Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 186

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:26:19 AM

Chapter 186

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Amun looked at yinnana for a long time, and finally sighed: "you never forced me to do anything. I can't blame you. I will tell Moses the news and see his own decision. But I will only tell him the situation he is facing, not to make him yield to enril, or even say that this is enril's test! "

Yin Nanna: "if he voluntarily stays outside the DUK plain and looks forward to his people's return home, so that the miners in DUK town can get rid of the fate of the criminal people, this agreement is also effective for Moses. I will guide him to join the anuna apocalypse. But this can only be told to Moses afterwards and let him make a choice first. "

Amun narrowed his eyes and said, "maybe Moses will make a different choice. This matter should have an outcome. I will go to see Moses now and see the situation of him and the people. Then I will go to yinnana's rose garden But I didn't do it for enril. In fact, I was against enril. Sooner or later there will be a war between Salem and enril in the north. "


On the day when Salem held a ceremony for Muyun and Amun, Amun quietly left Salem. Link manipulated the shuttle and accompanied Gabriel to the southeast corner of the DUK plain. Two days later, he crossed the wilderness, bypassed the Marduk city established by eusil, and arrived at the place where Moses and others stopped.

While Amun was looking for Moses, Aristotle, who had been a senior aide for many years in the mansion of the promontory city-state at the other end of the Syriac desert, formally offered his farewell to rod Dick. He would sail out to sea and return to his hometown, the kingdom of hitton.

Rod Dick hosted a banquet for Aristotle and invited the sage to his private study after the banquet. They had a long private talk. Rod Dick sighed, "Sir, you have been with me for a long time. Thanks to your guidance and instruction, I have been able to face so many things that have happened."

Aristotle: "you should believe in your wisdom and ability. It is these things that make you pass many tests in the world. I have been with you for ten years, and I have followed you to many places, looking for problems worth thinking about in the world. Now it's time for me to go back. My teacher is still waiting for me in the distance. "

Rod Dick asked, "Sir, what have you been thinking about and looking for in your ten years away from home?"

Aristotle replied, "I am looking for the source of divinity, thinking about what a God is? I've been to temples all over the mainland, looking at all kinds of gods on the altar, and observing how people sacrifice, worship and pray. I also experienced the war on the Tianshu continent, where people fought in the name of gods, and experienced the reformation of the God system in the Aegean empire. I witnessed the change of the main god in that temple. Today, at last, it's time for me to leave. "

Rod Dick asked again, "did you come to any conclusion, sir?"

Aristotle: "it's not a conclusion, it's just a result of thinking. Remember last month? A man named Vincent B came to visit me and talked about the samadhi of being conscious and seeing, not being aware of seeing, not being aware of seeing, which is very interesting and has something in common with my thinking. "

Rod Dick: I don't know what you mean. Can you explain it clearly

Aristotle: "I have been thinking about the origin of metaphysical divinity, looking for the way things exist. There may be three kinds of them: one can be felt and can be destroyed; the other is that we can feel but not be destroyed; the third is that we can not feel and can not be destroyed, but it exists."

Rod Dick asked, "what is that?"

Aristotle replied, "the soul and God of human reason."

Rod Dick puzzled: "the soul of reason is in our hearts, why can't we feel it? Who can be regarded as a god depends on faith, and why can't it be destroyed? "

Aristotle laughed: "there is always a bias in using language to describe it. You need to experience it yourself. Man may lose his reason, but the soul of reason doesn't exist because you don't have it. You may or may not believe in the gods, and the gods on the altar may be destroyed, but the divinity is in the rational soul.

I have traveled on the mainland, entered various temples, and saw people worship all kinds of gods. Why are the gods on the altar called gods? Since ancient times, all kinds of gods have been put on the altar, and the true divinity is not even the gods that people see. God is pure thought, and the reality of thought is life, and the eternal continuity is God. Sometimes it's people themselves who create gods that don't exist. It's hard to understand that part of life is close to God. "

Rod Dick touched his chin for a long time before he said with a wry smile, "it's really hard to understand. I need to think about it. But a few days ago I received a letter from a God who you and I all know, and you even saved him. "

Aristotle asked curiously, "which God is this? What do you believe in? How can I not remember it? "

Rod Dick warned, "remember that kid? In front of the temple, the priest almost cut off a finger in the name of a God. "

Aristotle: General Amun

Rod Dick nodded, "yes, that's him! Now at the site of Duke Town, a city-state has been built. There is a temple in the city-state. The statue of God is Amun holding Mu Yun. People there call him Amun God. Do you think it's interesting? At the beginning, Amun almost had his finger cut off in front of Muyun temple. "Aristotle said with a smile, "this is a good comment on what I just thought. Why did Amun stand on the altar with Mu Yun in his arms? People understand the desired gods in their own way. The Amun we know is not eternal. He is in the same place. Even because of the oracle of Goddess Mu Yun, his finger was almost cut off. If that scene really happened, would it have happened today?

