Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 204

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:25:54 AM

Chapter 204

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So Amun left. People could no longer feel the gaze of Amun in the temple of Salem city. He no longer listened to the call of believers. In DUK plain, the struggle fell into the most complex and critical moment. In the admiration, praise and expectation of thousands of people, Amun left here. It is not only people who leave, but also his mind disappears. The avatar on the altar seems to enter a closed sleep.

At that time, the people in the temple did not know what had happened. Link rushed to the garden of Eden and saw the confused medanzo. When Amun left, medanzo did not know it. He was in his own cave. He was awakened by a long, painful hiss. His Qi and blood were almost not engulfed by the sudden disturbance of the soul world. When he came out of the cave, he heard that Amun and Gabriel were not there, and pelanrose and Moses did not know what had happened.

Link was a little flustered. For a long time, he was full of confidence in everything he did, but at this time, for the first time, he lost his backbone and was a little panicked.

The disciples searched the valley of the Euphrates and the plains of DUK like headless flies for many days, and neither found nor heard of Amun. In desperation, George summoned the people to hold a secret meeting in Salem. They did not know what emergency situation Amun had encountered, but now without the help of Amun, they had to rely on the people of Salem to face the future.

God Amun has given guidance. You can't lose faith because of his leaving!

The Anu army of the kingdom of hathi will enter the DUK plain through the Black Fire Swamp. The news of Amun's departure must be strictly sealed off, otherwise it will cause public unrest in the city-state. The conflict and friction between Salem and enril in the North continued, and no one could leave.

Losing strength and facing the test, medanzo walked out of the garden of Eden and volunteered to search for Amun's whereabouts. He speculated that Amun might have gone to eju. "You have lost your strength. This trip is very dangerous. It's better to let me go."

Medanzo shook his head and said, "you can't leave Salem now, and I am the leader of all the disciples of Amun, so I should go and find the whereabouts of Amun. Although I can't run mana, I'm still a strong warrior. With advanced martial arts and perfect physique, I'm more powerful than ordinary middle-level warriors. In those days, I was just a fourth level warrior. I crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to smuggle horse leather steel embryo in your tribe. Now I dare not travel far away

Linck was helpless, and he was eager to know Amun's whereabouts. He had to agree with madanzo to leave disguised as a businessman and mix with Theo's caravan to go to the far away place of eju. Medanzo made a final effort to find Amun's message before he set out. He asked rink to convey Aloha's Oracle in secret as an envoy, and asked the miners in Duke town to build a shrine and hold a ceremony to summon the gods to come.

The miners in DUK believed in their only God, Aloha. After arriving in Salem, they set up the big tent in the open space, and put the gold plate with ten agreements in it as a temporary temple. Aesop ordered them to build houses for them and agreed to build their own temples in the city, but soon the war broke out and the progress of the project was delayed.

At the moment, the main body of the temple was built quickly by mobilizing people. What was worshipped on the altar was not the statue of Aloha, but the light cross symbolizing the glory of aroha. On the day of the completion of the main temple, the twelve masters gathered the people to hold a ceremony to summon the gods. Link, George, John and others were watching in the dark. Disappointingly, Amun did not come to incarnate on the altar.

Did Amun really give up Salem and his people?

Medanzo set out to look for Amun, but he was not able to start. On that night, link prayed to the statue of Amun. He could no longer feel the firm gaze for a long time. He suddenly felt weak, and his magic power seemed to disappear with the departure of Amun.

It's also a coincidence that when medanzo dressed in soft armor and dark with a sharp blade at night, he accidentally waved the short blade made by the fangs of the double headed monster snake. As a result, he heard the roar of the familiar monster, and his magic power was restored at this time!

Medanzo so inexplicably passed the test, with the original strength of level 8 achievement, and link's test came at the same time. Medanzo had to replace link to stay in Salem city. Linke intended to take over from medanzo to eju, but was stopped by the public. As the leader of the disciples, medanzo forced him to go to the garden of Eden for an apprenticeship.

Medanzo, who has passed the test, looks back on his own experience. He also knows that the test link is facing is not simple. The chance has something to do with Amun's disappearance. I'm afraid it will take until the day when Amun comes back that link can break through the obstacles in his heart and achieve level 8 achievement.

Link finally agreed to go to the garden of Eden, because everyone heard the voice of Goddess Mu Yun in time. Goddess Mu Yun finally spoke on the altar, and she told the people a shocking news that something had happened in eju. The guardian saint of Isis Temple ordered all people to leave the temple, and launched a destructive storm to kill the demons who came to the world.

