Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 172

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:26:39 AM

Chapter 172

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Manjusri looked back and said with a smile that his charm could not be described. He said with a smile: "if the divine arts use the information illusion to observe the world, it is like bird tracks in the air, like people's worries, as if their dreams have been awakened. Now that you are out of the sea of suffering, you should seek to establish all laws from nowhere. If you want to ask, why don't you follow me? "

Renyun put down his glass and strode after the sand dunes. The few people Shi ran walked, but the cloud of people could not catch up with them. Then they roared and turned into a lion. They rushed forward and quickly disappeared on the horizon. The Scorpion King put down the ice scorpion and the fire scorpion, turned around and yelled: "Lion King, you just got out of the nine linked divine realm, where are you going to run with these people? We're not finished yet! "

The sound of Surabaya reverberates in the desert, but the cloud of people has run out of shadow. Surabaya cursed in the direction of his disappearance: "the lion's temper has not changed, or so easy to be impulsive and so stubborn. I just got away from the nine link system, and I don't know where the gods are from

Then he turned and sat down. The fierce Scorpion King looked at the wine on the table and said to himself, "where are these people from? What are they preaching? It seems that there are unknown gods in this world! It's hard to explore alone without divine guidance, but I don't want to go back. "

When the cloud of people left, the Scorpion King took a few gulps of sultry, and then raised his head to Amun and said, "goddess Mu Yun has taken a fancy to you, and all the gods are spreading. She will not hesitate to abandon her ex husband tumz for you, or even send tumz to Hades to exchange you. You will be introduced into anuna's apocalyptic system.

You are a monk on earth, which is very lucky for you. But it's hard to really get out of immortality. I hope you can have this day. You are not interested in the words of those gods just now. I'm afraid you are even less interested in my scorpion's proposal. Anyway, you have stepped into the anuna Apocalypse system with one foot, so there is no need to shake your faith. "

Amun said with a wry smile, "don't you know my relationship with enril? It was he who started the flood that destroyed my home. No matter what the sins of my people are, I have said goodbye to him. "

Surabaya Oh a way: "then you want to join the side of Marduk? I heard that the goddess Muyun won the bet with enril, and she was free to enter and leave anunaghi's divine realm, and it's good to introduce you to the side of Marduk. "

Amun shook his head: "the road I want to verify may be different. There are the feelings of our predecessors and our own quest. I have been thinking about why the gods are beyond immortality and what is the so-called divinity? I'm just a verifier. I don't want to join any God system. "

He has never been guided by any divine system. He has solved the unsolved riddles of the old madman and bell in the difficult exploration. He has finally grasped and mastered the power of the source. He has achieved everything in the soul imprint of Schrodinger, and even knows the fate of the inquisition and the judgment of the end in advance. The scorpion does not need any gods to prove before he becomes a God.

Surabaya smile: "you may think more, no matter who you are, whether you believe or not, the gods are there. I used to be an emissary of the gods. I have been guided by the oracle. I know the difference between the original power and your practice, so I only want to become a God beyond eternal life. Although in the human world, my powerful power can fight against them, but as a living creature, the meaning of being is not the same. One last thing I want to tell you is that destroying a storm cannot kill a real immortal God

Amun was not surprised to reply: "thank you for your warning. I have read the records about the destructive storm. I only said that it can even destroy the gods, but not that its power can destroy the gods. Is that the last thing you want to tell me? "

Surabaya sighed: "I have made an oath. Although the amart who guided me has fallen, I can no longer be driven by anuna's apotheosis system, but the secret of the gods can not be revealed. Unless I become a God who is truly free from immortality and has my own domain and department, I will tell you what that path is until I can guide you.

This is the agreement between the gods. Only then will I be qualified to join this agreement, so I will say those words to you. But you have a ready-made shortcut, you don't have to rely on my unseen hope. Can you understand why the Lion King left just now and why I didn't pay attention to the gods? We all have the path we want. "

Amun raised his glass and said, "the agreement of the gods has nothing to do with me, but anyway, I want to thank you for telling me this today! It can be seen that you also want to find someone to tell you, so that you can make your faith clear and firm. "

This wine has been drunk for a long time, and the Scorpion King reached out his arm for the first time to clink a cup with amon and said, "you are more intelligent than I thought, you really see through a lot of things. In order to thank you for listening to me today, let me give you another promise, which is also a kind of hope. "

Surabaya has unconsciously taken the tone of a deity when he speaks. In the legend of Tianshu continent, a god envoy like him who has lived through endless tests can be called a God, just like the best in those years. When they refer to the real God, they use the term "the real God beyond eternal life", which is quite different.