So what is eternity? It is a perfect faith, detached from him and reflected on his body, like the reflection of stars on the water. Before I left my hometown, my teacher asked me to look for the ideal country in people's mind. The ideal country should be in the place that we can't feel and destroy. "

Rod Dick asked, "is that the answer you've been observing and thinking for ten years?"

Aristotle replied, "it's just a way to answer. What I can say in words is not an eternal answer. If we regard it as the answer, we may create gods in the name of man if we define the gods as our own will, which will cover up the glory of divinity. After turning this thought of eternity into a human creed, all this will become my sin again. "


The conversation between the two was a little abstruse, and if anyone heard it, it would be very confusing, not even rod dick on the other side of the conversation. Amun did write a letter to rod Dick, sending an emissary to the promontory city-state, and asked the city master to send another person to the king of eju.

In his letter, he mentioned that Gabriel, the great warrior, made a duel request to him in order to fulfill the imperial orders. In the duel, Gabriel was defeated and became a prisoner of war. He put forward the conditions for the redemption of the warrior. When rod Dick received the letter, he didn't care much about it. He opened it and looked at it. He was so scared that he kicked over all the tables in front of him. He quickly ordered some secret magicians to restore the letter to its original form, pretending that he had never seen it before, and sent someone to the capital.

When he saw the letter, the Pharaoh, gloomy and silent, retreated into the inner hall and drove out all the servants and maids. He closed the door in a rage, smashed everything that could be broken around him, and roared: "Amun, I won't let you go! The gods will not forgive you

When he was tired, he looked at all the broken things and thought he was a little ridiculous. Why should the king of Egypt be so angry for an exiled general? Even if Amun did not write this letter, Seth also sent down the oracle to pursue Amun.

After the restoration of calm, eracht unexpectedly found that he had not destroyed the letter in his rage, so he ordered people to send it to the temple for collection. This is the most evil evidence of Amun. If anyone wants to accuse the Empire of unfair treatment to Amun's general, let that person read the letter carefully and understand why the gods should punish him!

However, no one denounced anything publicly. The officials of ejiuqun even carefully stopped mentioning Amun. No matter whether Amun was guilty or innocent, the Imperial General seemed to have never existed.

At this time, the internal situation of the eju empire was stable, the construction of Xindu took shape, the main gods worshiped in the temples of all the city states in the country had been replaced, and the forces of all walks of life in the country had undergone a new integration. Eracht was in power, and the secular power was unprecedented concentrated in the hands of the Pharaoh, and the goal of the reformation of the theocracy was finally nearing completion.

Now there is only one thing that has not been done. It is like a piercing flaw on a mural. If it is not removed, the whole painting will not be perfect. This flaw is the guardian saint of Isis temple. She could not be easily moved when she was first in power, but now that the reform has been completed, it is time to solve this problem.

Angela is the only God of heaven, Seth is the chief of the angels who guard the royal power and divine power, and the pharaoh is the only one who represents the gods. Therefore, we can no longer tolerate the continued existence of the virgin who symbolizes eju under the protection of Isis.

Isis the guardian saint is a title handed down from generation to generation. It does not refer to any one person, but in reality, it is now the Lord Maria. Mary has great prestige and influence, and eracht must use this prestige and influence to change the original status of the virgin. This requires Maria's cooperation and skillful use of the will of the gods to make everything perfect.

As eracht prayed in the temple, he heard Seth's voice, and Seth told him what to do. The leader of the angels asked the king to marry Mary's virgin and canonized her as the chief high priest of the Empire, symbolizing the complete integration of the divine power and the royal power of the upper and lower Egyptians.

In the ancient legend, Isis married the first French emperor Osiris who established the Empire of Egypt. Seth was the guardian of the royal power at that time, and there was no Horus in the world.

Today, Seth has become the leader of the angels, and let the saint who symbolizes the protection of Isis marry the Pharaoh given by the monarchy, complete the return of history in the name of the Oracle, and end the inheritance history of the goddess of Isis temple. This is the most acceptable way for the people of eju, as long as Maria comes forward to announce the oracle.

