Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 114

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:05 AM

Chapter 114

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Based on the camp by the sea and relying on the northern city of Syria, the nannar army has built several strategic strongholds along the border. The front line is relatively open. It is impossible for every section of the army to carry out detection and scan the sky all the time. It is not difficult to find the weak points of the defense line to penetrate the past.

To the south of heihuo swamp, near the newly emerged inland lake, it was originally barren and desolate. It was a bare hill, and not far away was the Gobi desert. However, after the great flood, the environment here has changed. The lush jungle has grown up. There are many wild animals and some weak monsters. Amun came here last time when he and medanzo inspected the landform.

In a grassy open area in the jungle, they found a group of horsemen hunting!

But not far from the foot of the mountain in a secluded position, a magnificent tent. There are guards around the tent, and the armor is distinct from the distance. Obviously, it is not a general general soldier, but like the personal guard of some big man. From the lineup point of view, few people should be able to have such a scale of Pro defenders.

At present, it is the moment of the decisive battle between the armies of the two countries. It is amazing that some people are playing and hunting in the rear of the front line and setting up such a gorgeous camp! Even the head of the army does not have the courage? George also wanted to fly lower and closer so that he could have a closer look. Amun stopped him and said, "we can't get any closer. There must be great magicians there. Maybe they will keep watch all the time."

At this time, George frowned and said, "the crystal shuttle has a sense. Just now someone inadvertently scanned us with detection divinity. Although it is far away from us, he is definitely a great magician. We are now deep into the enemy's rear, once exposed, it is very troublesome, and we can't really get close to it. "

The light "cloud" in the sky drifted away with the wind. Amun pondered on the crystal shuttle: "who can come here to hunt at this time, but there are still great magicians around?" They looked at each other, and both had already made a guess. Amon knew it already, but George didn't shut his mouth for a long time.

Amun looked dignified and said, "go back. I have a plan to discuss in detail. Although it is very risky, it is much safer than the army leaving the coastline. It depends on whether you agree with me, Lord God."

At dusk, the two returned to the camp of the an'la army, and the senior generals of the regiment spent a night in the big tent of the Chinese army. The next day, the army of nannar of the kingdom of hathi in the North received the reward of Scouting. The army of Anla left the coastline and headed for the desert in the East, which was exactly in line with the expectation of the Kingdom's front-line headquarters.


In the early hours of the morning, the army of Anla was drawn up. There were about 1500 soldiers in the vanguard troops. The commander's flag was also among them. It seemed that all of them were elite. However, the seaside camp did not withdraw, and two-thirds of the Angora army remained in the camp.

Orebain, the commander of nannar regiment, summoned the generals to judge the purpose of Amun's March. Vivian, the chief deity, analyzed: "the enemy is quite cautious. We should send elite combat troops to open the way ahead. After clearing the obstacles, we will let the heavy troops escort the supplies to follow. In this way, we can fight and retreat, and we will not be flustered when encountering obstacles. Amun, the commander of the army, is at the front

Orebain added: "Lord Gore specially reminded us that although the fighting capacity of the Angora army is very common, Amun, the commander of the army, is the one who is most familiar with the terrain, more familiar than all our commanders."

Vivian sneered: "so what? This is an army battle, not his own adventure! Allah's army was sent to death. We found the order of the Pharaoh from the intercepted messengers. Amun was just carrying out the order. He had no other way to go. Your honor, when do you think it is appropriate for us to launch an attack? "

Orebain replied, "the order I received was very simple. If the regiment was close to the main battlefield, it would advance along the coastline, cut off the backup supplies, and encircle and attack from behind. Now order to be ready to attack and monitor the movement of the other side. If the logistics team in the camp is also pulled out, attack while they are just starting out. "

Vivian warned: "you want to attack his follow-up units, be careful of the forward troops back attack."

