Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 256

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:24:33 AM

Chapter 256

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Gabriel has passed the "examination of fate, the judgment of the end", disappeared in the gray whirlpool, and reached the immortal eternity. The pain suffered under the attack of black lightning instantly disappeared. There is no pain in the world with nothing. Even she is equivalent to no existence.

I don't know how long time has passed, because there is no concept of time. In the world, it may be just a moment or a long time. Gabriel finally came back to God. At the moment, she is a kind of idealistic existence. When the soul is clear, the spirit finally wakes up and feels a kind of guidance, which seems to be able to step into another world step by step. She had already seen a little light in the distance and near.

She was about to fly to this light, or the light approached her voluntarily, as if to introduce her into another world, and then the light disappeared. Gabriel was stunned when Amun's body suddenly appeared in front of her, opening up a lonely time and space with a wave. A complex and profound message was printed into Gabriel's soul. She also felt the pain caused by the injury of body and spirit.

Amun gave up the world he had created, opened up a space and time for Gabriel to heal, and told her many mysteries after transcending immortality at the first time. Gabriel saluted Amun. When she stood up again, Gabriel returned to her normal appearance. She held a golden Shining Stone and handed it to Amun. My God, relying on the protection of this stone, I finally passed the test and came to you. This stone is not damaged, but there is a tear mark. "

Amun took the tear of the gods left by Maria, and saw the tear trace in the light golden light. The tear marks are neither cracks nor lines of the stone itself. All ordinary sacred stones and all kinds of special sacred stones are free of any impurities. No matter what color they are, their texture is pure and transparent without any defects. If cracks appear on them, they will be destroyed and turned into powder.

This tear mark appears in the brilliance, no matter what angle you turn the stone, the tear mark appears in the place where you gaze.

There is no need for gods to open their mouths and communicate more. The information printed in the soul can clearly explain everything. Amun nodded and held up the tears of the gods, and the golden light sprinkled on Gabriel. It guarded this immortal spirit to heal, and the time passed by.

Gabriel's injury gradually recovered, there was no need to stay in this lonely time and space. She could return to the world and recuperate in the garden of Eden. However, Amun planned to wait for her to fully recover and teach some of the mysteries of spiritual cultivation, so she stood quietly in the lonely time and space holding the tears of the gods.

But Amun did not wait for Gabriel to recover completely. He did not know when and why. The golden light from the tears of the gods suddenly trembled. Gabriel in front of him also had a sense, raised his head from the state of meditation and asked, "my God, what's the matter that shocked you so much?"

What unexpected things can disturb the soul of Amun, who can even give up the divine world he created himself? At the same time, two things happened. One was that Gelei, the great divine master of division Amun Jingruo, was killed in battle; the other was that Amun heard a distant call from the distant anuna kingdom.

Goliath's prestige in the kingdom of hathia even surpasses the gods, and his status and glory are incomparable. What kind of war needs his old man to rush to the front? How could this almost the most outstanding military commander on the mainland die? It was 12 years since Amun left the world.


In his soul, Amun combined the lotus of the early times with the manuscripts of destiny. It took him three years to create a kingdom of God until he was destroyed. It took him seven and a half years to protect Gabriel and cure his wounds. Before Gabriel's arrival, Amun had been preoccupied and ignored anything that happened in the world.

In the past 12 years, earth shaking changes have taken place on the Tianshu continent. The fate of the people who Amun has traveled around the world has changed. All this happened, in a sense, because of the appearance of a God, that is, Marduk, who was separated from the apocalyptic system of anuna. On earth, there is also the rise of a kingdom, namely the kingdom of Boz.

The kingdom of Boz is far east of Tianshu. In history, it is a desolate and remote place without attention. There are many primitive tribes and weak countries, among which Boz is only one of them. The rise of Boz is the process of annexation and integration of these tribes and countries. However, there is very little contact between Boz and the countries in Tianshu continent, and people do not know much about it.

The most experienced mortal amon had ever seen was Aesop, who had been to many places and recorded numerous legends. On the way back to their hometown, Moses and others were tempted by a strange god, who called himself Barkley. Amun had heard of this name in Aesop's stories, and he was the God of the kingdom of Boz. Amun also suspects that this Barkley may be another identity of Marduk.

Amun's guess is right. Barkley is another name of Marduk, just as amon has another name called Aloha or Satan. The name of a God is not a praise Title offered by the human temple. Each name corresponds to a unique identity and a unique guidance. Believers in the world do not even know its true meaning.Before Amun left the world, the kingdom of Boz ushered in the fastest period of prosperity and expansion in history, which was directly related to the battle of sinnah the great. When the Assyrian Empire rose, sinnah not only attacked the plains of balun and DUK, but also launched a campaign to the east of the Empire, slaughtering many weak tribes and countries.

Many loose tribes and countries were unable to protect themselves and were afraid of the brutal slaughter of the Assyrian Empire. In order to survive and protect themselves, they turned to the increasingly powerful kingdom of Boz in the East. As a result, the territory of Boz and Assyria extended from east to west respectively, and eventually evolved into a state of contiguity, and the situation stabilized temporarily.

