Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 140

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:27:28 AM

Chapter 140

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Many readers should be aware that many related plots and characters in this book refer to the Mesopotamian mythology Gilgamesh and the Bible, but use another way to explain and deconstruct.

The climax of the volume "the battle of the gods" is "the death of enlightment and Enlightenment". As for the question of fate and the judgment of the end mentioned by Schrodinger in the book, what is the matter? It will be explained in the following article, but it will be a long time before Amun becomes a real God.

For those who have doubts about this, I recommend another book. Ha ha, the finished version of Lingshan, which I wrote myself, is the worst book I subscribed to at the starting point except ghost stock, but it is also the book I am most satisfied with. Lingshan expounds the concept of "Heaven punishment", which can also explain the death of enqi capital. Moreover, the key to destiny, which is just emerging in Tianshu, is also an important artifact in Lingshan.

Some people may not be used to the body material I used to write Tianshu, so I recommend you to see Lingshan. I can guarantee that, from the style of writing to the overall structure, there is no more original Chinese classic chapter chapter style Xianxia novels in the Internet nowadays. What I'm talking about is only the rise of online writing in the past ten years. As for whether it's like this, hey, hey, you can read it again.

Many people often post questions in the book review area, asking me which book I should read from or in what order? There are also many enthusiastic book friends to make a variety of questions and answers, see more, I would like to make a unified reply here.

All of my novels, including Shenyou, Guigu, Renyu, Lingshan, Dishi and Tianshu, which are being updated, have no order. You can read any one of them or start reading them in any order! There is no saying that you should read which one to read first and then which one. Some people may not like them all. Just choose what they like. My idea is the same.

Each book is an independent article, writing style and expression of the theme are different, reading alone is no problem. Of course, if you read one book and then another, you may find more fun. There is no order in reading. Only the fun discovery is different from the overall theme.

Take an inappropriate example, such as the water margin and the plum in the Golden Vase. You can read either book alone. It may be more interesting if you read any one, ha ha So I specially recommend Lingshan today.

The above is the recommendation for new book friends. Old book friends who have read Lingshan need not be disappointed. They can wait for Tianshu to update every day and continue to develop new plots.

There is another point that needs to be explained. The "fate of the inquisition, the judgment of the end" mentioned in Tianshu may be the same thing as the "Tianxing" mentioned in Lingshan. However, the perspective of thinking and the way of elaboration of the two books are different. There will also be obvious differences in the philosophical conclusion of the characters in the book, which also reflects the similarities and differences of the origin and development of civilization.

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