Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 234

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:25:07 AM

Chapter 234

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At the end of chapter 232 "all glory to God" in Tianshu, a dialogue between semile and Faust is written, in which the concept of "the end of the world" is mentioned, especially the story told by Faust, which concludes with "you are my threat". Some book friends may feel familiar and associate with something.

Yes, it is the "China threat" which is very popular in the western world in recent years.

It may be difficult for some people to understand that in history, the Chinese army has never set foot on their land, massacred their people, plundered their wealth and threatened their survival. On the contrary, the British and French allied forces burned the Yuanmingyuan and ransacked the Forbidden City. The great powers have insulted China for a hundred years and almost reached the brink of national survival. Why do so many people feel such a strong threat when this ancient civilized country has just recovered its vitality?

Naturally, the reasons are complex, such as the change of geopolitics, the struggle for resources, the loss of vested interests and hegemonic status, etc. a discussion in Chapter 014 of Tianshu "when greed becomes a habit" can also explain the root cause of some aspects. But there is a very important shadow imprinted on the soul, which can be solved in Faust's story.

This brand existing in the soul, more or less, also emerged the shadow of a certain civilization.

This book tells the story of Amun, how the God became a God, how he became a God, and what kind of God he became? This is the source of divinity under the background of time and space, as well as another source of civilization different from the country we live in. Amun is the protagonist, but this does not mean that Amun represents the only way to prove. Even if he finally gets detached, the background world behind him may not be detached, which should be paid special attention to.

In the Western Christian civilization, or more broadly, in the tradition of Abraham's theocracy, "eschatology" is a lingering complex. In fact, the story of the great flood in the Old Testament is the "doomsday" that has happened. This is a way of thinking hidden behind civilization. The prediction of human society at the end of deduction is rooted in the mentality of civilization, just like the shadow of Satan.

Buddhism also has the saying of "the end of the law era", but that and the "judgment of the last day" of the Christian civilization are totally two thoughts. In the country we live in and the civilization and culture we inherit, Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and Mohism have no eschatology. Although their positions are different, the core of their ideological appeal is compatible. This also reflects the different cultural mentality caused by the core of civilization.

In the face of the fusion of another civilization or the invasion of culture, there are many seemingly shining philosophic ways on the surface. However, if we are not careful to be surrounded by them, we may also fall into a kind of civilization conflict and entanglement. So, how to face this conflict based on oneself?

Due to the theme and background, this book focuses on the story of Amun before and after becoming a God in that time and space. It is impossible to deconstruct the conflict between the two civilizations in detail. Even if the later text may write about Amun and the eastern sentence Mang's theory, it is only an interleaved chapter, and it is impossible to expand the focus and affect the main line of the story.

If you are interested in this aspect of the content of the book, I recommend you to read my another book, "human desire.". The time when I started "human desire" on the Chinese website was in 2007, but the time background of the story in the book is now, that is, around 2012, and it happens in a country we are very familiar with. In that book, Gabriel reincarnated into the samsara and became a man named aphena, while medanzo became a talking donkey after several generations.

If you have limited time, you can read only the four chapters of human desire, which are 200 chapters of "he Bang is not a thief inside and outside the country" to 201 "embracing and departing from the rebellious side" and 106 "silver stove shining through snow and charcoal light" to 107 "Xiao Peng talking about scriptures" in Chapter 107. If you are also interested in the whole story, you are recommended to read the book and say thank you for your support!

As for my explanation after "all glory belongs to the Lord" in Chapter 232 of Tianshu, I specially add such an explanation, which is a kind of annotation to the content of this chapter. The fifth volume of the book is called "the source of divinity", and the next volume is called "Satan". In the light of that divinity, it is also the shadow of Satan. If all the glory belongs to the Lord, then God and Satan will be with him.

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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