After the assassination of sinach, a brilliant monarch named Cyrus appeared in the kingdom of Boz. On the one hand, she also felt the pressure of the rise of the potz kingdom in the East. Faustus returned home and stayed in the city of doneveh, while the Legion of giants was sent to the eastern border to guard against the attack of the kingdom of van Boz.

Semir believed that if the kingdom of Boz continued to expand westward, the Assyrian Empire should bear the brunt of the war. But Semir guessed wrong. The kingdom of Boz evaded the reality and launched an attack on the kingdom of Elan north of Assyria, shortly after Amun left the world.


To the north of Assyrian Empire, it was a wild land in ancient times, where some nomadic tribes lived. Influenced by the civilization of Tianshu, these tribes learned to build city states, settled and integrated gradually in migration, and established a country called elan.

The army of Cyrus conquered Elan first. After the kingdom was destroyed, a province was established. The governor was appointed to be responsible for litigation, taxation and internal security. The primitive and backward kingdom was transformed into a modern city-state, and a set of administrative and military systems was established.

Soon after the annexation of Elam, the army of Boz continued to advance westward, bypassing the Assyrian Empire from the north to the northeast border of the kingdom of hathi, and captured the city-state of Ludi in hathi.

Ludi is located in the northeast corner of hathi, close to the edge of the wilderness. He has always been harassed by scattered nomadic tribes. The city-state guard is lax, and is doomed to collapse when the Boz army invades. The army sent by King Asher rushed to the border to meet them. As a result, Cyrus killed him and retreated. The king, who had been very proud of himself since his accession to the throne, finally realized that things were not going well, so he went to the door and asked Gore to come forward to command the army.

In recent years, Goethe no longer paid attention to the customs of the kingdom of hathia. He knew that his prestige in the kingdom was too high, which had affected the authority of King Asher. Therefore, he simply stayed away from suspicion, and King Asher was happy to see this. But this time the situation was different. King Asher could have sent a messenger to call Gore, but he went to Syria to visit him.

He did two things when he came back. One was to recruit troops from the cities of mexor and budamia to the northeast border. These two city states were established in the course of the war. The city-state Garrison and even ordinary residents were able to fight well, and their generals were also the legitimate people trained by gelie himself. The second thing was to send envoys to negotiate an alliance with the Assyrian Empire, and the two countries jointly fought against the army of Boz.

The original strategy of the Assyrian Empire was to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. They thought that the kingdom of hathi was not as weak as elan, and the army of Boz would pay a heavy price whether they won or lost. If Boz's army is defeated, the Assyrian Empire can take advantage of the opportunity to attack; if Boz's army wins, the Assyrian Empire can attack from the rear when it is tired.

But Goliath told the Assyrian queen Semir that the strength of the kingdom of Boz was beyond the original estimate, and that the army of hathia was no match. If the hathians were defeated, it would be difficult for the Assyrian Empire to take advantage of the strategy of gradually cannibalizing and supporting the war with the help of Cyrus. On the contrary, it would become the next target to be eroded. The best strategic choice is to join hands to attack.

After the deliberation of the Assyrian ministers, they finally thought that Gore's judgment was right. If the kingdom of Boz annexed elan, it did not lose anything. Instead, its strength was greatly increased. If it was to defeat hathi again, the Assyrian Empire would be surrounded by three sides, and a large army would be sent to attack the enemy's flanks.

The main battlefield took place in the city-state of Ludi in the kingdom of hathi and the province of Elam in the kingdom of Boz. The kingdom of hathi fought with the Assyrian Empire and defeated the attack of the kingdom of Boz, but the kingdom of Boz still held the province.

For the time being, the kingdom of Boz temporarily withdrew its troops, and the northern front did not succeed. The losses of Hattie and Assyria were not small, and they were unable to launch expeditionary operations in a short time. In this way, they faced off for several years. After that, Gore suggested that King Asher send envoys to negotiate with the Assyrian Empire, and strive to join hands to attack again.

But king Asher did not accept this suggestion. He did not want to launch an expedition. It was after a great defeat that the hathian Kingdom concentrated its strength and united with the Assyrian Empire to repel the attack of the kingdom of Boz. The native land of the kingdom of Boz is far east of Assyria. Even if the kingdom of hathi won the expedition, it would be a waste of money for the Assyrian Empire. They could not obtain actual benefits, but would greatly consume the already damaged national strength.

At this time, King Cyrus sent another large army to launch another battle under the leadership of Darius, the commander-in-chief of the battlefield and general of the kingdom. This time, the target was the Assyrian Empire.

The Assyrian Empire once occupied the six city states of the former kingdom of Baron. Boz sent troops to fight with the kingdom of Baron at the same time, and the target of attack was these six city states. The kingdom of Baron and Assyria were mortal enemies, and malduk also sent down the Oracle, ordering the kingdom of Baron to take advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack against Assyria. King von Neuer of Baron assembled a large army to attack from south to north, while Darius led the army from east to west.The Assyrian Empire was irresistible, and the front was too far away from the kingdom of hathia that it was impossible to join forces with hatti again. The army of Boz was overwhelming. Five of the six cities were captured by Darius, and Baron took the opportunity to recover the city states of Rhys.

