Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 171

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:26:41 AM

Chapter 171

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Renyun also said: "it's said that the bull is aiming at enril. If the goddess Mu Yun is not in front of him, he might be able to bump enril. It's a pity that I didn't experience that war. What a pity

Surabaya grabs the wine pot and gulps: "there's nothing to regret. I'd rather not experience it. It's your luck that you're not on the battlefield. Otherwise, the bull and you should be in the front. Can we still sit and drink together today? Today, you should no longer hate the goddess Mu Yun. If you give the horn to Amun, you will be relieved from the past. "

Amun was surprised and couldn't help asking, "Lion King, didn't you participate in the battle of the gods?"

Renyun grinned: "don't think you can stand my three shouts and compete with the gods! This is not a real fight between life and death. The scene is far from perfect! You must be very interested in the things between mu Yun and me. At last, you are qualified to sit here and drink with me. I'll tell you about the past. "

Amun light smile: "Lion King, you are not willing to say, you can not say, I did not mean to ask. What happened between you and her is your business. I have no intention of asking. "

Surabaya suddenly hit the table: "Amun, you let him say it! For more than two hundred years, I came to see me as soon as I left the nine link divine realm. I obviously wanted to say something. If he says it, he will be free. You mortal will give the lion king a little face and ask him to say it. Otherwise, he will not be happy and who will he tell you? "


The lion king renyun is not the most powerful of the nine monsters. Before the outbreak of the battle between the gods of anuna's apocalyptic system, he had not yet passed the test of life and had achieved level 9 achievements of his original strength. But this giant lion has extraordinary talent and amazing power. When he roars wildly, his fighting power can not be underestimated. He is one of the most powerful and fierce generals among all the deities.

Under the guidance of amart, he joined the divine system, and a mutant lion got the secret of the gods and stepped on this road step by step. He adored Mu Yun, and the furious lion learned to be gentle. He used to turn the startling roar into a whisper, and dedicated his melancholy and lingering song to the God of youth and love. Why is the song melancholy, because Mu Yun has never been moved.

Mu Yun is so charming to his smile, but whenever people want to express their love and love with the goddess, Mu Yun always refuses him or even allows him to have a chance to speak. This torture makes people crazy. All the gods of anunaghi knew that renyun loved Mu Yun, and Mu Yun was not angry, but she never expressed her love to renyun.

Until one day, the goddess Mu Yun invited renyun to drink for the first time. Renyun was in full bloom, thinking that her infatuation finally moved the God of youth and love. At the banquet, the goddess poured wine for him with a smile. People were intoxicated in the center of happiness, thinking that he could have the goddess after drinking the wine. Later, he really put his arms around Mu Yun.

However, Mu Yun reached out and pushed him away. He fell on the ground and was drunk. When renyun opened his eyes, half a year had passed, and he was drunk for such a long time! The apocalyptic system of anuna has undergone a thorough change. The gods split and a civil war broke out. Before the cloud of people woke up, Amat and jingut became the defeated side.

In addition to the human cloud, the other eight beast kings were driven to the battlefield by jingut, and five of them were killed by the gods. Renyun is a god emissary guided by amart, and his position in anuna's apocalyptic system has become very embarrassing. Then enril and Marduk had a disagreement. Both of them said that if renyun was willing to submit, they would continue to serve as the envoys of the gods in the new divine realm.

At that time, renyun was very painful. He realized that the purpose of Mu Yun's inviting him to drink was to intoxicate him and prevent him from participating in the war. If the cloud of people appears on the battlefield, it will be the enemy of Mu Yun. Is this a beauty trick? Although he was not the most powerful emissary under kinggut, he was solved with just one drink.

He has a belief that if Mu Yun really loves him, he will wholeheartedly follow the guidance of this goddess. If Mu Yun just wants to prevent him from going to the battlefield, he can not accept the fact that he can not stay in the apocalyptic system of anuna. He found the goddess Mu Yun and told his heart with the roar that shocked the world. He asked if the goddess really loved him?

Mu Yun looked at him with a strange look and said without expression: "this is just a civil war between the gods. No matter who you stand on either side, you will not violate the oath you made when you joined the Department. I drunk you just want to save your life. I know how you have been to me for so many years. I don't want to see you die fearlessly. You can't change the outcome of the gods whether you join the war or not. Do you want to resent me? If so, what I do is meaningless to you. "

Renyun roared bitterly: "this is not the answer I want, I just want to ask, do you really love me?"

Mu Yun asked, "why should I love you? What kind of love are you asking? "

Renyun replied: "because I love you so much, I want you to love me as I love you, let us have each other, I don't want to lose you!"

Mu Yun said calmly: "I have never belonged to you. You have got the chance to retain your life. What loss do you talk about? I never said I love you, why do you love me? Do I love you just because you love me? The will of the gods will not accept your coercion, no matter how much you claim to love meMu Yun said these words and then turned and disappeared. Renyun roared up to the sky on the Assyrian plateau and fell into a deep tangle. He wanted to prove his love to the goddess Muyun to the gods and move the goddess's heart! He knelt on the mountain glacier and called Mu Yun's name. The freezing cold froze his body, but mu Yun didn't show up to look at him.