Orebain asked, "how strong is the fighting power of this miscellaneous army? If the vanguard is forced to retreat, my purpose is achieved, and the Angora army remains in place. When the overall situation of the main battlefield is certain, aren't they the meat to my mouth? When you want to eat it depends on your mood. "

The nannar army gathered its best men and got ready to go. However, after waiting for a whole day, Amun's vanguard troops had gone far out of the desert, and there was still no movement in the seaside camp. The soldiers of nannar army were tired. Orebain and Vivian were wondering what Amun was up to. Did the commander of the Army take 1500 soldiers to save the Pharaon?

If Amun really decides to do so, the level of military command is just like an idiot. However, anything can happen in the world. I heard that the commander of the army was promoted by an ordinary warrior, and he never led his troops to fight a war. According to the situation of the battlefield, countermeasures should be arranged according to the changes. Orebain immediately decided to wait for Amun to go further away from the barracks behind him, so that he could calmly lead his troops to the rear to cover and kill.The soldiers had been nervous all day, and orebain ordered them to take off their armor and rest until tomorrow morning. At this time, however, there were urgent reports. Amun, who was slowly marching, suddenly changed his direction and turned north from the desert. He led 1500 forward troops to launch a fierce attack on the defense line of nannar army!

It was a very strange battle. It was totally out of the ordinary and unexpected.

Amun was armed with cavalry and chariot soldiers. The shooter with a long shield and the archer in light leather armor also got on the chariot. He only took food and water for three days with him. Therefore, he was very mobile. During the day, he slowly saved his physical strength. In the evening, he suddenly galloped northward and quickly fell on the two strategic points of the nannar army along the border Between the plugs.

Half of the main force of nannar army gathered in the seaside camp and waited for attack. The rest of the troops lined up along the border, relying on fortifications for defense and warning. The troops were naturally dispersed. Although defensive operations took a great advantage, Amun reduced 1500 elite soldiers to a single attack, and there were only more than 300 regular defenders in the two fortresses of the front line.

Although he has been under close surveillance, Amun changed his direction too suddenly and his march was too fast! He didn't mean to occupy the fortress, just wanted to break through the defense line and advance toward the city-state of Syria in the rear. The defenders fought hard to resist, but still let Amun break through the line of defense.

Amun let the chariot hurtle forward on both wings, leading his own cavalry to form an arrow in the middle. When approaching the line of defense, the archers on the chariot launched intensive volleys under the shield of the shooter. Then they rushed forward, and the shooters also fired shuttle guns in succession. In a small area of front line, the ground was covered with arrows and shuttle arrows, which were similar to hedgehogs.

As soon as the guard raised his head from behind the bunker, madanzo's bodyguard had already rushed over the fence with his steed waving a epee. Fifteen hundred chariots and cavalry let go of their speed and charged with all their strength. Accompanied by the dense volley of bows, arrows and spears, Amun led his troops to trample on them and only lost dozens of them. In addition to a few people, the garrison fled back to the fortress, killing nearly 200 people.

In the first battle of an'an-la army, Amun won a complete victory!

This victory is too important for the soldiers of the Angora army. They have never fought before. In their inner impression, they always think that this army is a non combat force. After Amen's rectification, he won such a great victory as soon as he received the battle. His confidence was greatly increased and his morale was high. The enemy was no better than him. In the battle field, many people don't calm down and think about it. Under what circumstances did the victory come?

But the victory of this battle, if viewed from the overall situation of the whole campaign, seems extremely stupid! It is only a tactic used when breaking through the encirclement and escaping that the enemy forces and combat effectiveness are stronger than their own. Even if Amun wanted to escape, he also fled in the wrong direction, and even escaped to the kingdom of hathi!

How could there be such a stupid commander in the world? Although the other side was caught off guard for a while, as long as he drew in his troops, he would be able to chop Amun into stuffing.

