastrous results. Thankfully, she had learned to listen to reason. Eventually. Hush.

“She needed to hear what he had to say,” Amy said. It was interesting to see the subtle changes in posture whenever Amaranth took over. She was a lot more forward, her movements more exaggerated than Alyssa’s. “I knew that’s what she needed, so I just made sure she didn’t get hurt while doing that.”

Okay, that was hard to argue with. “So? What grand revelations did you come to?” Max asked. “Was it worth it?”

“I don’t know yet,” Alyssa said. “But it helped. I feel like I’m getting closer to figuring something out. Mom.” She turned to Lauren. “I know this was a risk but this was a risk I had to take. I have to know who I’m going to be. I don’t want…” She was chewing her lip, clearly struggling with something. Whatever this was, it felt like a mother-daughter confidential thing. “Maybe if I look at things from another angle, I can help stop the kind of thing you told me about, you know?”

Lauren put her hands on her hips and looked at Penumbra. Max picked up what she was putting down and nodded, giving the two of them some space. She waved at Serena and Tony while Penny retreated. Her perspective dropped by a good foot and a half. “Come on,” she said. “I think those two have some things to talk about.”

As they waited, an awkwardness found its place between them. Without Penny, she was about half, maybe a third of Penumbra’s total volume, and there was a certain vulnerability that came with that. It was easy not to care about being aloof when you were the approximate size of a buffalo. Then you just soaked in people’s discomfort and/or adoration.  “So,” Serena said after the awkward silence had seeped and settled like tea, taking a big sip. “Can, uh, can I ask you a question?”

“Yup,” Max said. “Although I can’t divulge too much personal information, obviously. Superhero stuff.” She smiled sheepishly. “Sessions, right?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Serena Sessions. Uh, you mentioned Victoria, that’s Lauren’s boss who got us the tickets here.” Max nodded. “Well, uh, I looked her up online and her bio mentions ‘her supportive partner’ and I just wanted to confirm because of what you said on television the other day and—“

“Yes, Serena,” Max said with a slight smile. “I’m gay. I hope that’s not a problem?”

“Uh, no. Not, uh, not at all. I just wanted to say how cool, uh, it is that there’s a superhero and, uh, that, you know, she, uh—“ The amount of words-per-uh were drastically dropping. Max. Pay attention. 

“Oh!” Maxine said, “I’m really sorry. You too, huh?” She did her best to give the most reassuring smirk she could. Serena nodded shyly. Max nudged her in the shoulder. “Yeah, the other day, giving the interview, I figured I might as well come out. Nobody knows what I look like when I’m not suited up anyway, and it took some of the heat off of our mutual friend. And you know, if some young kid is trying to figure things out, maybe having someone like me be out about who she is could help, you know?”

“It does,” Serena said, and smiled. “I used to have such a big crush on you,” she said, then immediately regretted it, going into meltdown, overloading the main reactor and exploding into a ball of nuclear fire. Well, clearly that’s how it felt, because Max had never seen someone go from fine to blushing so quickly. 

That, Penny said, might be one of the most precious things we’ve ever heard. Max, we have a fangirl! There might be more! We have to tell Victoria!

“Oh?” Max said, trying to keep it cool and not laugh. The last thing the girl needed was the adult she had just confided in to not take her seriously. That her friend, who had been quiet this entire time, was also perfectly composed told Max just how important this clearly was to them. The Armstrong boy probably had something of his own going on, but that was, frankly speaking, none of her business. “So, not anymore, then?”

“Well, I mean, uh, well, uh, no,” Serena said. “I, um, met someone.”

“Oh, hell yeah,” Maxine said. “Good for you.”

“Yeah,” Serena said and smiled. “She saved my life.”

“I— Oh!” They looked over at Alyssa, who was still talking to her mom. Anger had risen and subsided like a cheap flan, and now the two of them were quietly going over whatever it was those two were talking about. “Well,” Max said, “take it from me, dating a superhero isn’t easy. You’ll be able to ask Victoria soon.”

“I will,” Serena squeaked. 

“Why is he looking so pensive?” Max asked, nodding at Anthony. He looked up, shaken out of whatever thought-hole he had wandered into. 

“Oh,” Tony said, “it’s because I’m also in love with her.” He thumbed over his shoulder at Alyssa with a matter-of-factness that made Maxine suddenly feel like she wasn’t even the most mature person out of the three of them. Serena made the kind of sound you expected to hear something at a small-animal shelter make, but Tony was calm as anything.

“Cool!” Max said, composing herself quickly and easily. Sure, it had been a little strange when Victoria and Penny had expressed their romantic attraction to each other, but it had soon felt like the most normal thing in the world. “You should also talk to Victoria then!”

“We’re ready,” Alyssa said as she and her mom joined them. “What were you guys talking about?”

“Nothing!” Serena said. “Let’s go!”

Alyssa looked at Max for clarification but this was not her circus and these three were not her monkeys. She shrugged with a smile, and led them to the hotel. Victoria was already there. Their little moment in the alleyway had taken a bit longer than anticipated and the conference-goers had packed things up for the day. After a quick kiss and a hug, Max introduced everyone to Victoria, and they made plans to go get dinner together. 

Getting the others to their hotel room first and freshening up in her own, she took a moment to bring V up to speed. 

“So yeah,” she said. “Gay shit.”

“Damn. Good gay shit, from the sounds of it. They’re going to have their work cut out for them. At that age? I would have no idea how to navigate any of that, except the whole ‘girls’ thing. I was pretty quick on the uptake on that one.”

“Yeah,” Max said with a smile. “Took me a while longer. Thanks for that, by the way.” Despite everything, despite the alien who had been able to give her a body that finally fit how she felt — You’re welcome, by the way — Victoria had been the one to break through the eggshell and coax forth the Maxine that had been hidden underneath. “Oh! I promised them they could talk to you about what it’s like to date a superhero.”

“Oh, goodie,” Victoria said with a chuckle. “Thanks for volunteering me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—“ Max, you’re panicking.

Victoria seemed to realize what was happening at the same time as Penny, and put a hand on her shoulder, gently running a finger over Maxine’s skin. “I’m kidding, love. You did a good thing. I’m happy to talk to them. I’m great with kids.” 

“Oh,” Max said, rubbing the back of her head. “Thanks.”

“How long until our dinner reservations?” She asked. While Max was checking her phone, Victoria tackled her onto the bed.

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