Under the gaze of the gods, renyun presented his most precious thing to the goddess, which was the claw of the giant lion. The sharp claws on the demon are the materials for making sacred vessels. They are extremely sharp and can refine weapons used by gods. He dedicated them to Mu Yun, the female war god of anunaghi.

Renyun pulled out his claws one by one, and his pain tore his heart and lungs. When he presented these claws to the statue of Mu Yun, the goddess finally appeared. To Yun's surprise, Mu Yun didn't feel touched at all. Instead, she gave a cold order. She said with deep cold in her eyes --

"don't you think it's ridiculous that you want to win the sympathy of a God and get the love you want by hurting yourself? Even if you are a wise man, don't be away from the gods! You magnify that little selfish desire in your heart just to get something that doesn't belong to you and prove to the gods how much you love me. Put away your claws, even if you do not cherish the people, how can you cherish the so-called love?

How can the person who intimidates the emotion treat the emotion well? In your heart, if you feel that you have given so much for me, you need me to compensate with love. Think about why you love me, not because I love you, people are only loved because they are lovely. You are pursuing the beauty of your own dream, but in this way, from today on, I will never see you again. "

"Are you going to drive me out of anuna's apocalypse? Then why do you want to keep my life

Mu Yun's figure disappeared, and the final voice came: "this is not a drama! Although you have passed all kinds of tests and achieved today's achievements, those tests run through all the time. You are not telling me how much you love me, but constantly telling yourself and moving yourself. For a God, this is meaningless! Today's you are not as good as the bull I killed. This horn is for you as a souvenir. Since you are willing to be injured, you can go wandering with your wound! "

This is the past between the lion king and the goddess Mu Yun. Speaking of this, people stopped talking and slowly tasted the wine in the cup, as if recalling the taste of that year. Amun whispered, "you found me to tell this story?"

Renyun said with a smile: "I just want to say it myself, Amun, what do you think? There is a magic spell from the goddess Mu Yun. Men who fall in love with him will experience hardship. What do you think? "

However, Amun did not answer. Instead, he asked, "when you knelt on the glacier and pulled out your claws, did no one persuade you?"

Renyun replied, "the fairy servant of the goddess once advised the Goddess -" the giant lion is so infatuated and so pitiful that you can give him a little gentleness. " But she was rebuked by the goddess

Amun asked again, "how does the goddess scold the Elven waiters?"

Don't look at the lion's head and say, "if he comes to love me from afar, I'll tell you! You can say this kind of words without paying any responsibility, just easily expressing hypocritical goodwill, and it is I, not you, who really have to face him

Amun: what did the elf waiter say

Lion King: "said the servant of the Goddess - he has removed all his claws. If you don't comfort him, he will hurt himself even more. And the goddess exclaimed, "if the lion chooses to hurt itself, it will bear the consequences of its own choice, and he should not be saved by the gods!"

Renyun said here, Amun suddenly smile, looking at the glass of wine silent smile, this smile in the eyes of an ordinary person how much seems merciless. The lion king put down his glass and asked, "Amun, why are you laughing?"

Amun said with a smile: "it seems that the God who is really detached from immortality is not only the form of life, but also the pure heart. He can see through the origin of things. What you did was useless to a real God. There may be benevolent gods in the world, but there is no soft hearted God. You will not change your will because of the coercion you hurt yourself. Mu Yun didn't fall in love with you. This is not a tragedy. You are just exaggerating your sadness. The goddess has not hurt you. "

The Scorpion King on one side suddenly laughed, and then the lion king also laughed. The two old friends laughed relatively, and the wine in the cup was shaking. The Scorpion King drank freely: "the cloud of people, it seems that you are finally free."

Renyun also said with a smile: "if I don't extricate myself, how can I heal my physical and mental injuries, and how can I survive the endless tests?"? The three shouts just now were telling me my feeling and seeking. Seeing Amun tell the story and give him the horn of the ox, I am completely relaxed

The Scorpion King put down his glass and said, "what are you going to do in the future? It's also the destiny to sit here today. I have a suggestion that we should build a god system ourselves. Amun, you can also be the God of this God system. In the future, this heaven and earth will be our God domain. "

In the duel just now, although the two lost, the Scorpion King was still a little unwilling and even put forward such a fantastic proposal. He also wanted to encourage Amun to build a temple for him and the lion king in the DUK plain, and made an agreement to build his own God system.Before Amun had time to answer, renyun suddenly turned to look at the sea, and then Surabaya also looked up to the sea. Amun also looked at the past and was surprised to find that there were five men and a woman in strange clothes coming along the beach. They seemed to have come out of the sea towards the sand dunes in the East.

Just now, no one found the existence of these people. The roar of the lion king made them show their tracks, but the three people in this room only focused on talking and no one noticed. When those people approached, the lion king suddenly found someone. Amon was the last one to see.

