Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 225

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:25:23 AM

Chapter 225

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Marduk replied, "I'll let you make bait to lure enril. It's a great adventure for you. You can ask for anything."

Amun thought for a while and said, "first, you can't attack me. You can't even take the opportunity to get rid of me, including the God envoys under you. Second, the people of Salem have their own gods of faith. You can no longer force them to change their beliefs or interfere in their choices as they did at the beginning. "

Marduk said with a smile: "the first condition is all right. It's perfectly normal for you to make such a request. As for the second condition, I can promise you that even if my believers occupy the whole land of Tianshu, they will not interfere in the belief of Salem. But I would like to remind you that people believe in gods, not because they are born to believe, but because they can get spiritual comfort from gods, or realize their desires in the name of gods. The world is changing and people's hearts will change. The descendants of Salem city will make different choices. At that time, I'm afraid that you will watch your statue fall. This is not my breach of the agreement. "

Amun nodded and said, "OK, it's a deal! How can I inform you when everything is ready? "

Marduk replied, "you are also a God. You should know that many Marduk temples in the world can call on me."

Amun shook his head and said, "if enril wants to kill me, I won't have a chance to call on you."

Marduk laughed and threw his hand into the air. It was like grasping something in the void and condensing into a blood red stone. He handed the stone to Amun and said, "this is the blood I shed in the test of becoming a God. You can crush it with your magic power at the right time, and I will appear naturally. Remember, when using mana, please call my name - potion

Amun took the blood red stone and said, "Bosten?"

Marduk stood up and held his head high. "This is my other name. I have many names in the world. Please don't disclose it to anyone."

After that, he turned and stepped into the void. Amun cried behind him, "I will tell you my plan in advance, and then crush this stone at the most appropriate time. But you should offer another kind of assistance. How can I get rid of sinach? "

Marduk's voice came over: "it's your business. You can solve it yourself. But I can give you two little tips. " He left smartly, but left a message in Amun's soul, saying two "little things" -

first of all, the origin of the Assyrian queen Semir was related to the monster guided by amart to enchant the mermaid king in the battle between the gods of anuna. The name of the enchanting Mermaid king was siren, which disappeared after the war of the gods. Surabaya and renyun did not know his whereabouts, but Marduk and enril found out the later whereabouts of siren.

Enchanting mermaid is a kind of variant sea demon in the deep ocean. Amun has seen Celia's calling ballad Leo, which is the origin of enchanting Mermaid and has achieved great success in spiritual cultivation. In the same way, siren, the enchanting Mermaid king, came to Tianshu in the same way, but he was luckier than mirio. He accepted the guidance of amart and became a powerful God in the nine link divine system.

In the battle of the gods, siren was seriously injured, and finally he was hard to cure after escaping. So he made a choice - to give up the body of this life and start afresh with the imprint of soul.

When best made a new choice, he still went to be a cat, but sirens became a man, born in the northern city-state of Assyria. As a newborn baby grows up, he gradually awakens the imprint of his soul. Naturally, it is much faster to practice the original power in the new life than the sea demon at that time, but it does not mean that he can achieve the same achievement.

Life has a lot of experience, training and chance luck may never come again, the newborn siren finally arrived at the end of life. He may have overlooked one thing, human life is much shorter than a sea demon. His experience and verification on the road of cultivation may not be suitable for this short period of 100 years. Life will come to an end before he has come and passed the test of life. At this time, enril discovered his whereabouts.

When siren comes to the end of his life, he makes a decision that he will not be reborn with his soul imprint, but leave completely. He dissipated all his power, including the memory of the newborn, just to do something before he died, leaving a certain impression in the soul of his descendants, passing it on from generation to generation, until one day someone can wake it up.

The siren disappeared, but he left his descendants. He spread his branches and leaves to form a tribe in the north of Assyria. The soul imprint containing the guidance of power is passed down from generation to generation in the soul of a certain people. So far, the last one is Semir. Semir is now a nine level warrior, but Amun is aware that she knows magic. Although she doesn't use high-level magic directly, she uses her strength very well, much like an emissary who focuses on fighting.

Semile should have awakened the imprint in the soul, and was guided by the power left by the siren, and then the mark disappeared. Soon after her ex husband, the imperial general, died, sinach wanted to marry her. She either married the king or watched her people perish - a choice sinnah had given her, and enril told him in the oracle of his birth.Semir was forced to agree to marry sinnah, and had an agreement that she could not harm the king, and the king could not harm her people.

