Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 210

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:25:44 AM

Chapter 210

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Amun looked puzzled: "I don't quite understand what you said."

Horus grinned indifferently, looked up at Amun and said, "you are very strong, and recent events have proved how arrogant and proud you are. But after all, you are not a real immortal God. Some things are impossible to understand

Amun replied, "you are wrong. I cut down the statue of Seth not because of arrogance or pride. On the contrary, it is because I am weak and helpless. I can't find Seth, so I can only force him to show up in this way There are some things I really don't know, and you come here not to prove that you know more, but to tell me something, please let me ask you for advice

Through "the examination of fate and the judgment of the last day", they become transcendent immortality gods. What they come to is not the kingdom of heaven described in myths, nor the magnificent celestial world sung by wandering poets. In fact, they have left the world and gone to a place where nothing exists. ——This is what Horus told Amun, which is quite unexpected.

Only when it doesn't exist is it eternal. This may be the ultimate proposition of a philosopher's thinking, but it is also the result of the verification of immortality.

Amun could not understand it thoroughly, because he had not confirmed it, but only listened to Horus's description. It's not an alien world, it's not a shrine, it's boundless, and there's no concept of time and space, just like before everything was born.

Amun once encountered the immeasurable light in the Syrian desert. The immeasurable light once said "immortality and immortality", which is another good description. He also mentioned that "all laws should be established from nowhere", which is obviously a higher achievement after transcending immortality.

Horus first told Amun these things, mainly to explain one thing, why to become a God needs the connection of God system? In the Tianshu continent, there was a genius like Marduk who explored and understood the original power and became a God beyond immortality, but eventually he joined the anuna Apocalypse system. Because when you become a God, you will enter into the eternal which is immortal and has nothing.

Allah is known as the creator God in the nine link system. According to mythology, he created the world and the gods. In fact, he did create a world and opened up a kingdom of gods in the seemingly endless extinction. This is the real origin of the nine link system.

When Horus said this, Amun couldn't help but interrupt: "did Allah really create a world, a kingdom that doesn't exist?"

Horus nodded, "yes! Can you imagine yourself opening up a world, the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers as you wish? It's not a dream, it's a real creation that belongs to the gods. People who accept the guidance of the divine system can enter there to enjoy the eternal existence after becoming a God. Allah's world is the kingdom of nine gods, all created according to the will of Allah. "

Amun closed his eyes. He could imagine but couldn't prove it. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't create things that didn't exist in the world. However, he thought of another thing. So he opened his eyes and asked, "can gods heal only when they enter the kingdom of God?"

Horus nodded again: "how can the gods heal in that eternal silence? He has only two choices: to enter the kingdom of God or to return to the world. "

Amun pointed to Horus's empty sleeve: "is that what you've been hurt? Did Seth cut off one of your arms? "

Horus shook his head. "Gods and mortals do not exist the same way. They appear only in the form of things. If I want to, I can grow a lot of arms, but I keep this empty sleeve because the injury is not good, the self in my heart is like this. It was Marduk who hurt me, and Seth took the opportunity to drive me back from the throne and made a new agreement with Marduk

I see! Amun had long known that there was an agreement between the various gods, and that the gods could not easily and directly intervene in the human struggle unless they were challenged by ordinary people. Horus formed a huge cloud eagle in the red point line, and enqi began to do it. The Uruk army came from the kingdom of Baron, and the God of the kingdom was Marduk, so Marduk challenged Horus.

After Horus was defeated, Seth came forward to reach a new agreement with Marduk, and took the opportunity to drive Horus back to the throne. Later Horus healed in the kingdom of Allah until Seth was devastated by the storm of Mary's destruction and came to the kingdom of Allah. So he didn't want to stay with horst.

The more Horus said, the more questions Amun had. He couldn't help but ask, "I heard that Isis is no longer here. Isn't she in the kingdom of Allah? If so, where did she go? "

Horus's countenance was somewhat indescribable, as if with emotion or regret, and bowed his head and replied, "Isis is indeed not here, or has fallen. However, her fall is not because of fighting with whom, nor because her eternal life has come to an end, but because she aspires to pursue a higher realm. I can hardly explain to you clearly "

Amun's look is also deeply shocked, and involuntarily leans forward and asks," higher realm? There is a higher realm for the gods beyond immortality, and they also need to pass the test? "

Horus shook his head gently and said, "not a test, but a wish from the heart. Isis pursues a higher realm than Ann - La. Unfortunately, she has not succeeded. According to human years, she should have disappeared 50 years ago. " When he spoke, he printed a complex message into Amun's mind, a way of communication similar to the one used in the great wish to hide——The God beyond eternal life is the eternal existence, but what is the significance of this eternal?