Seth did not ask eracht to direct orders. He would talk to Maria in the name of the gods. It was on the day that eracht was raging in the palace that Maria, far away from Memphis, heard Seth's voice.At that time, Mary was praying to Isis in the temple. Although the name of Isis has been changed to virgin angel, Mary did not change her belief. Her faith is still so pure. At this time, a voice sounded in the soul: "Maria, your prayer touched the gods, you will listen to the archangel's Oracle."

Although the voice sounded in the soul, Maria could sense its direction, just like the statue of Seth in the side hall of the main hall talking in a strange way.

It has been nearly seven years since Mary became the guardian saint of Isis temple, but she has never heard the voice of Isis goddess. Today, she heard the legendary Oracle for the first time. It was Seth who came. Mary was stunned for a moment, but not too frightened and excited. Then she calmed down and said in her soul, "archangel, what instructions do you have?"

"Why do you call me an adult?" Seth asked

Mary replied, "to comply with your will, it is you who have sent down the oracle to make Allah the sole God of the Egyptians. What shall I call you?"

Seth: "you can call me a symbol of the glory of the gods, the chief of the angels. The angel beyond eternal life is not a mortal like you. I'll tell you about the final changes that will take place in the Egyptian empire, and your destiny as Isis's Guardian saint. You will become the chief high priest of the Egyptians, and you will marry Farah eht and receive the blessing of the angels

Maria's face lost its color, and her voice trembled uncontrollably: "Why me? I am Isis the guardian saint, not the queen of the Egyptians. "

Seth: "it's the gods who gave you your status today. You have to pay for it. You are no longer the daughter of the merchant of the promontory city. Who gave you your present identity? Now that the gods ask for you, what wish do you have to pray to the gods? "

Mary replied, "if the Oracle must be like this, please depose me and choose another saint who is willing to become the high priest of the Kingdom and marry the Pharaon, and thank the gods for freeing me."

Seth said slowly in a low voice: "saint is the title of glory, but as a saint, people may also encounter tragic fate. Think of the virgin Cong Ni 40 years ago. Now that the divine system of the Empire has changed, only to obey this change is the perfect ending. Dethroning you and replacing another saint will not solve the problem. In the eyes of the people, you are the real saint. "

Maria: "I refuse! Even if it is a tragic fate. "

Seth snorted, "have you betrayed your faith?"

Maria's voice returned to firmness: "I know my faith very well. I've never been so clear. The meaning of Isis guarding the virgin is to protect and bless. To accept this unique identity, one must live in a different way. This is my glory, mission and responsibility. For it, I have to face all kinds of conspiracies to observe the corner where the light of the gods can't be reflected, or even be touched by the people I love. This is my price, and my oath to Isis, but it does not include your request

"Maria, this is the smartest choice for you as a person. Marrying the Pharaon is just a symbol. If you don't like eracht, the Pharaon won't even touch you. You can choose the lover you like. You only have to agree to this condition, which is the instruction of the gods and the needs of the Egyptians. "

"Seth, don't you think it's ridiculous that you want Isis to protect the virgin in order to steal the glory of Isis

"How dare you speak to me like that! Mary, I send the Oracle not because of you, but because of who you are. In fact, I can speak to you in the voice of Isis, but as an immortal angel, I want to tell you that Isis is no longer there, and you are the most ridiculous person in the world

Mary's shoulders moved and seemed to tremble, but she answered a sentence that surprised Seth: "even if Isis asked for such a request, I would refuse it, because it was not my protection and blessing, but the spirit betrayed itself. I have never heard the voice of Isis, but it does not prevent me from accepting the light in my heart, whether she is there or not, whether you speak or not Hearing your voice, I seem to see your fall. The gods in my heart and the gods on the altar will no longer be you, but the faith that guides me will remain

Seth was silent, and the oppressive atmosphere in the temple was suffocating. When he spoke again, he could not hear any anger. He just said coldly, "I just come to tell you the coming Oracle today, not to ask you to agree. In three months' time, all the cities of the Egyptian empire will send down the oracle. The Virgin Mary will marry the Pharaoh according to the guidance of the gods and become the chief of the Empire The high priest symbolizes the final integration of the divine power and the royal power of the upper and lower Egyptians.

Whether you like it or not, someone will announce it for you. Even if you die, someone will dress up as you and complete the ceremony as you. It will be recorded in the official history books of the eju Empire, and it will be recorded in the poems sung in the temple. You're ready. I'll ask you again in three months. It doesn't make any difference to the Egyptians whether you volunteer or let me do it for you. "**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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