When the three people looked at the past, the leader of the group said softly: "I heard the roar of the lion on the way. There is samadhi's true meaning. Vimalakirti, what's your explanation?"

The speaker, with his hair curled and short, his ears drooping over his shoulders, was graceful and serene. He wrapped himself in a cloth that showed his right shoulder and arm. He walked barefoot on the hot sand. He was covered with the setting sun on the sea, and his back looked like golden. The man named Vimalakirti was an old man, wearing a long blue and white shirt. His clothes were different from those of other countries in the Tianshu continent. He was able to detect the divinity and felt that he was spotless and spotless.

Vimalakirti replied: "the three shouts mean that there are senses, there are views without senses, and there are no senses without views. Knowing what you are doing and how to know is impermanent. It is the seed of wisdom and the end of vow. "

What these people said was not the language of Tianshu. Amun had never heard of it, but he naturally had a feeling that he could understand the meaning of the language, which was specious and incomprehensible. It was like a kind of excellent information divinity that was directly transmitted in the soul. Renyun stood up and asked, "who are you? How can you suddenly appear here?"

The leader replied: "the people who walk the road always come and go. The audience will not show their signs until you have three roars of the lion. My name is wuliangguang. These are Vimalakirti, Maitreya, Manjushri, Dabei dizang and Vincent

Amun looked at these people curiously. Except for the Vincent B, the clothes and looks of the first five people were different from those of the people in the Tianshu continent. They seemed to come from the Far East. However, Vincent Bu, who walked in the last place, was shaved. Amun could see that Vincent was a mortal. As for the other five, he could not see the details with his eyesight. Just now he did not detect his movements by detecting divinity.

It turned out that they were just passing by. They just came here. They showed up because of renyun's lion roar. After answering renyun's question, they were still talking while walking.

The woman named Manjushri was graceful, beautiful and dignified. She looked at the people and asked, "the lion roars like thunder. Get rid of the delusion of reversion, prove it endlessly, and make the appearance of the audience. Today you are like another life, but what is the difference between this life and the next life, between my life and all living beings? You only know how to live forever, but you can't live forever? "

Amun frowned. These people obviously heard the past events that renyun just talked about, but they talked about the realm after endless life. Renyun let this inexplicable Manjusri teacher asked stunned, Surabaya hit the table and said: "what do you say? You look like gods. Which God is it? We are talking about the establishment of a theocracy. Do you want to guide us to join your department? Sorry, I don't know you and I'm not interested in you! "

Immeasurable light laughed: "you say the realm of God, I say the solemn and pure land of Buddhism. Bodhisattvas take Buddha's land with all living beings transformed, take Buddha's land with the help of all living beings, and take Buddha's land with all living beings entering the wisdom of Buddha."

Surabaya glared at him and hugged two demon scorpions still in a coma and continued to drink his own wine. Renyun said thoughtfully, "if you can walk safely in my three roars, please sit down and drink a beautiful bar."

Several people said in the same voice: "thank you for the giant lion Each of them took a piece of meat from the table, but did not take the wine. Then, with their hands in front of their chest, they would leave and walk down the dunes.

As several people passed by, Amun grabbed Vincent by the sleeve: "where are you from?"

Vincent: I am from the kingdom of Assyria, following the Amitabha

Amun asked again, "why did you shave your hair?"

Vincent: go to worry silk

Amun pointed to other people: "their realm is much higher than yours. Why do they have hair?"

Vincent B: "no worries."

Amun laughed and let go of his hand. Although the scorpion king bowed his head to drink, he was in a very nervous mood. He secretly operated his mana on guard. Dark stripes appeared on the back of his hand. These people are of unknown origin. I don't know where the gods are. It's normal for Surabaya heart to fear.

When infinity light passed by, his eyes slipped over Surabaya, but fell on Amun's face. He suddenly stopped and said: "the past has been born and the past has died, the future has not yet arrived, and the present life has no place. You want to prove the endless suffering sea, not the ultimate result, beyond life, but no life. Would you like to hear it?"

Maitreya's Dharma boat is slightly puzzled. It seems that he is surprised that the immeasurable light suddenly asks Amun questions. Amun shook his head and said, "I understand what you're talking about. Do you mean the way beyond immortality after endless life? But I have to prove it myself, and I don't want to accept the guidance of the so-called divine system. "

Limitless light did not say anything more, turned around and left, and Vimalakirti went with him. Hearing the boundless light, he went down the dune and said to the great sorrow, "you have seen Osiris, and you want to go to erebe, can you get anything?""I have got something, but I don't want to prove it. This trip is good at making great wishes and sharing the merits and virtues with all living beings."

Limitless light: "good, this thought proves the Bodhisattva's practice. It is a great wish."

These people speak strange foreign languages and have gradually gone far away. Renyun's expression has been a little trance, suddenly called out: "wait, can you speak a little more clearly, I don't understand!"

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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