Step out of the world, stay in the concept of no time and space, if you return to the world, you will be just like when you left, but I am afraid the world has changed for thousands of years. No matter who is in such a situation, they will not have too many thoughts, and the gods will pursue a higher realm.

At the beginning, Allah opened up his own world in the absence of everything. The world was as vast as the vision contained in the soul. Allah created everything in this world. At the beginning, the world only belonged to him. There were only two "things" - Allah and all things he created. Such gods are called "the creator.".

But other gods cannot enter the world because they were not created by Allah. Later on, an-la reached a higher level and reached the acme beyond the cultivation of immortal gods. Finally, he was able to open up the world and let the gods who were led by him enter the kingdom of God from the eternal extinction, and the nine linked God system was born. Such a God is called the creator God.

Later, two gods also possessed the ability of "creator". They attached themselves to the kingdom of Allah and opened up the world created by their souls. They were Isis and Seth. If they can also reach the realm of "creation God" like Allah, they can establish a new God system.

Why is it said that the realm of Allah is the ultimate transcendence of immortality? Isis had consulted Ann - La, who told her why. If you want to pursue a higher realm, you must make a wish with eternal soul. Failure means falling down and the world created will disappear. Since he has become a God beyond immortality and created his own world, why make such a choice?

"Creator God" has the supreme and unique status in the system of gods. It has a different concept from the main god in the human God realm. He is eternal and irreplaceable. But in the eyes of ordinary people, it is not without cost to become a creator God, because his soul is integrated with the kingdom he created, so he can't leave the Kingdom at will. Once the creator God leaves, the kingdom will be closed and other gods will not be able to enter.

But for the creator himself, this is not a price, and would rather be. If you have already possessed the world created by the soul, you can open it to the gods in the system of gods. Why return to the world or the eternal extinction?

Both Isis and Seth, who have become "creators", have higher pursuits, but their choices are different.

Seth wanted to be the same "creation God" as Angela. After the fall of Isis, Seth forced Horus back to the throne and asked the Pharaon eracht to carry out monotheistic reform. He regarded Angela as the only God, and he called himself the leader of the angels. As for the mystery of his practice, even Horus could not tell clearly, because he did not confirm that realm.

Isis made another choice. She wanted to open up a different kind of Kingdom, which was different for the creator God himself and for the gods who entered the kingdom.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to understand the difference, so we can just use the analogy of human things. For example, in Allah's kingdom of gods, if the gods want a palace, they can't build them, because that is the soul world of Allah, so they can only ask Allah to build one for him. As for the Kingdom Isis pursues, other gods can build their own temples as long as their souls are integrated into it.

On the other hand, the kingdom of God will not be closed because of the departure of the creator God. As long as the creator God does not fall, no matter where it is, the gods can enter there. But Isis failed, at the cost of eternal life.

This message was printed into his soul, and Amun was silent for a long time. The sun on the sea has gradually risen, the light reflected by the waves in the distance flickers a little dazzling, and the wind is getting bigger and stronger, and the clothes are blowing and hunting. Amun finally understood one thing, not to become the immortal god can establish a divine system, Scorpion King Surabaya's idea is a bit ridiculous, and his original idea is also somewhat unrealistic.

Some things Yin Nanna didn't tell him, probably because there was no need, or because she had not had time to elaborate. Yin Nanna knew that Amun didn't want to join the anuna Apocalypse system. At least, it was impossible to persuade him. But the goddess also said that after he became a real immortal God, he would be willing to be the accepter of Amun. Then Amun could reconsider.

Whether Surabaya or Amun, if he really becomes a God beyond immortality, he can establish his own divine realm and guide his disciples to practice the original power, but he can not establish a true God system. It's a long way to go from being immortal to being the God of creation. The oath of the gods to join a certain God system is not only a kind of loyalty or commitment, but also a series of crucial guidelines before and after they become gods.