This is the official announcement of eju to the people, and it is also recorded in the history books of eju. People have unlimited respect for this saint and expressed their feelings of remembrance in various ways. Of course, such a big thing can not be covered up. The official of eju must give an acceptable explanation to the people, so it has become such a saying.However, the goddess Muyun told medanzo and others that what Maria tried to kill with the scroll was not the devil who came to the temple, but also the archangel Seth worshipped by the Egyptians. Seth did not die, but was seriously injured and fled back to the kingdom of God. He would never appear again in a short period of time. If Amun wanted to seek revenge on Seth, he would never be found.

At last, he knew what was going on. I'm afraid this is the only thing in the world that can make Amun rush out of the garden of Eden like a madman. The boy who has always been like a God has broken his heart. If the disciples find him, they will not be able to comfort him. Since Mu Yun has heard about this, maybe only this God can find and comfort Amun.


Gabriel also saw everything in the light and shadow of the pupil of the earth. When the storm of destruction broke out, the shadow disappeared. Amun shook and fell to the ground, his mouth spouted blood and hissed, shaking the garden of Eden, and then he flew out. When Gabriel chased out of the garden of Eden, amon was long gone.

Gabriel is a soldier. She has witnessed many sacrifices and deaths, and is ready to sacrifice at any time. She always goes forward bravely on the battlefield. When she left eju, she was aware of Maria's situation, but she didn't expect this result. At this time, he finally understood why Maria wanted to write her that letter. Gabriel remembered what Maria said in the letter --

"now that you see this letter, you may have passed the test and will face another choice. Amun will ask for a ransom that the Egyptians can't accept. You will be his prisoner of war. After the Egyptians refuse, he will release you and return you to freedom. At that time, what kind of guidance will your faith accept?

I know your faith very well. You don't have to change it. I also know your belief in gods. It's the glory of your heart. I hope you find the true source of divinity and accept that glorious guidance. Finally, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. If one day Amun is sad and heartbroken, please protect him as if you had protected me

Gabriel, who had always been strong and fearless of life and death, was already in tears. Her first thought was to rush to eju. But what can we do when we rush to eju? The light and shadow in the pupil of the earth ended when the storm of destruction began. Neither amon nor Gabriel knew what was going on, nor whether Seth was alive. The archangel was likely to have died with Maria.

If that is the case, if you want to revenge, you can't find a target. This is the most heartbreaking torture!

The storm of destruction has already begun, and Maria can't be still there, but amon must go to Memphis in person to be willing! He will also confirm the whereabouts of Seth. If Seth is still alive, Amun will take revenge on this God!

Gabriel and Amun have the same idea. If Seth is not dead, she must kill the God herself. But she has another task, which Maria has already told her. She wants to find and protect Amon, who is heartbroken.

Gabriel has understood the power of the source, but understanding is not equal to possession. She is a level 8 warrior and needs to be verified and cultivated again. Fortunately, in the past, there was a foundation for the second awakening of power, which proved that the original power was very fast. Now, he has achieved level 6 in divinity and can control flying shuttles.

Amun had given her a shuttle to travel in the garden of Eden, and she drove the shuttle to chase Amun. After a day and a night without Amun, Gabriel is also thinking about how to find amon. In her opinion, it was too cruel for Maria to let Amun see the scene with her own eyes.

The holy lady has always cared for Amun general. She is silent and helpful, but there are thousands of tender feelings. In the end, he let Amun see that scene. I'm afraid even Maria didn't think that the pupil of the earth should not have been used that way.

Looking back on what Maria and Seth said, she was sending a very important message to Amun. One is that if the gods don't want to meet mortals, they won't see them, no matter how good you are. The other is that if they are locked in combat, the gods cannot leave the world at will.

If you want to deal with a God who is beyond immortality, you must force him to appear and have enough close distance to lock it with powerful mana. If Seth is not dead and Amun wants revenge, will Seth give him this chance? What can Amun do to force Seth to show up?

If you want to eliminate the gods, the best premise is to become a God beyond eternal life - this is Maria's last witness to Amun.


Gabriel did not know where to go to find Amun, but she had to first understand what happened in the Egyptian empire, in her own way. The samurai returned to Egypt alone, and first met rod Dick.

Rod Dick was awakened in his sleep by Gabriel in his bedroom of the city Lord's house. The city Lord almost didn't fall out of bed, but the woman who accompanied him was sleeping heavily. It was obvious that Gabriel had made him faint. The warrior was sitting in the dark, with a shining axe in his hand.