"What kind of hope?" Amun askedSurabaya meaningful way: "you are a rare genius in the world! But don't forget the famous magic spell about the goddess. If one day you leave the anuna apocalyptic system like a cloud of human beings, I will become a real immortal God and establish my own God system. You are welcome to be the gods of this system. I wanted to talk to the lion king about this, but he ran away. "

Amun replied, "thank you for saying that, but I'm not a human being. You may have misunderstood my relationship with Mu Yun. I'm just fulfilling my promise to the goddess. It has nothing to do with whether she loves me or not. "

The Scorpion King shook his head and said, "if the bad luck really comes that day, it's hard to say. I wish you good luck."

Amun bowed his head and said with a bitter smile: "even if Mu Yun goddess really has such a curse, and I have experienced enough suffering."

Surabaya stood up and patted Amun on the shoulder and said, "it's not easy to be young. Don't forget what I said today Your little friend has been here for a long time. It seems that there is something wrong with you. Please solve your own problems first. "

The Lion King's three roars are really powerful. Although Surabaya cast a spell to protect the ice scorpion and the fire scorpion, they are still unconscious. Surabaya picked up the two concubines and left. The quicksand at the foot of Surabaya disappeared mysteriously. Amun turned to the distant air and said, "medanzo, how long have you been here? Come down and have a rest. "

A white cloud fluttered leisurely, the crystal shuttle was put away, and medanzo staggered to the sand dune, and sat on the chair just sat in Surabaya, gasping heavily. Amun looked at him and said with a smile, "the wine is in front of you. Why are you drunk before you drink it?"

Medanzo said with a bitter face: "Amun God! Fortunately, I came late and I was far away. The roar of the lion king was so strong that I almost didn't fall down and managed to stabilize myself in the air

Amun pointed to the banquet in front of him and said, "they are all gone. Don't waste the delicious food and wine. First, eat and drink enough. I think you look very tired."

Medanzo took the wine and tasted it. He exclaimed, "good wine, the best wine! That lion king really knows how to enjoy. "

When did you arrive? What did you see and hear

"I came from a distance in the roar of the lion king, and then the weird guys passed by and I heard everything," he said. What are they? It's strange to talk, and I don't put on any airs, but I feel like I'm pulling more than the gods in my bones! "

"Don't ask them who they are. Just stick to your own beliefs and prove your own path You did not follow Moses and them to the plains of DUK, but came to this road to find me. What's wrong with you? "

Medanzo sighed: "God Amun, your people are just whirlpools and magnets. No matter where you go, it's surprising that nothing happens."


After leaving the border of eju, Moses and others crossed the Syrian desert and entered the DUK plain along the East Bank of the inland lake, which should be the most secure route. Because the West Bank of the inland lake is the commercial road between eju and hathi. Now there are towns, farms and garrison checkpoints. The place where Amun will fight Celia is also in this area. Further into the DUK plain, there are large marshes, which are difficult to pass through.

Moses and others passed from the East Bank of the inland lake near the Youdi River Valley. Although there was a very rough road, they could reach the plain directly after crossing mountains and mountains. At this time, the DUK plain has attracted explorers from neighboring countries, but it's hard to see a gathering place in such a large wilderness, at least a year ago.

But when Moses led his people over the mountains on the Bank of the lake and appeared at the mouth of the valley leading to the plain, there appeared a new fortress, or a small half built city-state. This is the resting place and trading market for explorers and warriors who kill monsters. Moses and others could have rested here and bought supplies before they set out. Unexpectedly, they were stopped by the "army" sent by the "city-state".

There were only sixty of them, and there were 800 warriors with all kinds of weapons on each other. Among them, there were highland giants who were able to fight and form an army. Moses was very surprised. He asked, "we just want to go deep into the wasteland. We are not enemies with you. Like other explorers, we will exchange goods and pay taxes in your market towns. Why call so many brave men to stop us?"

The city-state under construction is actually called Marduk, and its owner is a short plateau giant named eusil. He sent a man to Moses and said, "you are the miners of DUK town who escaped from eju. If you want to enter the DUK plain, you have two choices. Or stay in my city, declare your belief in Marduk and swear in the temple; if you want to return home through this place, you must promise to the gods that you will build a temple for Marduk in the place where you stand and hold the ceremony of calling the gods to come. As a guarantee, you should keep the leader until the promise is completed

Medanzo knew eusil. He was the leader of the United tribe of highland giants who kidnapped princess Xiaoxi. In fact, he was sent by Princess Xiaoxi to establish a city-state in the DUK plain. At that time, he also extorted a large amount of materials from Akad town. Now the city-state is stuck in the throat of the East Bank of the inland lake into the DUK plain.Moses and others could not break through, so medanzo, as a wandering hunter, mixed into the city of Marduk and found the Lord of eusil to "reminisce". It was in the middle of the night that he woke up in eusil's bedroom and forced the Lord to let go with a short blade around his neck.