From the result of this war, we can see that the fighting capacity of the army of Assyrian Empire is far less than that of sinach. They slaughtered too much at the time of opening up the territory and suffered serious losses in the occupied area. The people were forced to move to become slaves. The officers and men became new aristocrats. Their extravagance and lust were lost, and they were not popular.

In theory, the six city states had already been formally ceded to the Assyrian Empire, and they were no longer the territory of Baron. Whoever captured them was the one who owned them. King von neugh sent out his troops just to take back as much as he could. However, Baron's army captured only one city-state, while the army of Boz occupied all the other five city-states. The gap in combat effectiveness between the two countries can also be seen.

After conquering five city states from the Assyrian Empire, the kingdom of Boz established a new province. Cyrus carried out a military policy similar to that of sinnah. He maintained the privileged status of all the Boz people, and made all the adult men of Boz become soldiers who were obedient to the king and good at fighting.

As for the conquered areas, the kingdom of Boz established provinces and sent governors to manage them. They retained the status of the original aristocratic groups and allowed them to continue to act as administrators and rulers representing the kingdom of Boz. The kingdom of Boz digested the occupied areas very quickly. If the residents of Xinxing province joined the army, they could also obtain rewards by virtue of their military achievements and become the new aristocrats in the occupied areas. The kingdom of Boz could constantly supplement the source of troops.

After the establishment of a new province, the kingdom of Boz made a request to the kingdom of balun to cross the Euphrates River and attack the kingdom of hathi from the south. Its march route should pass through the city-state of Kish in the kingdom of balun.

King von Neuer of Baron knew that if the army of Boz crossed the Euphrates River to defeat Hattie, the kingdom of Baron would also face the situation of death and cold teeth, so he refused the request of borz to borrow his way. Cyrus sent envoys to denounce the kingdom of Baron. Under the guidance of the oracle and the help of the army of Boz, they defeated the dead enemy Assyria and recaptured the city of REEs. They even refused to take a road!

The kingdom of Boz used this as an excuse to attack the city-state of Kish, and Cyrus ordered Darius to lead his army to attack Hattie again. The heavy troops of the kingdom of hathi were still in the northern city of Ludi, but the army of the kingdom of Boz launched a surprise attack from the southern line.

King Asher thought that Darius would march from the South Bank of the inland lake, break the city-state of Syria and enter the native land of hathia, so he transferred the garrison of mexor and budamia to the south of inland lake. However, Darius marched into the DUK plain and captured the city-state of Budapest in the first battle.

Suddenly, the king of Syria defeated the main garrison on the South Bank of the lake, and then he ordered the garrison to return to the north shore.

King Asher's judgment on the main attack direction of Boz's army was right, but he made mistakes in the details of tactical command. When Gore led the Kingdom's main force back, the defeat was irretrievable. The army of Boz broke through the city of Syria and entered the hinterland of the kingdom of hathia and approached the capital of the king. The main force of hathi was defeated, and most of its territory was occupied.

Darius, the commander-in-chief of the army of Boz, sent a letter to King Asher and the generals of the cities that were still holding fast, reading out the national policy of Cyrus: as long as they surrendered, the kingdom of Boz would still retain their property and aristocratic status, and divide the kingdom of hadith into several provinces of Boz.

Several city states surrendered, and King Asher was ready to surrender. If he doesn't surrender, he will die after his defeat as a king; if he surrenders, he will still be the largest aristocrat in the land of hatti, enjoying vast territory and slaves, and he is one of the rulers representing the kingdom of Boz.

Then Goethe found King Asher, and they had a long talk. Goliath told Asher that if he surrendered, the kingdom of hathia would never exist again. This was the same concept as defeat or surrender, but would be completely absorbed and disappeared.

Gore did not surrender. He asked King Asher to give him full authority to call for a final resistance against all those who did not want to surrender in the country of hathia, and to gather forces for a decisive battle. He said to King Asher, "if I win, then hattiecun; if I fail, surrender if you will."

The war launched by the kingdom of Boz also means the attack of Marduk on anunaqi's God system, and this God wants to swallow up the whole kingdom of anunaghi. The army of Boz occupied the city-state of Kish in the kingdom of balun, and did not destroy the temple of Marduk, but allowed the local soldiers, nobles and priests to retain their original beliefs.

Ordinary people do not know what happened between the gods, much less know that enril has fallen and Marduk has broken away from anuna. In their view, only one Lord God replaced another, so the resistance of aristocratic forces and theocracies was not strong.

However, Ge lie should be clear about the inside story. The great magician's belief has long betrayed enril. Why should he make such a choice between life and death? Moreover, even if the kingdom of hathia surrendered, he would not be greatly affected by his achievements and status. King Asher also asked him similar questions.

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