This is the story of semile and her marriage to the king. Marduk told Amun another little secret about Faust.

Faustus, the sage of Assyria, was respected by the whole country. He loved knowledge but was not close to women. He lived a pure life. But when he saw semile, his soul was never at peace because he fell in love with him. In addition to knowledge, the sage also yearned for love, but this wish is almost impossible to achieve.


When Amun came to his senses with the blood red stone in his hand, the sun had risen over the valley, and it was noon unconsciously. After the conversation between Goethe and Faust ended, Faust stood up and bowed to Goethe, and then walked down to the top of the mountain.

Although Amun has been discussing things with Marduk, he also clearly knows the process of the talks there. Goethe did not ask Faustus to do anything, but talked about Faust's wishes and sinnah's actions, pointed out the past, present and future of Assyrian Empire, and put forward a possibility of choice. Only by changing a king and changing its national policy can the disaster be ended.

To put it bluntly, it is to launch a palace coup to let sinnah the great die at the peak of his career. But the new king must be supported by all forces in the country and be able to control priests, bureaucrats and military groups. This person should have enough authority and desire to change national policy.

As for what Goethe said, Faust neither agreed nor denied, but left quietly. Semile heard all these words, expressionless and speechless. As Faust went down the hill and passed by, she turned and walked down the mountain together. Song lie holding a glass, watching the two people's back disappear in the boundless peaks.


Faust walked silently on the way back to enril city. He was suffering in his heart. Every word that Goethe said was right, which was what his desire meant. He didn't say any negative words during the meeting, but he had already indicated an attitude, and the desire in his heart had sprouted.

Semir was right behind him, and Faust kept a level 9 warrior so close and unprepared that it would be easy to kill him now if he wanted to stop a possible coup in the future. But the queen didn't do anything. She walked out of the mountains and came to the plain. The silent Faust suddenly heard Semir's voice: "no matter what you want to do, I will not hurt sinach."

Faust did not look back and asked, "do you still believe in that God? My faith is fading away from him

"My oath, perhaps, has nothing to do with the gods," Semir replied

Faust sighed, "Your Majesty, you may kill me. I would rather die in your hands and end this pain." Semile replaced the answer with silence, and she did not do it.

They passed through a stream in the wilderness and walked into a lush forest. Faust suddenly heard a vague voice: "wise man, why are you so miserable? The knowledge you seek has changed the king. It's not what you want to see. The love you seek is nearby, but you can't speak. People who are critically ill don't know where their injuries are! Why to witness the disappointed self in patience? Tell yourself what you want, release your soul, and accept the guidance of happiness. "

Faustus was surprised. The sound had been printed directly into his soul from a long distance, and semil could not hear it behind him. Faust's method could not detect the source of the voice, which showed that the man's divinity was better than him. I'm afraid only gods can do it. After years of cultivation, he was very calm and did not show any abnormality on the surface. When walking, he asked in his soul, "who are you and which God are you?"

Then Faust had a vision in front of his eyes, which appeared directly in the world of soul meditation. A god stood in the cloud in the sky, smiling and answering, "you can call me Satan, or you can call me Mephisto in Assyrian language. I am the adversary, to help you against that disappointing fate. "

This is the image of Amun, which is completely different from his usual appearance. This image is created by artists in the world and comes from the murals and carvings of the Egyptian empire. The Egyptians once claimed that the name of the "blasphemous devil" was Satan. He lured people to fight against the will of the gods. If written in anunaghi's script, it was Mephisto.

The king did not announce that he was Amun, but the craftsmen and artists in the world created this image and described it in the murals of temples and even in the carving of tombs. The theme is often that people get rid of the temptation of Satan, look up to the glory of the gods, or the gods defeat Satan.

The artists in eju gave Satan a double image in their works: perfect and handsome face, but behind him is covered with a layer of black fog, which contains a group of shadows, and the shadow shows a ferocious long horn and a pointed tail.

Amun has just been surprised to learn that Marduk has another name called Bosnian. He can't help but think that he also has another name called Aloha, and there is also a personal name of "Satan". No one knows that Satan is Amun, but this image has become vivid from the imagination of countless people.A moment later, Amun showed this appearance in Faust's soul. It was not a sudden fantasy for no reason. His identity was just in line with what he wanted to do.

Faustus instinctively yelled in his soul, "Mephisto, please don't shake my faith!"