Eusil cried: "fearless warrior, that is not only the command of Princess Xiaoxi, but also the oracle of the great God of Marduk! Even if you kill me, it's useless. Besides, if you kill me, you can't run away. "

Medanzo was surprised and said, "the oracle of Marduk, how is this going on?"

"I don't know what's going on. I'm going to build this city-state and serve as the city's Lord and Lord's God, supported by Princess Siu and the kingdom of Baron. After the completion of the temple, I led several priests to complete the ceremony, and the great God of Marduk spoke in my soul that night. The gods told me that the miners in DUK would pass by and promise that they would not build statues for any gods except Marduk, otherwise they would not be allowed to pass. "

The situation was beyond medanzo's control, and he immediately returned to discuss with link. They made two plans, either to let John and his men and horses from the link tribe come to fight and open a road to Meet Moses and others, or to let Moses and others turn around from the West Bank of the inland lake to avoid the control of Marduk city.

The former plan was too expensive, and the city-state built under Aesop's leadership began to take shape. Although the warriors led by John were not afraid of the battle with Marduk, they also had to bear the loss of both sides. In the latter case, Moses and others had to pass through the territory controlled by the city-state of Syria, the inland lake and the impassable Black Fire Swamp. The two men decided to make preparations. Medanzo went to explore the way first, while link rushed to the area of Duke town to let John prepare for the reception.

Link went back to Duke and found out that there was an accident. At the foot of the Assyrian plateau to the north of Duke, a large group of plateau giants suddenly emerged. They are not like the residents of the mountain tribes. They are obviously trained in an organized way. They take all kinds of equipment and materials with them. They quickly set up camps and fortresses, and form the prototype of a city-state at a surprising speed.

This is obviously not a random and spontaneous act. They have strong troops, complete supplies and orderly deployment of personnel. They are like Legion soldiers and logistics personnel who have been practicing for a long time.

The gathering point they established was less than a hundred li away from the city-state built by link. They occupied Woye and sowed on the spot. Moreover, they also occupied the original mines where the people of Duke town used to mine Shenshi and iron ore. they organized people to mine Shenshi and iron ore and smelt refined iron on site. It was obviously preparation for large-scale migration and advancing to the whole Duke plain.

Link's city-state occupied the largest piece of fertile land on the DUK plain, and of course there was a conflict after the outsiders occupied the mine. Fortunately, link had built a strong wall for a long time. Under Aesop's administration, they had thousands of people and had a firm foothold. Otherwise, they could not compete with each other.

Neither link nor medanzo was there, and Aesop avoided the conflict at first. Later, John came with thirty-six personal guards, and combined the warriors trained by medanzo into battle array, and asked the other side to withdraw from the occupied mine. There were two battles, and neither side took advantage of it.

So they began to negotiate. The other side thought that the mine was originally an ownerless land. John took out the title deed of Duke town to prove that it was not ownerless. Since ancient times, people have been mining, and roads and veins have been built. The other side said that the DUK miners had long disappeared because of the punishment of the gods, and they would not give up the most precious mines on the mainland. As a matter of fact, both sides understand that it is the most important strategic base based on the Duke plain and annexing thousands of miles of fertile soil.

John gathered the warriors and fought against them again. He found that the city-state relying on himself wanted to keep it, but it was impossible to beat them back. So he sat down and negotiated again. John had no backup, but the number of the other side was gradually increasing. They came across the Assyrian plateau, and the walls around the settlement became stronger and stronger. The first permanent building was the temple of enril.

John's continued attack in this situation is obviously not conducive, Aesop timely put forward another proposal.

Aesop used to lack strong labor force to mine ore and core. Today's residents are not the miners in Duke town at that time, but mainly cave savages, absorbing the scattered tribes in the nearby area and the wandering explorers in the surrounding countries. They had to plant land to support themselves, and they had to build a city-state. They couldn't spare enough labor to mine such a large mining area.

So Aesop suggested that the two sides cooperate. As long as they recognize that the mine belongs to the people of Duke Town, the other side can organize powerful plateau giants to engage in heavy mining work. As a reward, they can keep 60% of the mined ore and core, either smelt iron ore and take sacred stone by themselves, or let Aesop buy it at a fair price on the mainland.

It was a good idea to have the best of both worlds. The other side was accumulating strength and did not want to have a full-scale conflict with the cave dwelling savages and other tribes that had already gained a foothold. They agreed to this cooperation condition, and temporary peace was restored on the DUK plain.

However, Aesop also knew that this seemingly peaceful situation could not last for a long time. Judging from the situation of the other side, it was obviously a long-term plan, that is, to take the settlements at the foot of the Assyrian plateau as the base and advance towards the whole DUK plain.**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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