After a long time, Amun said, "if Seth doesn't want to see me, I can't find him until I become a God beyond eternity. Is that all you want to tell me today? thank you! Although I already know it, now I understand the real reason. "

Horus said modestly, "I have said so much, but the main purpose is not that. In fact, I want to cooperate with you and invite you to join the nine link divine system. If you like now, I am your guide. You can also think about it after you become an immortal God, and I will be your accepter. I have already said to Allah, who has no objection. He also said that he would like you to come to his kingdom one day. "Amun's eyes narrowed, as if the light reflected from the sea was too harsh. He asked in a low voice, "why do you think I might accept your suggestion?"

Horus replied slowly: "I know your relationship with the goddess Muyun. She must be willing to be your guide or guide. But don't forget the attitude of the whole anuna Apocalypse to you. Neither enril nor Marduk will welcome you. I'd rather go back to the human world to heal my wounds than stay in a place with Seth. I'm afraid you are even more reluctant to join the anuna apocalypse.

But the nine link system is not the same. I know that you and Seth have a feud, and Anla has sent down the oracle to let Seth solve it by himself and bear the consequences for what he has done. The rest of the nine linked gods and the gods in the divine realm will not interfere. There should be no hatred between you and the nine linked gods. I have appeared in the battlefield to help you, and I can see that you have great respect for Isis.

You want to destroy Seth, I can help you, we cooperate. If I succeed in the future, I will take back the status of Lord God and share it with you. Just like Marduk and enril, we will become the two main gods of the nine linked system, sharing the upper and lower Aegean realm. The temple of Seth in lower eju will be the temple of Amun in the future. You have cut down the statue of Seth, but for the gods, what better way to revenge

Amun looked into the God's eyes and said, "whether you make such a promise or not, whether I join the nine link system or not, I will not let Seth go. Ra - thank you if you're willing to help, as I said. But I'm not interested in your advice. I'm here for Maria, not for you or Seth

Horus laughed. "You don't have to be eager to refuse. Wait until you become a real God, and then I'll come back to you."

Amun also said with a smile: "really, when I get there, I'll talk to Ann - La. A lot of what you told me today is beyond your knowledge, right But I still want to thank you. Although you have your purpose, I just want to know two things. One is whether Mary can be recovered? Second, how can I enter the kingdom of nine linked gods when I become a real God in the future? You don't have to tell me. I'll go and ask yinnana. "

Horus was stunned: "yinnana?"

Amun explained: "it is the goddess Mu Yun. You have seen her on the battlefield. Isn't it because of her appearance that you appear?"

"It's not entirely because of You don't know about the gods yet. In fact, I can answer the two questions you care about. It's not difficult to enter Allah's kingdom of God. It's just that you can accept Allah's guidance and understand the beliefs he imparts on earth. Maria left a tear of the gods. I heard that you took it away. You don't know the real use of this stone? "

Horus also printed a message into amon's mind, explaining the mystery of the tears of the gods. Amun had a tear of the gods long ago, which came from the relics of Bell and Cong Ni. He knew that it was a very magical stone, which had no difference in physical properties. It could assist any divinity to perform. It could achieve instant effect when inlaid on the staff.

Horus told him another thing: the gods could not bring anything into the eternal world of annihilation at will. Even their own bodies were already different after they became gods. Only when the material has been fully refined and integrated with the body and mind, can it enter and leave the world. This kind of artifact is called sacred object or artifact.

The tears of gods are a kind of natural artifact, which can be integrated with body and mind without any processing. This is the meaning of artifact. It has nothing to do with its power, but it is usually more powerful and more useful than ordinary magic weapons. The tears of gods can replace any stone of gods, and all artifacts that need to be processed with other stones can also be processed with tears of gods, which is much more powerful.

The tears of gods have another use. No matter how you use it to refine any magic instrument, as long as you refine it completely and make the tears of the gods part of it, the whole of the magic instrument will become a new artifact. As for its power, it depends on the level of the smelter and the materials used.

In addition to its use in utensils, the most important attribute of the tears of the gods is the belief that can protect the soul and integrate into the soul. Therefore, if it is used as a casting medium, the probability of success of power awakening ceremony will be much higher, and the power and scope of divine arts such as blessing and protection will be greater.

The tear of the gods that Amun got earlier is the sacred object of the saints of Isis temple, which contains the soul imprints of the saints of all ages, but only the saint can open these marks. The tear of the gods left by Maria was mined by Amun and only Maria had been sacrificed by herself. It contains the guidance of Maria's faith and her soul imprint, which can only be opened by Mary herself.

This is the unique divinity of Isis to protect the tears of the gods on the scepter of the virgin, which Horus understood.

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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