Amun laughed: "if that's your belief, I can't shake it. People's faith is always the master of their own heart. I just let you examine your heart. Please release your wish and tell yourself how to achieve it. " Along with the words, a piece of information naturally printed into Faust's soul, just hit the secret of the great magician's heart.

Amun knew Faust's wish: what he wanted was not knowledge itself, but the fruit of wisdom; what he wanted was not abstract love, but semile around him; what he wanted was not the power of divinity, but the hope that he could escape the suffering of life. The message was like a hot brand into the soul, and Faust shuddered involuntarily.

"What's the matter with you?" Semir asked

Faust quickly replied, "nothing, I just feel the pain, the pain of choice."

Amon said in his soul, "Faust, if you make a choice and let me help you realize your wish, we can make an agreement."

Faust asked, almost groaning, "what agreement?"

Amun didn't want to make any exchange with Faust, but at the moment he felt that it might be another choice to test the human soul, so he slowly replied, "your wish is the master of your heart, and the power I guide is its servant. When it comes true, give your soul. "

Faust asked, "but how can you get it? How ethereal it is

Amun said with a smile: "the gods have their own means. When the servants become the masters, you will understand! If you promise, I can tell you an answer now, which is the source of power to be a God. And the queen semil around you, in fact, knows the secret. The answer you have been searching for in the ocean of knowledge has long existed in places you can't see. "

Faust asked again, "you seem to be able to see through the human soul. Please tell me whether Samuel loves me or not."

Amun laughed again: "your wish is the master of faith, my guiding power is only its servant, so you should ask yourself whether semile will fall in love with you? If she's still there, you'll never get her. Goliath has told you what to do. Isn't that what you want? "


Semile was walking when he saw Faustus turn around and say to her, "Your Majesty, if your majesty sinach wants to marry Princess Xiaoxi and set up another queen, I, the chief high priest of the Empire, must preside over the ceremony and clearly point out your fault."

Semil replied without expression: "with the madness of isinnah, he could have made two queens and ordered the imperial decrees to be changed. But you do need to preside over the ceremony, and you should be ordered to rush there soon. "

Faust: I ask you to come with me. It's both a request and an order! Although I have never exercised this power, as the chief high priest of the Empire, I have the right to ask her majesty to have another queen present at the time of her canonization, whether she intends to depose you or not. "


Recently, the most important thing in the kingdom of Baron is that Princess Xiaoxi is going to marry. The marriage of a princess to another king is often a sign of alliance between the two countries and a very common political marriage. For example, the former French king of Egypt, lasias II, once married the daughter of Lucier, the former king of hathi. At that time, the two countries concluded a peace treaty after the war.

But today's situation is well known to all. Princess Xiaoxi's marriage to sinnah, after the kingdom of Baron's surrender to the Assyrian Empire, means both the recognition of the status quo of the alliance between the two countries, but also means the peace and kinship controlled by people. But in any case, the ailing kingdom of Baron needs a chance to breathe. Many people also hope that the beautiful and wise Princess Xiaoxi can bring peace and turn for the kingdom.

Although the kingdom was just defeated, the dowry of Princess Xiaoxi was still rich and luxurious, full of dozens of luxurious carriages. The place where sinnah the great married the princess was in the city state of Rhys in the former kingdom of balun, which is now the Xinjiang region of Assyria. Rhys was a rich city-state, and it was the last of the six cities occupied by the kingdom of Baron to be captured by Assyria.

At that time, at Faust's suggestion, the new deal of the Assyrian Empire had been carried out. Therefore, the city-state was not damaged to a great extent, and the former prosperous and prosperous appearance was largely preserved. After sinnah occupied the city of Rhys, he scattered all the aborigines and moved a large number of people from other occupied areas. They were assigned land to settle here, serve in the Kingdom and pay taxes.

Rhys city is located on the East Bank of the Rhys river. The lower reaches of the Rhys River and the Youdi River converge to form a vast alluvial plain. Baron city is on that plain, which is the birthplace of an ancient civilization. After sinnah occupied the city of Rhys, his military expansion had reached the limit. The Assyrian army had to manage the vast occupied areas. The production of the destroyed areas had not yet been restored, so the great emperor suspended his sabres.

Sinnah liked the climate and beautiful environment of rish, which was much more comfortable than duniwei, king of Assyria. In the northwest of the city-state, there are beautiful mountains and rolling grasslands. There are abundant vegetation and water plants. There are many wild animals inhabiting it. It is a natural hunting ground. Now it has been designated as the royal hunting ground exclusive to sinah the great.**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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