However, the commander of the orebain army was shocked when he received the urgent report. According to the normal combat command, he only needed to order the defense line to close in place, cut off Amun's back road, and attack from both wings at the same time. When the other side was tired, he would be captured naturally. However, orebain did not and did not dare to give such an order. Instead, he ordered the troops on both sides of the line to go back and stop Amun in front.

At the same time, the main force of nannar regiment, who had just dismounted and rested, rushed out. The light cavalry followed the chariot soldiers, and the heavy cavalry and infantry formations also started in turn to fight Amun at the fastest speed. The reason is very simple. If Amun took the wrong medicine and went deep into the enemy's rear alone, although he was dead, he might not have met King Hattie who was hunting in the rear.

If the king should be disturbed, orebain would not be able to bear it. He had already assured his majesty that it would be absolutely safe and that he could only wait for the news of victory.

On the contrary, the LORD God comforted him: "His Majesty's camp is far away from the defense line. The charge speed of the Angora army can't be so fast. Even if people can insist on fighting, horses should rest. Not to mention the obstruction along the way, the main force of our army can definitely stop him, and will not disturb his majesty at all. Since they are going to die, didn't they come at the right time? After clearing up the vanguard troops, we can easily pull out their camp at the seaside next step. All the credit for this war is ours, and it is in front of the king! "

But Amun's march was once again beyond the enemy's expectation, and it was just incredible. It was late at night after breaking through the line of defense for more than ten miles. He ordered the soldiers to rest in a huge sand dune, while guarding the surrounding movement and letting the horses rest. He did not continue to advance behind the enemy. The night was not conducive to the March. Amun also ordered the officers and men not to light a torch or light.

All the troops in nannar's line of defense rushed to the front to intercept them. Amun suddenly stopped marching, which was tantamount to throwing them away. When it was light, the other side reflected that Amun did not move forward, so they gathered forces to advance to fight against Amun, and the main force of nannar army arrived soon.At this time, Amun gave another order. All the soldiers got on the bus and rode at full speed, but the destination was the camp of an'an-la army in the southwest. Just out of a day and a night, actually with the fastest speed to withdraw! This battle is to stab a knife suddenly when people are unprepared, and then take a breath to run.

It's not easy to get out. On the way back, I just met the main flank of nannar army. They were lucky enough not to run into a large army head-on, because the original direction of nannar's army was to intercept in front of them. On the way, they heard that Amun led the army to retreat, and then they surrounded and chased them from the side and rear. The fastest light horse happened to encounter them obliquely.

At the top of the battle, the two sides are in the front of the battle, and the two sides are in the front of each other. At the critical moment, the commander's personal guard formed a Spearman to kill at the front, but the leader was not the leader of the personal guard, madanzo, but John with a shield and a long axe.

At this time, John seemed to have entered a state of madness. He turned his axe like a madman, took a whirling silver light, and under the protection of the armored bodyguards, he stormed into the middle of the enemy line, and his combat power was not weaker than that of a great warrior. The cavalry captain of the other side was caught off guard by John and rushed to the horse. After a few rounds of fighting, he was knocked down.

Amun was not seen in the chariot of the commander-in-chief of the an'la army. George, the great magician holding a staff, was commanding the battle. A team of 20 magicians, escorted by chariot soldiers, also entered the battlefield. With the singing sound, the light fell one after another, making the soldiers forget the pain, awaken the belief and the strongest strength to win.

The soldiers of the Angora army had just experienced a great victory and had a rest in the middle of the night. Their morale was high. The other side was just a light cavalry of about 600 men who came all night. Although the battle was hard and hard, they broke down the light cavalry battle line and had no time to clean up the battlefield and collect the spoils. They still ran at full speed in the direction of their own camp.

This is not a passive escape, but an action in accordance with the original combat plan. The two successive victories also made the soldiers more confident, and their cooperation and command execution became more and more comfortable. During the rapid retreat, the chariot soldiers were at the back of the line. The shooter supported a long shield at the rear of the vehicle for close combat warning. The archer knelt behind the shield and was ready to fire arrows.

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