Rod Dick was half relieved when he recognized her. He had not offended Gabriel, and she had no reason to assassinate him. Wrapped in a quilt on the bed, he asked nervously, "Lord Gabriel, how could you suddenly appear here?"Gabriel reached out his hand and stroked the Tomahawk, and said without expression, "Lord, the guard of your mansion should be strengthened. If I were an assassin, you would have been a stranger. Don't be afraid. I just want to ask you what happened to Memphis? "

As soon as she arrived in eju, she came to see rod Dick, who had always been well-informed, and the laws and decrees of the eju Empire would be sent to the city lords of various cities as soon as possible. Some things were unknown to ordinary people. Rod Dick understood it and quickly replied, "are you here for the sake of the virgin? I just got the exact news yesterday. "

Isis temple, the guardian of the Saint Mary, received the Oracle from the archangel Seth that there would be terrible demons coming to the world, bringing disaster to the city of Memphis. So the virgin ordered the priests of the temple and the people of the city to retreat three miles away from the main temple and destroy the demons with the power of the gods when they came.

This is the official announcement of eju. According to the internal information from the royal capital, the Pharaoh eracht will also posthumously confer the Virgin Mary as the chief high priest of the Empire, and set up a sacrifice for her in the main temple of the Empire. This is the highest honor that all imperial heroes can enjoy. The decree has not yet been published, because eracht intends to announce another thing.

The main temple of Isis has been destroyed, and eracht intends to rebuild it. However, it is not to build the original temple, but to build the Seth temple on its original site, so that Seth can become the new patron saint of the royal power in Lower Egypt to commemorate this important event. Eracht gave the highest honor that Mary could enjoy in the history of the Empire. The brilliance of the goddess of Isis Temple reached its peak, but its mission of inheriting from generation to generation also ended in the hands of Maria.

Gabriel said, "Lord Dick, do you really believe that the devil came to Isis temple?"

It may also be that the night was too cold. Rod Dick couldn't help but fight with a cold war and said in a low voice: "according to the hearsay from mengfeisi, the last person that the saint met is the great warrior of dragon Teng. She asked Longteng to send Isis army to guard away from the temple. No one was allowed to approach. Several high priests of the temple also said privately that the scene on the other side of the Lord's temple was clearly a storm of destruction.

As far as I know, in the past hundred years, only Nero has successfully made a destructive storm on the mainland. General Amun has obtained Nero's remains. With the relationship between the general and the lady saint, it is possible that he sent the storm of destruction to the lady saint.

It's said that the saint has just been promoted to level 9 and has a powerful scepter. If she wants to deal with some demons, can she still sacrifice herself in a storm of destruction? Even if the devil was powerful, she could summon all the high priests of Isis temple, even Isis legions, to besiege them without having to do it herself. So some people say that... "

When rod Dick said this, he stopped talking. Gabriel said, "so some people say that what the saint wants to destroy is a god! Before the battle, the name she mentioned was Archangel Seth

Rod Dick shivered again: "it's just private talk. No one dares to say it. But at that time, many people heard a long hiss and saw a figure rushing into the sky and escaping. "

Gabriel was surprised. He stood up and asked, "isn't that man dead? The Lord saint has already started a storm of destruction, and he can still survive! "

Rod Dick: "no one can see who it is. It's hard to speculate. But I'm afraid there are only gods who can escape from the storm of destruction Lord Gabriel, I have told you everything I know, both what to say and what not to say

Gabriel realized that he had come to the bed with his axe in his hand, which frightened rod Dick. "Seven years ago, you and I sent Maria to Memphis. In order to make her a saint, we took her to Duke to look for the tears of the gods. Do you remember Maria at that time? She was just a child. We sent her to her. We also had our responsibility

The first person Gabriel came to look for was rod Dick. He not only wanted to inquire about the news, but also cherished the memory of Maria. There was indescribable sadness and emotion in his soul. At that time, she was also alone. She traveled all the way to the promontory city to protect Mary, the candidate of Saint Mary. Later, under the persuasion of rod Dick, she went to Duke to look for the tears of the gods.

Gabriel first saw Maria and thought that she should be the guardian saint of Isis temple, and rod Dick really found the tears of the gods. From the beginning, Gabriel felt that he had a responsibility to protect the virgin, not only because of her status as a Templar, but also because of rod Dick, who was also involved in the incident.

There was also a very special episode in this incident. At that time, it seemed that there was a person who seemed insignificant but played a decisive role. It was Amun, a child of Duke, who exploited the tears of the gods. Therefore, Mary became a saint, and Amun was punished for offering God stone without permission, and was forced to leave his hometown. Only then did he get Nero's remains, and had so many experiences.

Rod Dick also sighed and lowered his head. After a long time, he said, "Lord Gabriel, what can I do for you?"**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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