Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 246

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:24:47 AM

Chapter 246

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Yin Nanna still said in a weak voice: "but you are clearly not happy. Can't I feel it?" After you become a God, I also understand thoroughly that the so-called curse of Mu Yun goddess was caused by me

Amun shrugged: "in that case, what else do you want me to say about you?"

Mu Yun goddess suddenly chuckled, from a very aggrieved look to a very happy look. Amun puzzled asked: "what's wrong with you? What's so happy?"

Mu Yun blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "of course it's because of you! Do you remember that you have never been angry in front of me, no matter what I have done, you are not unhappy, today is the first time. In fact, I also know in my heart that you were in order to fulfill the promise to me, and later to appreciate that I am willing to help me. You don't care about me, but it doesn't matter to my existence. It's not until you hear that you're upset about it that I'm sure you have the kind of care I want. "

Amun looked at her but said nothing. Yin Nanna suddenly thought of something and said, "if Adado knew that you wanted to attack erebi's underworld, you had used any means to deal with enril, he might use some means to deal with you. You must be careful not to fall into the trap Anuna inspires the gods, even if they want to help you, but you can ask her for help

"Who?" Amun asked

Goddess Mu Yun pinched him and said, "know why! Of course, it's your gentle, beautiful, capable and greedy cat! She already has the achievements of the creator Now anunaghi's creation God has disappeared, and she has lost the LORD God in the divine realm. She can take this opportunity to come in. If no one can control her, it's not a violation of the agreement between the gods, but she can only help you, and she can't take the initiative to attack. "


When Amun and Artemis appeared side by side in the garden of Eden, the disciples were shocked. The beautiful goddess's brown curly hair has been hanging down to her waist. Her robe is shining with light silver light, her left shoulder is covered with a green shawl, her bare right arm is wearing a silver glittering wrist guard, and her eyebrows are marked with a round of crescent moon.

Link, medanzo, George, Yunmeng, Gabriel, and Moses were the first to respond. They saluted Amun before greeting her. They were respectful and kind.

They were all people who had seen Schr? Dinger in those years. They knew that the cat was so big and frightening. It must be right to salute her first. Although it was Artemis, the attitude of the people in front of Amun was just like seeing the cat.

In the early years, the fat, lazy and greedy cat was like a God in the tribe of link, and Yunmeng, the armored beast king, was more like a follower of Schrodinger. Later, Amun led the army in the battle, and the cat became both beautiful and imposing. When the general and the cat were sitting at the same table, the general always let the cat sit on the front seat. His subordinates knew that.

The disciples now know the origin of the goddess best. Schr? Dinger was the imprisoned goddess of best, and it was the process of Artemis' re-entry into the world. This God from the Olympian system now has the achievements of the creator.

Among all the disciples, Moses took the most solemn attitude. He prostrated himself and said, "it was you who separated the Red Sea and let me and my people leave eju safely. I don't know how to thank you. Today I finally have the opportunity to salute you!"

The seagull's attitude was the most curious. He saluted and said, "I heard Celia say that when Amun set the king aside, but let a cat sit on the front seat to eat, she asked Amun for a duel. Knowing the cause and effect, the king nahathi can only hang it on one side while you are eating. "

Artemis had bright teeth and bright eyes, and even her smile seemed to add color to the whole garden of Eden. She said hello to each of Amun's disciples, and finally said to Yunmeng with a smile: "I really didn't expect that you, the armored beast, have become a level 8 God and such a beautiful girl!"

Yunmeng turned into its original form, nodding and saluting as before, and spitting out his words: "thank God Amun and you for saving me on the boat in the flood and taking me to link's village. Otherwise, how could we be today?"

She looked around the garden of Eden and said, "this should be the cave dwelling savage tribe in those days, but now it has become a beautiful temple. Amun, you are really a miracle man. Your friends and subordinates have made amazing achievements."

Amun has not only become a God himself, but also the gods in the garden of Eden is now a powerful force. Medanzo, Gabriel, link and seagull have achieved level 9 achievements. Yunmeng, Julio, Moses and George have all achieved level 8 achievements of their original strength. Most of these people have strong fighting power. Amun's experience of becoming a God is very special, and the disciples he guides are very different from ordinary God envoys.

Before enril's fall, only Gabriel and medanzo in the garden of Eden broke through the level 9 achievement, and when Amun came back from the nine alliance Kingdom, some disciples were promoted. It seems that it is not a long time for Amun to enter the nine alliance kingdom to talk with an LA, but there are too many messages exchanged between the gods. The lotus flower was printed in the brow. It took more than a year for Amun to return to God. During this time, the disciples were growing.Amun, the God who explored and understood the original power by himself, and the God envoys guided by the countries all over the mainland are also the most outstanding talents today. The only regret is that John has been killed.

The disciples only practiced in the garden of Eden, and they lived a leisurely and comfortable life. When Amun came back, they all had a mission to follow Amun to the underworld of anunaghi. Medanzo, in particular, had long felt bored and longed for such a thing. It used to be bullied by others. Now, God Amun leads the team to attack, and Artemis helps. It has become the most lively event in the history of Eden.


Artemis is the God of Olympus, so it is not easy to ask her to come, but Amun has his own way to contact her. Both of them have their own marks on each other. They can call each other in the immortal eternity, and naturally they can feel each other. If not, Amun would have to send someone to the kingdom of hitton to pray to the statue of Artemis.

Artemis accompanied Amun to the garden of Eden, and at the same time analyzed the situation clearly: "of course, I am willing to help you. According to what you said, the creation God of anuna apocalypse is missing now, and the main god in the divine realm is no longer there, and there is no one to do my duty. It is not a violation of the agreement between the gods to enter the anuna apocalypse.

But if encountering anunaghi's gods, I can only protect you, but I can't take the initiative to attack them. Unless you can lead them out of the realm of God, I can do it with you. As for attacking the underworld, I'm afraid I can only stay with you to prevent anyone from hurting you. I can't do anything else

Amun said with a smile: "I am very grateful that you can come. Of course, I understand the agreement between the gods. The purpose of inviting you to come is not to attack the underworld. I have my own way to deal with erebe. However, there are other gods in anuna's Apocalypse system who hear about this news and will certainly take advantage of this opportunity to deal with me. I mainly guard against people like Adado, the storm God. I don't want to be cheated. "

Artemis said, "since I am here, I will protect you all the time. I will go when you go to Hades, but I also want to ask you a favor."

Amun said with a smile: "if there is anything you can say, between you and me, do you still need to talk about who helps whom?"

Artemis replied, "since you have made an agreement with Allah that you will become the main god in the realm of nine couplets after cutting Seth, I will ask for your consent and ask you to do something for me, just as you want to demolish anunaghi's underworld, I will also tear down Osiris' underworld! Do you agree? "

Amun was startled and quickly explained: "I have accepted the soul imprint and cultivation insight of an Kai's creation system, and I also know the importance of Hades to a divine system, and its existence is not unreasonable. The reason why I want to tear down erebe's underworld is not only because of personal hatred, but because I have vowed that I don't want to see such a underworld. But why did you tear down Osiris' underworld? Do you still remember what happened in those years? Didn't you get rid of it? Artemis, you are no longer best, nor the cat

Artemis said with a smile: "you have your reasons, and I have mine. For me, Schrodinger is not another life course in the endless experience, but a part of my cultivation and verification as the goddess Artemis. The truth is my experience. I don't necessarily want to tear down the underworld, I just want to make an end of Osiris.

Osiris trapped himself in the underworld for many years, trying to break through the creator's achievements in this way, but he didn't understand that he would never break through without extricating himself from this self confinement. He had a guide to help best, but also had a grudge of imprisonment, so I not only find him to settle accounts, but also help him to extricate himself, depending on whether he has this lucky! I only ask you, at that time, will you help or not? "

Amun nodded and said, "help, help! If one day I become the main god of the nine link system, I will not only allow you to go to the underworld to find Osiris' trouble, but I will go with you! "

Artemis took Amun's arm and shook happily: "you have always been Amun!" This is how they talked and laughed. They entered the apocalyptic realm of anuna and came to the garden of Eden to gather all the disciples to discuss the attack on Hades.


Amun is a senior general, and he is proficient in the use of military. It is said that the more hidden things should be done, the better is to attack suddenly without any sign in advance, so that the other party can break through the underworld without any precaution.

This time, however, he did the opposite. In advance, he not only leaked the news, but also asked goddess Muyun to tell anuna the gods in the kingdom of God, for fear that some gods would not know about it. He hoped that the greater the disturbance, the better. Excited, medanzo even asked, "if we gather our troops to kill the underworld, do we still need to erect a flag? What do you think is written on the flag, Amun

All of them were amused by him. Link got up to pull the flag, but Amun stopped him with a smile. Just then Amun heard a prayer from Salem. It turned out that the mine at the foot of the Assyrian plateau was hit by a storm. The fierce wind rolled down from the plateau, leaving a field of sand and rocks. The sky was dark, killing and injuring many miners, including the guards sent by the city of Salem to the mine.Amun immediately passed the news to link and others, frowned and asked, "Aesop has just called to me, and the northern mine has been hit by a storm again. This is the fifth time in recent months, with more than 200 casualties. There has never been a storm in that area since the beginning of history. What's the matter? "

George quickly explained, "it's man-made, of course. It's prurie, the wind god! Enril is now in a state of survival. I have sent someone to negotiate with Faust to buy their city-state and land for a symbolic sum of money, so as to put an end to the invasion of DUK plain by the Assyrian Empire. I didn't expect that at this time, the gods intervened and encouraged them to continue to fight against Salem

Amun went into the nine alliance Kingdom and met with Anla. He tried his best to accept the Pang ran information contained in the lotus flower which was printed on his brow. Many of the contents still can't be fully understood. At that time, he couldn't pay attention to things outside the nine alliance kingdom. But at that time, the situation on the DUK plain was still evolving.

Aesop made a "cold war" strategy against the city of enril. He took back the traditional mines of the dukes and opened up new mines along the foot of the Assyrian plateau. At the same time, he stationed troops and gradually moved around from the rear side of the city of enril. He has targeted the logistics supply line across the Assyrian plateau to enril City, occupying an absolute advantage in strategic situation.

The continued consumption of enril is becoming more and more unworthy for the Assyrian Empire, leaving only the choice of decent withdrawal, which is beneficial to both sides. Aesop also sent messengers to contact Faustus, and gave the Assyrian Empire a step down, willing to pay a symbolic sum of money to buy enril city-state and their reclaimed land from the Assyrian Empire.

But at this time, Adado, the storm God, sent down the oracle. He summoned enril to continue to fight against Salem, and promised in the name of the gods that he would help and protect enril to win. The same Oracle also came to the Assyrian Empire's royal capital Nivea. Adado was the son of enril in anunakhi mythology, the God of war and storm. His statue usually stood beside enril in the side hall.

The words of the gods were fulfilled. The mines opened by Salem, located behind the city of enril, were attacked by sudden storms. Even the garrison outside the mine was not spared. These garrisons are nominally mine guards, but they are actually military forces to monitor and restrict the activities of enril city. It seems that the gods are helping enril break the blockade.

Although Amun was not there, the gods in the garden of Eden noticed that it was not right. They rushed to check in time and found that pruli, the God of the wind, was making trouble.

Under enril's God envoys, there were six major generals in the Central Plains, namely kibil, the God of fire, nugus, zhuxuan, Yifei, pruli, and mingyueye. Among them, Longhorn God and flying bull God were shot down by Gilgamesh, enril fell behind, and the moon night had left anuna's apocalyptic system, while the God of fire, ash, and wind all accepted Adado's guidance and became his envoys.

Adado was originally an emissary guided by enril, and later became a God beyond immortality, known as the God of storm and war. The cultivation of pruli, the God of gale, is the same as Adado. Now he is most respected by Adado. His best skill is to control the storm.

Pruli came to make trouble several times, causing casualties in the city of Salem. Medanzo and others rushed to stop it, but failed to seize the envoy, because there was no time to fight. Pruli should not be the most powerful fighting force of the six generals, but it is the fastest. A gust of wind will disappear. Unless it is a God beyond immortality, ordinary gods can not catch up with it!

Every time he came out to make trouble, once he found that medanzo or Gabriel and other people arrived, he immediately ran away from the wind and flew over the high mountains to the depths of the Assyrian plateau, and his pursuit was long gone. After all, it is the territory of anuna Qishen department, and medanzo and others are also afraid of ambush. Moreover, without Amun, they dare not make any suggestions, so they have to strengthen their defense.

This time, Amun returned to the garden of Eden and took Artemis to gather all the disciples to meet. As a result, pruli, the wind god, took the opportunity to do evil again. Salem suffered the most serious loss.

"He's looking for death!" he said angrily

Amun's face was even more diligent: "Adado is known as the God of storms, and he became a God under the guidance of enril. Pruli, known as the God of mad wind, is the Ninth level God under enril's guidance. When enril launched the flood that destroyed my hometown, he used the means to control the storm and cloud convection. I heard that these two guys were also accomplices! They dare to come to me before I can avenge them

Gabriel drew out his axe and stood up and said, "Amun, are you going to kill pruli? You don't need your help. The God emissary will deal with it naturally. You just need to block his way! "

However, Amun sneered and shook his head: "if none of you can catch up with him, and every time you run away, the speed that this person is best at will not be much slower than me. I'm afraid he's trying to lead me to chase him, and he knows that only I can catch up with him. I used to trap enril when I was fleeing, and Adado would not use the same means to deal with me

The disciples also thought of this possibility, and all showed a look of sudden enlightenment. At this time, Artemis took off his green shawl and silver wrist guard and handed it to Amun. He drew out a silver bow in the shape of a half moon and said, "Amun, why do you chase him? I'd like to see how fast the mad God can run**

PS: have a happy Spring Festival holiday. I wish you all a good time, work and study!

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**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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